God-Making Game: I Really Didn’t Cheat!

Chapter 103 The Most Important Thing Is The Person Himself!

The two chatted for a while, and Xu Junxi gave Su Ye a lot of knowledge about weapon refiners.

Su Ye was a little curious about a question.

"Uncle Xu, as a swordsman, I can also refine equipment, and because I am a swordsman myself, my understanding of sword equipment may be much deeper than that of a refiner."

"Then what is irreplaceable about the profession of weapon refiner?"

Xu Jun smiled happily.

"good question."

"The advantage of a weapon refiner over ordinary professions is that they have weapon-refining skills and talents."

"It's like you are a swordsman. Compared with people from other professions, you have more sword-type professional talents and skills."

"But, if you are a trialist with a non-swordsman profession, can't you use a sword?"

"A fellow tester with superb swordsmanship may not be able to surpass a swordsman tester with mediocre swordsmanship."

"Professions can bring certain advantages, but in the end, the most important thing is the trialist himself."

Xu Junxi paused.

"Another point is the issue you mentioned about understanding the equipment."

"Those of us who are blacksmiths may not necessarily have a weaker understanding of equipment than trialists in a certain professional direction."

“As we continue to forge equipment, our understanding of the equipment will continue to increase.”

"The thing I understand best is the hammer. If you let me fight with a hammer, I won't necessarily lose to a combat profession of the same level."

Su Ye nodded.

Got it.

After saying a few more words, Su Ye said goodbye to Xu Junxi.

He was going to the training room to try to cultivate the power of fire.

Seeing Su Ye's back disappearing at the corner of the street, Xu Junxi suddenly showed a somewhat regretful expression.

"It's a pity that it's not a weapon refiner profession."

"Otherwise, I believe the teacher will be very interested."

After saying that, he returned to the backyard, thought about it, and raised his hand.

Immediately, dozens of materials flew in front of him from the material rack, suspended in the air,

Then, he claps his hands to create fire in the void, and these materials actually merge.

After the fusion is completed, impurities are discharged while forming.

It's exactly what the Ci Ling dagger looks like!

Coming to the last step, Xu Junxi imitated Su Ye's operation, obtained iron powder and his own blood, and then applied it to the sword.

Then! ! !

Then nothing happened.

Xu Junxi hissed.

"Something's wrong."

the other side.

Su Ye has already arrived at the training room.

I directly chose a room with the fire attribute and started practicing.

Successfully got started in a few hours.

I looked at the time and saw that there were still about ten hours left before the game started.

Ten hours was not enough for him to increase the intensity of the fire to a small success.

Su Ye stopped and went to the Exchange Street to buy a lot of materials. In addition, he also spent 2,000 gold coins to buy a complete set of equipment for refining weapons.

Then he returned to the room assigned to him in the Shenmeng World and started studying.

Su Ye practiced it several times according to the drawings in his memory.

Then he closed his eyes and began to think about where he felt something was wrong during the whole process.

Time passed quickly, and only twenty minutes were left before the competition began. Su Ye opened his eyes.

Standing up, stretching, and muttering to himself.

"My derivation of the Ci Ling dagger has temporarily reached a bottleneck."

"I don't know what quality equipment can be refined."

There was not enough time left for him to refine it again.

"But do good deeds and don't worry about your future."

Su Ye moved for a while, then came to the temple and waited for the game to start.

I glanced at the public screen. The three parties were scolding each other. They were all useless words, so I didn't bother to read them.

Opening the crystal again, I saw that Wang Yiming had sent him several messages a few hours ago.

"Brother Ye, who among you is going to fight in the lower realm? Can you get three weapon refiners together?"

"Haha, I feel like I'm going to be victorious."

"It's a pity that we can't move between each other in the lower world. Otherwise, I can lend you some of the Wang family's weapon refiners."

Su Ye smiled back.

At this time, many people had gathered in front of the temple.

Chu Xiang and Ma Jun were walking towards them with a little boy who looked a little nervous.

Approaching, Chu Xiang introduced Su Ye.

"Boss Su Ye, this is Liu He."

Liu He said immediately.

"Hello, Mr. Su Ye!"

After Su Ye responded, he was a little confused as to why he was introducing someone to him. Seeing that Chu Xiang was hesitant to speak, he said directly.

"If you have anything to say, just say it."

Chu Xiang nodded.

"Okay, then I'll tell you straight, this is what happened..."

"Liu He is also a weapon-refining tester. Before, he didn't dare to sign up because he felt that he was not good enough."

"But I thought, he is a weapon refiner after all, which is better than a non-refiner profession."

"Furthermore, he has a skill called Refining, which can use flames to directly burn the impurities in the equipment embryo. I asked him to demonstrate it, and the effect was pretty good. It should help Ma Jun and I improve the quality of some finished products."

"So...how about..."

Hearing this, Su Ye understood. He wanted to give up his position.

If you think about it from someone else’s perspective, you can actually understand it.

If he really didn't know anything and was just here to make up for his losses, he would just give in, but now, he can't give in.

Su Ye said.

"Sorry, I went to learn some weapon refining today and already have some basics, so I still want to fight on my own."

These words immediately confused the other three people present.

Damn it, you really went to learn it?

However, it’s just a little too hasty and crazy to say that I have some foundations in just one day!

None of the three people knew how to answer.


They didn't dare. Su Ye was too strong and they were afraid of being beaten.

It was Liu He who took the initiative after thinking for a while.

"Then it's better for Mr. Su Ye to fight."

"I believe in him."

As he spoke, he clenched his fists and looked determined.

Of course, it would be nice if the expression on his face could be more sincere.

Su Ye was a little helpless.

Hey, how could it be that he was forced by his own power?

Am I so terrible?

However, his position was saved and he didn't bother to say anything more.

On the side, Chu Xiang and Ma Jun looked at each other, and then secretly sighed.

They were a little confused about Su Ye.

They let Liu He appear, not for Su Ye's benefit.

When Su Ye comes on stage, it will most likely be embarrassing.

Brother, you only studied for one day, and you are not a weapon refiner, how dare you play in the competition!

That’s it, that’s all, let him be.

Anyway, the first matching match was completely led by Su Ye.

If he plays in the second game, even if he loses, the increase in the first game will at worst be offset.

There were more and more people outside the temple, including Chu Qingyin and Han Yang.

After all, this game is a matter of vital interest to everyone.

Time passed minute by minute, and finally, the game was about to begin.

Suddenly, a circle of light three meters in diameter appeared in the open space in front of the temple.

A voice came from heaven.

[Trialists who participate in the matching competition, please stand inside the aperture]

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