“Hey, it doesn’t matter!”

Although he heard Su Chen’s voice, Wubu Yu didn’t even bother to move his fingers. The whole person was buried in the sand, although the sand was a little hot, but it was not hot, lying weakly in it, and suddenly there was a very comfortable feeling.

Once in the battlefield, Yuya Monobe was on the verge of desperation several times, but each time he was able to instinctively kill the other party when his life was in danger.

But this time, Yu Monobe didn’t want to move, not only because his body was beaten and fell apart at the moment, but also because he didn’t have the idea of resisting in his heart at the moment.

It’s just a beating, no big deal! Yu Monobe actually had this indifferent thought at this moment.

Although he also knew that if he was in the battlefield, if he had this idea of indifference, he would have died countless times, but after all, this is Midgar, an educational institution, a place whose main purpose is to cultivate D, not a place where he was before that was bloody at any time…

What’s more, the person next to him did not have killing intent on his body, and he could not arouse the deepest desire for survival in his heart.

“Hey, it won’t be dead, I shouldn’t have used that much force!” Looking at Wubu You, who was lying motionless in the sand, Su Chen couldn’t help but pick up a branch next to him and poke his body.

“It shouldn’t be dead, it’s still hot…” couldn’t help but complain.

Yu Motobe’s heart is tearless at the moment, what is not dead and hot, can you speak!

Although he really wanted to retort loudly, Yu Monobe still maintained that posture without turning his head.

Forget it, the fight is also beaten, Su Chen does not plan to bully Yu Wubu anymore, although there is an unpleasant feeling when they first meet, but after a beating, it is almost the same.

Su Chen casually threw a healing light on Monobe Yu’s body, even if the shot was not heavy, but Monobe Yu was just an ordinary person in the end, and it would definitely not feel good to be photographed by himself, not to mention that he would not be stingy with such a little divine power.

Yu Motobe originally planned to wait until his physical strength recovered before getting up from the sand, but a warm feeling suddenly spread throughout his body, and the feeling of bones falling apart was instantly better, and his physical strength slowly recovered.

After feeling almost better, Yu Motobe got up from the sand.

“Formally acquaintance, Su Chen, who is currently a trainee of Midgar.”

Looking at the person in front of him who introduced himself with a smile, Yu Monobe didn’t know what to say, and he beat him up with interest just now, but now he introduced himself kindly.

But what was it just now, all of a sudden I completely recovered from my injuries…..

With doubts, Yu Monobe spoke, “Yu Monobe, originally subordinate to Nifur, Second Lieutenant of the Rank, will be transferred to Midgar from today. ”

“I know, Loki already showed me your message yesterday, welcome to Midgar.” Su Chen said with a smile.

“I would like to ask, what kind of position did you do when you transferred me to Midgarh?” Yu Monobe asked, in fact, he had doubts yesterday, and inexplicably transferred him from his original post, and let him come to Midgar without even giving exact information.

“Position? In fact, you should be like me, go to school here! ”

“School!?” Monobe said in surprise, although he had also guessed what kind of position he was transferred to Midgard, such as as an escort or the deployment of the coastal guard, but he did not expect to come here to study.

“Is there anything strange? It should be relatively normal for you to come to school in Midgarh as a D. Su Chen said.

“But isn’t it supposed to be only girls here?”

Su Chen just glanced at him faintly, and Wubu You suddenly froze.

“Sorry, I was negligent.” It is clear that this person in front of him enrolled in Midgar as a male D, but he ignored it for granted.

“In short, your coming to Midgar to school is basically determined, so you don’t have to worry about anything.” Su Chen said.

Monobe nodded.

“And it took a lot of effort for you to come to the Midgar Deep Moon.”

“Deep Moon… You’re looking for me! ”

“Almost, you’ll see her later.”

After all, it is her sister who has not seen her for three years, and being able to see her face again makes Yu Monobe’s heart a little excited at the moment.

“So where do we go now.” Monobe Yu asked, although he was a little anxious in his heart, but his three years of military career made him suppress.

“I’ll take you to the dormitory first, it is estimated that Shenyue and all of them will still be there at this time.” Yu Monobe’s dormitory was allocated yesterday.

Yu Monobe nodded.

The two were about to walk towards the inside of the island, when a figure came out of the trees, it was Fukatsuki, Yu Motobe’s sister.

“Su Chen, brother, are you two okay?” Shenyue originally planned to come to pick up her brother Monobe Yu, but she didn’t expect to see Elise hurriedly running to her halfway and saying that there was an intruder on the coast, and she also claimed to be Nifor’s soldiers, Su Chen had already dealt with it there, and she ran back to move the rescuers.

Soldiers of Nifur? Fukatsuki immediately thought that it should be her brother Yu Motobe, and only Yu Motobe who appeared in Midgar or Nifur’s soldiers at this time matched. It’s just that Su Chen should have seen her brother’s photo, how can there be a so-called intruder, is it really an intruder who doesn’t know. With doubts, the deep moon quickly came to the shore.

It’s just that there are only two people here, one is Su Chen, and the other is her brother who she hasn’t seen for three years, and there is no so-called intruder.

