God Level Villain

Chapter 629: Turn the tide

Even if they are unable to turn the tide and slow the attack speed of the Yefeng army, it is still possible, so that they can buy more time, and when the day changes, they can definitely turn defeat into victory!


Liu Yao turned to ask: "Where is the loyal and brave general? Although Zhang Ying, the riding general, is brave and brave, compared with the brave generals under Zhao Thief, I am afraid there is still a gap!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Lu Su was not afraid of offending people, and simply admitted directly.

With a surprise of "Oh", Liu Yu asked, "Could Cheng Zijing have a suitable candidate?"

"This one…"

Lu Su groaned for a moment, and said: "Although there are suitable candidates here, your Majesty may not be able to use it!"

Liu You was overjoyed: "Zi Jing, when are you, why are you still selling Guanzi, please tell me quickly."

Lu Su frowned: "I hope your majesty will forgive the death penalty!"

Liu You felt bad, but he waved his hand and said, "I forgive you not guilty."

Lu Su said in this way: "Your Majesty, in the opinion of your minister, the loyal and brave will be condemned as a capital crime by you. Now the fugitive Jiangdong Tiger Sun Jian, if he is there, he will definitely be able to fight the Zhao Thief!"

After all, Lu Su could clearly feel the change in Liu You's face.

The smile that was originally surprised and hopeful, and thus bloomed like a flower, was instantly replaced by clouds and anger, and between the eyebrows, there seemed to be a volcano about to erupt!

Lu Su hurriedly explained: "Your Majesty calms down your anger and listens to the minister carefully."

Liu You's anger diminished slightly and waved to Lu Su to explain.

Lu Su exhaled and said softly: "The minister knows that your majesty is afraid of the right of the Sun clan, and Fang Yu convicted the Sun clan of fornicating thieves because of those letters."

"But if your Majesty thinks about it carefully, it takes more than two or three years for the Sun Clan to achieve such an achievement today. If he is against the intentions, why wait until the Zhao thieves are crushing the territory before they hack into the thieves?"

"This is totally unreasonable!"

With a sigh of relief, Lu Su vomited out the doubts about the case recently.

Mood, that's a comfort!

"His Majesty!"

Lu Su solemnly bowed: "Therefore, the minister thought that these letters were actually just a counter-measure that Sun Ce tried to persuade Zhou Yu to surrender to the Zhao Thief. They were only used by Zhou Yu and became a rift between His Majesty and the Sun family."

Liu Yao nodded silently, and said with approval: "Then according to Zijing's meaning, did I wrong the Sun and his son?"

Lu Su hurriedly changed his words: "Your Majesty, whether you have wronged the Sun family or not, they have already received a lesson. If your Majesty can exhort the world and save Sun's crime, then he will be grateful and loyal to your majesty."

Liu You hesitated slightly, not knowing why.

Lu Su continued to flicker: "Your Majesty, if Sun Jian can lead the army to confront the Zhao thief, the Huang Gai in Poyang Lake and the Sun Clan in the First Battle of the Yangtze River will definitely respond."

"In this way, not only can the Zhao Thief's military strength be greatly weakened, but even if it is used properly, it is not impossible to fight a beautiful turnaround!"

Liu You nodded silently.

The yellow cap of Poyang Lake has 80,000 soldiers!

Huang Zhong only commanded a hundred thousand troops. If he had 80,000 soldiers and horses and attacked 30,000 soldiers and horses with all his strength, it was basically clear at a glance which one would win or lose!

I have to admit that Liu Yao was a little tempted.

Compared with the subjugation of the country, the harm of Sun Jian is trivial.

More importantly, if you can successfully resist the night wind this time, it is not too late to turn your hands over and clean up Sun Jian.

Seeing Liu Yao's heartbeat, Zhang Zhao immediately flashed out and reminded him: "Your Majesty, I think that this time, we will not only release the Sun family, but also reactivate the Sun family's old ministry, and entrust him with a heavy responsibility. The mighty Hong En will be able to defend the enemy with all his strength."

Liu You pondered for a long time, and finally nodded solemnly: "Since Zijing and Zibu intercede for Sun Jian, then let them do what they want!"

"Zi Jing."

"The minister is here!"

"You can write an edict for me, and you can send it to the whole county, summon Sun Jian to meet the court, and lead the army to defend against the enemy!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Liu You took a deep breath, and said inwardly: "Zhao Thief, who will kill you? It's still unknown, let's wait and see!"

Lu Su's actions were not unpleasant.

That night, he drafted the edict and sent it to the emperor for review by the emperor Liu You.

Liu Yao didn't even glance at it, so he buckled up the self-made jade seal on the spot, and immediately sent it to various counties and counties, hoping to tell the world and return Sun Jian's innocence.

As soon as the news of the day was sent out, Wan Ling's meticulous work passed the intelligence Fei Ge to Chaisang's Ye Feng.

at this time.

Chaisang County.


Ye Feng sits on his head, beside him is Xu Shu, the think tank.

Yefeng's eyeballs rolled up and down, shocked in his heart, but there was no wave on his face.

After pondering for a long time, Ye Feng turned to ask: "Yuan Zhi, this edict will spread throughout Danyang County tomorrow, and within three days, it will spread throughout Jiangdong. The military will surely shake, and Gong Jin’s navy will be the first to bear the brunt. ."

"I don't know this, what do you think?"

Ye Feng asked tentatively.

Xu Shu pinched the goatee. He had already planned the consequences of this matter in his heart for a long time. When Ye Feng asked, he opened his mouth and replied, "Lord, although Liu You's plan is vicious, it is not difficult to break it. !"

Ye Feng was overjoyed, and oh he asked: "Dare to ask Yuan Zhi, will Ji Jiang be out?"

Xu Shu took a deep breath and set his eyes on the sand table. On the journey from Moxian to Dongzhi, he said in a rather shameful tone, slowly spit out a word: "Kill!"


Ye Feng was slightly surprised, but it was only for a moment, and he knew it, and smiled: "Haha! Yuanzhi's plan is great, and Liu Yu is sure to lose this time."

Xu Shu immediately leaned over and handed over: "Lord, it should not be too late. Then we will pass on the order and implement the plan immediately."

Ye Feng nodded: "This is the only one. In addition, Mingyun Chang and Kong Ming's army must break through Yuzhang County as soon as possible, move closer to Danyang, and support Han Sheng's left wing."

Xu Shu: "No!"

Ye Feng focused on the overall situation: "At the same time, pass the book to Shubao Feige, so that he can hurry up. After conquering the Lujiang River, he will immediately meet with Guangling Chendeng, hurry up and cross the river, and respond to the right wing of Hansheng!

Xu Shu leaned his body and gave his hand: "Don't worry, the lord, let's pass the order!"

After that, Xu Shu bowed and exited the hall.

Ye Feng exhaled and said in his heart: "Sun Jian, it seems that you are destined to return to Jiuquan, but you can't blame me Ye Feng!"

Under the curtain of night, early in the morning.

In a jungle more than ten miles away from Dongzhi County.

The crowing of birds and crows could be faintly heard, and the hazy moonlight shone through the mottled shadows of the trees, hitting a face that dared to kill.

The man was panting heavily, with big beads of sweat rolling down his forehead, one hand was protecting his arm, blood dripping from his fingers, even if he clenched his steel teeth, he could still clearly feel his pain .

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