Bell faced this silver-backed ape that was three or four times his size, holding a short knife, his body trembled slightly, he had never dealt with such a big monster, and before Su Chen took him to the lower level to see the monster of LV2, Milo Taunos, but he was so scared that his legs were soft!

Now, Bell has been cornered by this monster and has to fight. As for whether he could defeat the silver-backed ape in front of him, Bell was half-convinced.

Through the space in front of him, Bell remembered what Hestia once said: “No matter how powerful a monster is, no matter how high its defense, as long as it is hit in a weak point, it will be knocked down, even if it is only one blow, as long as it can penetrate the opponent, it can defeat any monster.” ”

Monsters are monsters because they have something that adventurers don’t have, which is why they are called monsters, they have a core, that is, magic stones, as long as they attack here, they can defeat monsters.

And the monster core, that is, the location of the magic stone, that is, the chest.

Bell’s heart gradually calmed down, his waist bent slightly, he put the short knife behind his back to charge his strength, maintained a sprinting posture, his eyes were sharp, and he was glued to his opponent’s chest.

The silverback ape got closer and closer to him, rushing over with a roar, and the phosphorescence in Bell’s short knife hand lit up, and the fierce attack turned into blue-purple water droplets overflowing from the blade body, drawing a flexible trajectory in midair.

The body is like an ammunition out of the cavity, bursting out, using all its strength, blocking the full force of the blow to kill.

The snow-white blade pierced the center of the monster’s chest.

The silverback ape’s eyes widened to the limit, and it fell to the ground on its back, stirring up a pile of dust, and its body began to collapse, eliminating without a trace.

Bell, as if he had eliminated all the force, couldn’t stop his figure and flew out, drawing a beautiful parabola in midair.

Landed with a bang, fell the ground, formed a supine position, gasped heavily, and had no strength to stand up.


“Well, Lily, you see I’m not wrong! Bell can deal with that monster. Su Chen finished the last bite of the skewers, and then wiped his mouth and hands.

Bell defeated the monster, and the residents who had been hiding came out, erupting into enthusiastic praise.

Looking at the crowd, Su Chen clapped his hands, “Now, it’s time for me to work too.” ”

“I wish Jun Wuyun prosperous!”

When Lili found Su Chen, Ayina, the adventurer’s advisor of the union, found Su Chen to help deal with several other monsters, but Su Chen came here first to see Bell’s situation, and now that Bell has been safely solved, then it is time to solve the other monsters.

On the side, several members of the union came to lead the way for Su Chen.

On the side of the arena, an orange-haired girl, only thirteen or fourteen years old, with pointed ears, and in front of her was a long monster that resembled a giant snake.

Next to him stood two scantily dressed Amazonian girls.

The stone slab was lifted, the sound of shattering scattered, the monster made a disgusting sound, twisted its slender body, and in the next moment, it attacked, and its whole body was thrown over like a whip.

The Amazon sisters dodge the attack with all their might, then punch and kick the monster from its dead end.

“So hard!”

The two flicked their right hands.

Although empty-handed, the two of them were first-tier adventurers, and they could make ordinary monsters burst apart with their bare hands, and now this monster was unharmed, but caused them damage.

The monster was attacked by the two and launched a fierce attack as if venting its anger.

On the side, the orange-haired elven girl Refia began to chant magic, “Liberate a ray of light, the bow body of the holy wood, the famous archer, sniper, elf shooter.” Shoot through, the arrow that will hit! Opening the golden magic array, she quickly constructed magic.

At this time, the monster suddenly changed its posture and turned to this elf girl, and Senhan’s killing intent enveloped Refia.


Su Chen, led by the union staff, rushed towards the arena.

The escaped monsters did not escape far, they were all near the arena, and one was quickly found and then easily solved.

Suddenly, the sound of fierce battle entered Su Chen’s ears, and he followed the sound to see where there was still smoke and dust around.

It seems that there is another one, but something is wrong. A little puzzled, leaving the staff who led the way, Su Chen quickly rushed to the place where the voice came.

The three members of Loki’s clan are in a bitter battle with a faceless basilisk, and neither of them can help the other.

“How did such a strong monster get up!” Su Chen watched from the side, secretly surprised in his heart. The two Amazon sisters, lv5 adventurers, are in a stalemate with this monster.

If such a monster enters the crowd, not to mention ordinary residents, even the adventurers of the higher levels will also die, but this monster is still unscathed under the hands of two LV5 adventurers.

“Oops!” When Su Chen was surprised, he didn’t expect that the elf girl was in danger, and the Amazon sisters had no time to rescue.

No matter how much he was, Su Chen used the Magic Abyss Forbidden Domain.

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