God-Making Game: I Really Didn’t Cheat!

Chapter 108 Continue Matching!

Especially the contestants who are in the same space as Su Ye.

All of them were as dull as stone statues.

They couldn't understand or figure out how this could be the result.

Su Ye's sword is obviously of the highest quality only at the second level. Why would Shenmeng World think that it is better than the other two pieces of equipment at the sixth and seventh levels?

Is this fair?

Is this reasonable?

Su Ye's face remained calm, and he didn't look too happy.

It seemed that he had known this result for a long time.


At this time, Wang Tang spoke. He stared into Su Ye's eyes, with a beast-like ferocity on his face.

He never thought that he would lose to his peers.

I never thought that I would lose to a peer who was not even a weapon refiner.

It's like, he was a professional Go player, but was defeated by a Go enthusiast.

I can't accept it!

Then, as if realizing his gaffe, he forced himself to regain his composure and reorganize his words.

"Su Ye, can you tell me where I lost?"

"Your sword is obviously only D-level second-tier sword!"

"Why can it be stronger than my sword?"

Even if he loses, he must lose clearly.

Everyone else also turned their attention to Su Ye at this time.

Looking forward to an answer.

The people in the three lower realms all maintained the same posture of looking up at the sky at this time.

They could hear what Wang Tang said, and they were all extremely curious. Where did Su Ye win?

Su Ye smiled.

"you guess."

Then, he took a step forward, bent down, picked up the sword on the ground, and disappeared into the space.

After the first place was judged, he was ready to leave.

Only people with messy faces were left.

Chu Xiang and Ma Jun looked at each other and left.

Anyway, they won.

Today is also the day to be taken flying!

Su Ye's lower realm was filled with excitement.

"Does anyone know how Mr. Su Ye won?"

"I don't know, but no matter what! I win anyway!"

"We won, we won, and we got another 10% bonus!!"

"Haha, Mr. Su Ye is awesome!"

"Has anyone scolded Mr. Su Ye before? Count them all, and I will stand up and get beaten for them all!!!"

Many people present bowed their heads in shame.

We really deserve to die...

Chu Qingyin had a cold face and murmured to herself in a voice that could only be heard by herself.


Liu He, who had previously wanted to replace Su Ye in the competition, wiped the non-existent cold sweat from his face.

"Damn it, luckily Mr. Su Ye didn't agree to let me go."

"Where did I get the courage to fight on behalf of the boss?"

When the three people were teleported out, the atmosphere reached a climax again.

Everyone shouted Su Ye's name vigorously.

In the crowd, Ma Haotian looked at Ma Wei with some annoyance.

"Many of those cheering for Su Ye have ridiculed and abused Su Ye before. Do they have no shame at all when they change like this?"

Ma Wei said.

"Used to it."

In Xu Junxi’s forging house.

While Sun Qing was happy for Su Ye, he also asked Xu Junxi curiously.

"Old Xu, can you tell what's going on?"

Xu Junxi smiled bitterly.

"It's the equipment characteristics. The sword refined by Su Ye has equipment characteristics."

Sun Qing's pupils shrank.

"Aren't equipment characteristics something that only C-level equipment can have?"

Equipment characteristics are the special abilities that come with the equipment.

For example, Su Ye's Thunderbolt Dragon King Sword has its own thunder attribute aura. When it is activated with the source energy in the body, the source energy can gain the bonus of thunder attribute power, which is also one of the characteristics of the equipment.

Sun Qing finally knew where Su Ye won. Even if it was C-level equipment, only a very small number of them could possess the equipment's characteristics!

Xu Jun said happily.

"Theoretically, equipment of all levels may have equipment characteristics."

"But the lower the level of equipment, the smaller the probability of having characteristics. For equipment below C level, one equipment characteristic may not appear in 10,000 pieces."

He rubbed his chin.

"I don't know what properties the sword Forged by Ono has."

Sun Qing said.

"Just call him over and ask him."

Just as he said, Sun Qing immediately sent a message to Su Ye using a crystal.

While Su Ye was celebrating in the lower realm, the other two realms, after a brief shock, were still nervously waiting for a result.

The first place has been chosen, but the second and third places have not yet been decided.

It's okay to be ranked second, but 10% of experience will be deducted for third place.

Soon, the result came. Wang Yiming went down to the lower realm and narrowly won.

The people in Wang Yiming's lower realm breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay if it's not buckled."

Wang Xi's expression was complicated.

He always thought that Wang Yiming thought too much. Looking at it this way, it turned out that he himself thought too little.

Wang Yiming sighed at this time.

"Knew it."

Wang Tang came back, and Wang Xi took Wang Yiming to him to comfort him.

"Wang Tang, it's not that you are weak, it's that your enemy is too strong."

Wang Yiming patted his shoulder and said.

Wang Tang:......

On the other side, Fu Xiu's lower realm was wailing.

"It's over. Including the deduction last time, it's now 20% debuff. Why are you still playing with your balls?"

"Su Ye, it's Su Ye again!"

"I have told you a long time ago that I don't want to match anymore. Is it okay now?"

"We are almost going to be a disgrace to the central city cluster."

"Since the advent of the Divine Dream World, there has never been a central city group in the lower realm that can lose two matches in a row!"

Fu Xiu and the others all looked at each other and then smiled bitterly.

The first time, their entire lower realm was defeated by Su Ye alone. The second time, the history of riding a horse repeated itself.

He was willing to admit defeat, so he couldn't say he hated Su Ye. He could only blame himself for his bad luck.

"What should I do? Will it still match next?"

Wang Xiaofeng said weakly.

The trialist's time in the early stage is extremely precious, and every step is slow and every step is slow.

Now, there are constant insults coming from all around, and the one who curses the most is Wang Xiaofeng.

Because it was she who suggested using another matching token before.

Fu Xiu rubbed his temples, feeling a little headache, and said after a while.

"Matching, of course we have to match. Do we really need all of us to have a 20% debuff halo?"


Wang Xiaofeng wanted to say something, but Fu Xiu raised her hand to stop her.

"I know what you want to say. Before starting the match, I will find a channel to contact Su Ye."

"We will use it only after confirming that he does not use the matching token at the same time as us."

Everyone laughed bitterly again.

Indeed, this is the only way.

If I meet Su Ye again, I really don’t have to play anymore.

This guy is a monster, but he is also a versatile monster.

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