“What about the intruder?” With the attitude of asking or asking, Shenyue spoke.

“Oh, no intruders.”

“So what were you doing?” Since there is no intruder, then the person in Elis’s mouth should be her brother, but listening to Elis, the two should be about to fight, but except for a bunker with a little humanoid trace, it doesn’t look like there is any fight, and the two don’t seem to have anything at all.

“I’m telling your brother about his enrollment.” Su Chen said briefly.

When Shen Yue heard this, he glanced at Su Chen, obviously knowing that he hadn’t said everything, and then looked at Yu Wubu with an inquiring gaze.

However, Yuya Wube just nodded and agreed with Su Chen’s statement.

“Then you two come with me quickly.” Seeing such a situation, Shenyue did not intend to continue to inquire, so he turned around and asked the two to follow.

Su Chen looked at the two in front of him with a headache, Asuna and Alice.

“Su Chen, then that’s it, don’t be late.” Asuna turned around with a smile, turned her head, and left Su Chen’s office.

Alesis stood on the side holding her chest and looked at the departing Asuna with a sneer.

“Ellie, can you stop laughing? You’re not afraid of cramps anymore. Looking at the sneering Alice, Su Chen complained weakly.

“Su Chen, tell me, what’s going on with her, isn’t it enough to send an email for this kind of trivial matter, do you need to run over in person!” Seeing that Asuna had indeed left, Alesis began to complain.

“Cough, I don’t know, don’t ask me!” Su Chen laughed dryly.

It’s really just a small matter, just the time and place when the next strategy meeting of the strategy group starts, this kind of thing used to be usually sent an email to notify the members of the strategy group, and there is no need to come and notify in person, but today Asuna personally went to the Su Chen Guild.

“You two won’t have anything to hide from me, will you?” Alice stared at Su Chen suspiciously.

“You think too much!” Su Chen is obviously a little weak-hearted, this is a woman’s intuition?

“Haven’t I been leveling up in the maze for the past two days? It’s not that you don’t know. Su Chen laughed twice, but he lacked confidence.

“Well! Oh too! Alesis withdrew her scrutinizing gaze and a smile appeared on her face.

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief, although it was right to level up in the maze for the past two days, it was not alone, but a team with Asuna.

If Alesis knew this, she would definitely complain about it.

Because Su Chen rarely teamed up with other people in the past, it was in this guild, unless necessary, he rarely teamed up, most of the time he was alone in the field to level up, and even the number of times he teamed up with Alesis was counted.

However, recently, they have teamed up with other guild people every day, and if it were someone else, the situation might be better.

But it was Asuna, if Alesis knew about it, it would definitely be a pill.

Asuna and Alesis don’t deal with it.

Although when the two meet, they will neither quarrel nor make trouble, let alone fight, and even in the eyes of outsiders, the relationship between the two is not bad, and the two can chat harmoniously every time they meet.

However, the undercurrent between these two people, only Su Chen could feel, it was just a soft confrontation!

Although there was no conflict between words, the eyes were about to hit sparks.

I used to watch anime, the harem of those protagonists was so harmonious one by one, and when I got to myself, there were only two, and I should be glad that I didn’t fight.

Su Chen scratched his hair with a headache, didn’t want to, go brush the monster!


This time the strategy is the seventy-third floor, and the information that should be there has already been obtained, as long as the regular strategy meeting can go to the boss room to carry out the strategy activities.

Although Su Chen already knew where the boss’s room was, he did not plan to raid him this time, after all, this time it took a lot of effort for the strategy team to find it.

If she really goes to attack the boss directly, Alesis will definitely have to face some pressure, although nothing will happen in the end, but she will definitely complain about herself when she returns home.

This woman’s nagging was endless, and Su Chen didn’t want to make trouble by himself.

“So it’s boring to go where to brush monsters now!” Su Chen touched the hilt of the sword behind his back and said.

Walking in the silent forest, in addition to the sound of some birds, beasts and insects, there was only the rustle of Su Chen walking.

The forest is very dark, and the sun only shines through the gaps in the leaves.

Walking slowly on Lin Jian’s path, Su Chen thought about where he should go now.

Suddenly, a snow-white figure ran through the trees in front of him, and Su Chen stopped.

“Is that a rabbit?” Su Chen was puzzled, “Or a chowder rabbit?” ”

Su Chen quickly stepped forward to check, but there was no longer a rabbit, “I actually ran!” ”

Su Chen was stunned, but he didn’t expect that he had just walked a little bit, and let this super S-grade rare ingredient run away from his hands.

“Forget it, I don’t know if Kirito will get it in the future!” After a little pity, Su Chen knocked the idea down on Kirito’s body.

However, it seems that in the original work, Kirito hit the chowder rabbit on the seventy-fourth floor, but I didn’t expect that there would also be on the seventy-third floor…

I can only hope that Kirito still catches the chowder rabbit like the original, and then he can get it from him. At that time, just send him off at will, anyway, except for himself and Asuna, he can’t find any players of the senior chef profession.


People who don’t have an outline, many plots that have been thought of before have forgotten, write this chapter first

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