God Level Villain

Chapter 636: Seize the opportunity

Huang Gai's reaction was not unpleasant. He tore his throat and shouted sternly: "Stop it, stop it all!"

Huang Gai twisted his body with a fierce gaze, and rushed towards Ling Cao and Lu Fan: "You wait, don't you stop quickly? What are you doing, are you going to rebel?"

"Ahem! Ahem!"

Huang Gai really used the energy of milking.

His voice was like a thunderbolt, spreading through the camp.

Lu Meng, who was impacting, suddenly felt that something was wrong, and he immediately discouraged him: "General, something is wrong, let's stop!"

Lu Fan and Ling Cao were also a little confused. According to common sense, Huang Gai should stand up at this moment and kill the thief with a knife. How could he stop him!

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

Something must have happened!

Huang Gai held his hoarse voice, still shouting angrily: "Ling Cao, Lu Fan, don't you hurry back to the army?"

Ling Cao and Lu Fan are dumbfounded, you look at me, I'm upset about you, don't know what to do.

Huang Gai's fierce gaze let them know that something must have changed.

"Go back quickly, or else engage in military law!"

Huang Gai shouted harshly, showing no mercy.


The soldiers of Huang Zhongbu surrounded him directly and saw each other.

At this time, Huang Zhong walked out of the big account, he knew what had happened at a glance, Huang Gai must be ready to do it, but because of Sun Ce's sudden arrival, he temporarily changed his plan.

Therefore, this scene has just happened.

But Huang Zhong didn't feel angry at all.

Because with this scene today, the whole bitter trick will appear more real.

They are all thousand years old demon!

Such things as acting skills are naturally handy.

Huang Zhong shouted sternly: "What is your intention to wait for this? Huang Gai violated the military law, and today he is responsible for fifty. Is it possible that you are not satisfied?"

Huang Gai hurriedly advised: "Go back, you all go back, this is my own business!"

Huang Zhong didn't show any mercy, and sternly said: "Fight me! Fifty boards, no one can be less, Xuer, you are the prisoner!"

Huang Xu leaned over and handed over: "No!"

After that, Huang Zhong turned around and returned to the military account.

Immediately afterwards, a wailing sounded.

Ling Cao, Lu Fan and others were directly confused!

What rhythm is this Nima?

Soon the fifty big board ends.

The soldiers carried Huang Gai back to their camp.

What they didn't know was that in the darkness outside the camp, there were clear eyes at this time. What happened in the general was only in sight. He slipped from the tree and quietly touched back to his military camp.

This matter is not shown for the time being.

Huanggai camp.

Everyone carried Huang Gai back to the camp. When they were about to ask about his related matters, Huang Gai took the lead and said: "I'm fine, you can leave first, Lao Lu stay."

Ling Cao was rather anxious: "General, you should at least explain what happened today? Otherwise, how can we rest assured."

Huang Gai looked around the account and saw a few people with only confidants, and whispered: "This matter, you must strictly keep it secret, and you must never know it to a third person outside the camp."

Everyone nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

Huang Gai said: "Bo Fu is back. According to him, the general has been killed by a killer sent by Liu Yu. His edict is just a stopgap measure."

Ling Cao was shocked to the extreme: "Ah? How could it be like this!"

Huang Gai took a deep breath: "When I entered the military account, Bo Fu was in the account, so I was forced to terminate the plan!"

Lu Fan said softly: "It turns out to be like this!"

Ling Cao was furious: "What a cruel Liu Yao! It is really cruel, how dare to be so, fortunately God pity, let Bo Fu return to the army, otherwise we will almost cause a big mistake!"

Lu Fan nodded: "Isn't it!"

Huang Gai paused, lay down in front of the couch, and whispered softly: "The reason why we have been in the account for such a long time is basically negotiating strategies. This time I was beaten as one of the strategies."

Lu Meng, who was waiting by the side, couldn't help but open his mouth: "What a bitter trick, did Huang Zhong let the general surrender?"

Huang Gai's eyes lit up, looking for the reputation, and found that it was Changmeng: "Good boy, you have such a vision, you are very good."

Ma Meng leaned over and handed over: "The general is false praise."

Huang Gai said: "Since you know this plan, then I have a task here. I wonder if Ziming can dare to take it?"

Without thinking about it, Lu Meng replied sonorously: "The general does not need to say much, Meng is willing to go to the enemy camp and present the letter of surrender!"

Huang Gai was overjoyed: "Okay! What a young hero, I really didn't mistake you!"

On the side, Lu Fan hesitated: "General, this matter is quite dangerous. How can you take this important task when you are young next year? How about waiting for him to go from the end?"

Huang Gai didn't hesitate, and immediately denied: "No! You are a general in the army. If this happened last night, the whole army will definitely be martial law. If you leave the barracks at this time, it will be unreasonable and quite unreasonable."

Ling Cao couldn't help but nodded: "The general is reasonable. Ziming has no reputation in the army. Entering the thieves camp as the general's personal guard will definitely not arouse suspicion. Besides, Ziming is smart, calm, and strategic. The most suitable candidate!"

Lu Meng patted his chest and said confidently: "Don't worry, you guys, Meng will definitely not let everyone down. This matter will be left to the general!"

Huang Gai nodded solemnly: "Ziming, I believe my vision, you can absolutely!"

Lu Meng smiled indifferently, and Quan responded.

it is more than words!

Early the next morning.

When the patrol changed defenses, Lu Meng took the opportunity to slip out of the army.

Through a section of the jungle, he almost searched, and finally found the enemy camp by a river.

Zhang Yingjunzhong.

The Great Account of the Chinese Army.

Zhang Yingduan sits in the center, with civil servants and military commanders on either side of him.

At this moment, there is a general in the account reporting the situation: "General, it was the same in the thieves' camp last night."

Zhang Ying frowned and pondered for a long time before she said: "General Sha, according to what you meant, doesn't it mean that the bandit camp almost happened last night."

Sharon pondered for a moment, and said: "Although the final general cannot guarantee that it will be a military change, there must be some problems in his army, otherwise, how can a large army be encircled!"

Zhang Ying couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "It's really weird. What kind of medicine is sold in Huang Zhongpifu's gourd? Before the war started, he staged such a good show for this general to see."

A person flashed below him, who looked upon it as military teacher Yan Hua: "General, this may not be a disability, but as General Sha said, it was a mutiny that almost caused a catastrophe."

Zhang Ying turned to look at Yan Hua!

Yan Hua said with great interest: "General, according to reliable information, since last night, all the thieves' barracks have been under martial law. If a major incident hadn't happened, how could this be?"

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