God Level Villain

Chapter 632: Not to be afraid

Huang Gai suddenly raised his head: "What? Huang Zhong?"

The eyes of all the soldiers gathered to the small official.

Ling Cao hurriedly asked, "How many soldiers and horses did Huang Zhong bring?"

The little official replied: "Only him and his son."

Ling Cao was surprised: "What? Two people?"

Lu Fan couldn't believe it even more: "Are you sure, only his son Huang Xu is beside him?"

The little official nodded his head with a sigh: "I will be sure, it is indeed only him and his son."

Huang Gai took a deep breath and said softly: "Don't underestimate Huang Xu. Although he is in the army for the first time, if you talk about bravery, no one in our army is his opponent."

Ling Cao patted his chest and said grimly: "I'm afraid of a bird, but only a doll. We can't fight alone. There are three people over there, and three people are not enough, so five people."

"Yes! We are so crowded, I'm afraid he will do anything!"

"Huh, there are only two people, not to be afraid at all!"

The little official scratched his head: "That general...little forgot to say, Old General Huang didn't carry weapons at all!"

Everyone was even more surprised, and they were indifferent.

After a while, Huang Gaifang said: "General Han Sheng, really a hero! Please invite General Huang to enter.

The little official leaned and handed over: "No!"

The little official left, Huang Gai waved his hands to the people on the left and right: "You wait and wait in the account. You can't come out without my order. Do you understand?"

All the soldiers gave their hands together: "No!"

Not for a while.

Huang Zhong came to Huanggai Daying under the leadership of Xiaoli.

Huang Gai hurriedly greeted him: "General Han Sheng, why are you here?"

Huang Zhong stroked his short beard under his jaw and said softly, "I have to come here after hearing a piece of news."

Huang Gai's heart felt a little bit, but for a while, he didn't know how to answer.

Huang Zhong indeed already knew!

But now that I know, why dare to come here?

Huang Zhong didn't need to order, so he sat aside and whispered: "The public answer, recently it has been rumored that the Emperor of the Wu Han Dynasty, Liu You, has issued an edict to prove that the Sun clan has no collaborators. Surely you should know about this?

Huang Gai looked flustered, not knowing why.

What about Huang Zhong?

He was calm, even with a slight smile.

He waved his hand and said softly, "Public answer, sit down, let's talk slowly."

Huang Gai swallowed his saliva, immediately turned back to his seat, and folded his hands towards Huang Zhong: "I don't know the general, how did you learn about this?"

Huang Zhong did not hide it, and told Huang Gai the whole story.

They are all old demon for thousands of years.

Huang Gai really admires Huang Zhong's frankness.

But what he admires more is Huang Zhong's courage!

Huang Zhong is not hurried, knows the reason, and moves with the affection: "Public, although you and I know each other on the battlefield, but you and I are in the same league, you are in love with each other, Liu Yu's imperial book is true, but you have considered whether this Maybe it's just his slow strategy."

"Now, my Patriarch is planning the Seventh Route Army and attacking Jiangdong. After the two battles of Poyang Lake and the Yangtze River, he is scared. Fang Yu issued such an edict."

"But in fact?"

Huang Zhong solemnly said: "Liu Yao has not really ruled out the suspicion of too many Suns. This time you will be promoted to the next level. Once you win a big victory, what awaits you will be even better than now. Butcher knife!"

He took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled: "The reason the Sun family really suffered this disaster was not because they had no collaborating with the enemy, but the rights of the Sun family, which had already overshadowed the emperor, and he was afraid of the power of the Sun family!"

Huang Gai nodded approvingly and agreed.

Huang Zhong was overjoyed and continued: "I think Sun Jian must know this. Fang Yu had contact with my lord. Since it will be hard to escape Liu Yao's ruling sooner or later, why not think of a solution earlier?"

Slowly exhaling a foul breath, Huang Zhong whispered: "Public answer, you should think carefully, don't make a decision in a hurry, if you really want to leave, don't worry, I won't stop you."

Huang Gai was surprised: "Han Sheng, you..."

Huang Zhong smiled indifferently: "Duke Zhen, I will explain it, please think about it, don't make a mistake, make a big mistake again!"

After that, Huang Zhong and Huang Xu turned around and left without hesitation.

Out of the camp.

Huang Xu couldn't help being curious, and asked, "Father, are you really planning to let Uncle Huang leave?"

Huang Zhong lowered his voice and said: "It won't be long before Qin Qiong and Guan Yu will lead the army. At that time, even if his father wants to let him go, I am afraid it will be difficult for him to leave!"

Huang Xu was deeply impressed: "Father is wise!"

Huang Zhong secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "Go! Go back to camp and prepare."

After Huang Zhong left, the generals in the inner account filed out.

Ling Cao frowned, and said softly: "General, what Huang Zhong said has three points of truth. If it weren't for Liu Yao's desperation, I am afraid he would not pardon the general!"

Lu Fan was even more melancholy: "Our general surrendered or not, no one can say, if we can see the general again, then it will be clear at a glance."

Everyone was indifferent, not knowing what to do.

Huang Gai took a deep breath and turned to say: "No matter what, General Han Sheng said that it is indeed very reasonable. For what counts as a crime of fornicating with the enemy, if your Majesty trusts the general enough, it is only two letters between friends. It's just a letter!"

As he said, Huang Gai's eyes suddenly became bitter: "But if you don't trust, even two simple letters from friends, in your majesty's eyes, they are evidence of fornication and thieves!"

Lu Fan nodded: "Let’s think about it instead. I don’t believe that Ye Feng didn’t notice that Zhou Yu and Sun Lang had correspondence. In this respect, our Majesty is indeed far from Ye Feng. !"

Everyone nodded and agreed.

Huang Gai exhaled a foul breath: "In that case, you may wish to return to the camp separately. Let's wait two more days. If the general really returns to Wanling and leads the army to fight, then we will not be too late."

The soldiers hurriedly leaned over and gave their hands: "No!"

Huang Gai waved his hand: "Get out."

When everyone retreated, Lu Fan still refused to leave

Huang Gai was curious and asked, "Lao Chang, why don't you leave?"

Lu Fan stepped forward to see the salute: "General, although Huang Zhong promised to let us go, the general never believed this. We must know that we have 80,000 troops, which is almost three times the strength. Huang Zhong has been on the battlefield. The battlefield is dangerous!"

"what do you mean…"

Huang Gai pondered for a moment, and then said: "This is just Huang Zhong's strategy to slow down? Is it possible that he has other ways to ask for support?"

Lu Fan whispered: "The general thinks carefully, the Seventh Route Army of Yefeng is approaching Jiangdong, and you can mobilize one or two roads to reach the east. Maybe we have an army of 100,000, and it's hard to be a cavalry of thieves!"

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