God Level Villain

Chapter 621: nothing left

The blade flickered with cold light!

Sun Ce shouted sharply: "Don't move, or I will kill him!"

"Miscellaneous, I'm the Lieutenant of Mo County, what are you going to do?" The leader gritted his teeth and made an extremely tough posture.

The soldiers around him immediately surrounded him, their long swords facing each other, and their bows and arrows pointed towards Sun Ce.

Sun Ce pushed the blade closer to the man's throat for half a minute, and while breathing, the county lieutenant could clearly feel a trace of blood from his neck, rolling down his throat and into his neck.

The big beads of sweat immediately wet the whole body!

The county lieutenant, who had been extremely tough, suddenly changed his attitude.

There was no need to threaten Sun Ce at all, the county lieutenant hurriedly shouted: "Don't come here, don't come here."

Sun Ce sneered to himself.

This guy is not a tough guy.

Sun Ce shouted sharply: "Let them exit the forest, otherwise I will-kill you with a single blow!"

The county lieutenant glared his eyes and shouted: "Why are you still stunned? Get out of the forest, hurry, let me get out of the forest.


Compared with Xiaoming, it is simply not worth mentioning!

Even if the reward is high, if there is no life to get it, it is false.

All the soldiers, look at me, I look at you, but there is no action.

The county lieutenant was furious: "Miscellaneous, don't hurry to get out of me, otherwise you won't blame me for being polite."

Sun Ce's blade continued to approach.

A stream of blood disappeared!

He could clearly feel the county lieutenant's body trembling from fear!

As a last resort, the soldiers and soldiers gradually retreated.

But it was only more than a hundred steps, not really leaving the forest at all.

But this is enough for Sun Ce.

The county lieutenant trembled and whispered: "General Sun, it's okay, in fact... Actually, the general is also assigned by Shangfeng, and he has to chase the general as a last resort. Don’t be wronged. will…"

Sun Ce secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Hearing the words of the county lieutenant, he immediately recalled the recent events, and couldn't help but curiously asked: "Let me let you go!"

Sun Ce turned a divine turn, showing a treacherous smile: "You have to answer my questions honestly, but there is a falsehood. This general will definitely break you into pieces!"

The county lieutenant hurriedly said: "Reassure the general, the general will know everything and say everything!"

"Why did you find us so quickly?" This question lingered in Sun Ce's mind for two or three days.

The rhythm of the chase is too frequent.

So that they did not have a two-hour break at a time.

Under long-term fatigue, their father and son's energy has been overdrawn to an extreme degree.

Sun Ce felt that there was a problem and it was absolutely abnormal, so he just asked about it.

The county lieutenant replied immediately: "General, there are actually..."


Oblique thorn in.

Suddenly, a dart flashed out, so accurate that it submerged into the opponent's chest.

The county lieutenant glared his eyes, and the words reached his lips. Before he could say anything, he died in front of Sun Ce.

Sun Ce hurriedly looked over, but only saw the shadows of trees fluttering, but there was no trace of people.

"Damn it!" Sun Ce gritted his mouth full of steel teeth.

Although he still doesn't know who the potential enemy is, he can be sure that someone will kill him in secret.

Who is this person?

Sun Ce didn't know, but he could guess by instinct.

Cheqi General Zhang Ying has always had great hostility towards the Sun family. He was the emperor's chess piece to counterbalance the Sun family.

In all likelihood, this person will help secretly.

But here comes the problem again!

If it is Zhang Ying's soldier, why should he hide his head and show his tail?

Perhaps it was to hide their whereabouts and not to arouse other people's suspicion. After all, this incident of the Sun clan has already pushed Zhang Ying and others to the forefront, and one more charge of assassination would simply discredit oneself!

Looking at the floating shadow of the tree.

Sun Ce secretly felt scared. Fortunately, he leaned against the big tree and protected the county captain in front of him, otherwise the attack by Shizi would definitely come to his chest.

so close!

Chief Sun Ce sighed and hurried to find Sun Jian in the forest.

During the two-person round, Sun Ce informed Sun Jian about what happened to Shicai.

Sun Jian gritted his steel teeth tightly: "Miscellaneous, my Sun Jian vowed not to be at peace with you!"

Sun Ce said, "Father, since this Yan is following us in secret, then there must be a hurried obstacle ahead. Zhang Ying definitely doesn't want us to reunite with Uncle Huang, what should we do?"

Sun Jian pondered for a long time, how could he not understand this truth.

Not afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs.

Zhang Ying had always been suppressed by Sun Jian, and the two had a deep conflict. Now that he finally encountered an opportunity to wipe out the Sun family, how could he give up.

The enemy that Sun Jian has to face is not only the night wind, but more importantly, the old enemy in his camp, the chariot general Zhang Ying and the confused emperor Liu You!

Seeing Sun Jian's silence, Sun Ce courageously said: "Father, otherwise, let's take refuge in the night wind! The admiral Zhou Yu has been trying to win over the child, and we can at least guarantee that Sun's lintel is undefeated with him!"

Sun Jian looked at Sun Ce and fell into thought.

Do not know why!

In the dark, he always had a strange feeling.

Ye Feng and himself cannot coexist.

As early as outside the Chongde Hall, he felt the hostility of Yefeng towards him.

It is a kind of death or death, a feeling of enemy and selflessness.

But now the Sun clan has finally made it to their current foundation.

If it was because of his feeling, the entire Sun family would be completely wiped out.

Sun Jian, as an entrepreneur, naturally does not want to see this.

Sun Ce whispered: "Father, this disaster is caused by the child. Naturally, the child will come to the east. Father can temporarily refrain from taking refuge in Yefeng, and the child will go on your behalf. If Yefeng treats you with courtesy, your father will take refuge in the family. , How?"

Sun Jian groaned for a moment, and let out a long breath: "Ce'er, I'm the father, and I'll go to meet Ye Feng. If he can really ignore the predecessors and treat each other with courtesy, even if we are the Sun family What's wrong with him?"

Sun Ce was overjoyed and nodded um: "If my father can do this, naturally it is the best!"

Suddenly, Sun Jian got up and said: "But, no matter what, we still have to arrive at Dongzhi first, and wait for your uncle Huang to meet before discussing!"

"It's all up to the father!"

Sun Ce stood up and said, and then followed Sun Jian and continued on the road.

In the forest not far away, there is a pair of clear eyes at this moment, and the second general of the Sun family is showing a calm smile.

After he left, he immediately left the forest, released a white dove, and asked for further instructions from the summit.

That's right!

The white pigeon is flying to the night wind camp.

This group of rangers in the dark is the most elite force under Ye Feng.

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