God-Making Game: I Really Didn’t Cheat!

Chapter 147 Controlling Points?

Zhang Xiaoye gave up without even touching it.

I'm afraid it's not a match-fixing.

However, when fighting against match-fixing, you have to be more serious! At least give it a try! It has to be a combination of real and fake, so it’s not easy for people to see it out!

Hey, why did Zhang Xiao call Su Ye just now? Master uncle?

Ordinary viewers couldn't understand it, but several ministers could see it clearly.

Even Lu Ming was stunned.

Damn it, perfect situation?

The five of them all have the potential to achieve perfection. The question is, how long have they been in the divine dream world? How long has it been since Su Ye entered the world of divine dreams?

This is like a forty-year-old Ph.D., who knows astronomy at the top and geography at the bottom.

But, for a kid who just entered kindergarten, it’s inappropriate for you to be so awesome, right?

With Zhang Xiao admitting defeat, only the last two people were left.

Shen Hao asked curiously and expectantly.

"Su Ye, do you fight in order from weak to strong?"

Su Ye frowned.

"Sorry, I eliminated people in the reverse order of the order they were eliminated in the previous round."

Shen Hao:......


I understand, Su Ye is controlling points! ! !

Shen Hao was angry.

"Stop looking down on people!"

“It’s not yet certain who will win and who will lose!”

Then, he lost.

He was slashed off the field by Su Ye and his performance was not as good as Zhang Xiao.

Su Ye successfully helped Qingfeng City get another five points.

"Su Ye won?"

"Aren't these level 40 and above trialists in our city too weak? Were they defeated by level 35 ones?"

"It's not that the others are weak, it's that Su Ye is too strong! The same result will happen if I fuck you!"

"I'm also level 35. Why do you feel like I'm not even one-tenth as good as Su Ye?"

"He is already so strong at level 35. If he goes up to level 10, he might be able to defeat the minister, right?"

Shen Hao and Zhang Xiao looked at each other again. This time, what they saw in each other's eyes was bitterness and despair.

Zhang Xiao was no longer dissatisfied with Su Ye.

Su Ye is indeed worthy of being his uncle.

And Shen Hao is also convinced by Su Zhi. No wonder he can pass the Ghost King Tower, it makes sense!

At this time, the sound of deer mingling sounded.

"As we get older, we have to count on our fingers."

"Tianlan City scored one point in the first game and four points in the second game, a total of five points. Wangshui City scored two points in the first game and three points in the second game, a total of five points. The remaining Donghe City and Xifeng City, hey , what a coincidence, it’s also five points!!!”

"Then what's the score in our Qingfeng City? Five points in the first game, and still five points in the second game. Oh, it adds up to ten points?"

"Doesn't that mean that in the third game, even if I admit defeat as soon as I come on the field and only score one point, I will still be ranked first in the final score?"

After Lu Ming finished his calculations, he patted the shoulders of several other ministers around him.

"Lao Wu, Lao Wang, please help me calculate and see if I am wrong."

Several ministers:...

They wanted to curse now, but they thought about it and held back.

At first, who could have imagined that this would be the result.

In their opinion, Su Ye was just a relatively powerful junior.

If one person is so powerful, is it possible that he can lead the entire Qingfeng City?

As a result, he really did it.

Who would have thought that he could pull off such a trick of breaking through before the battle, and actually play two games by himself.

Later, he relied on his ability to crush others and forcefully control points.

Even if you break through, you're still only level 35! Why! ?

But the fact has happened, Zhang Wei can only announce the result reluctantly.

Su Ye walked back to the crowd happily.

He was able to achieve such a crushing victory not only because of the advantage brought by his sword power, but also because of his physical strength in all aspects, which was actually not inferior to that of a normal level 45 trialist.

This is the benefit of a high-star career.

Because of his high star rating, every time he levels up, he can get a higher level of improvement than others.

In other words, my current career is actually not in perfect shape yet, and there is still room for improvement.

Su Ye calculated the time, Luanbing Valley will be opened in about a month.

When that time comes, if you complete your career, you will be able to widen the gap with others again!

"Well done, Ono."

After returning, Lu Ming smiled like a chrysanthemum and patted Su Ye on the shoulder.

Since he became the head of the Night Dragon Guard in Qingfeng City, today is definitely his most proud day.

So many years of grievance are all gone!

On the side, Zhao Yu and Xie Shenge also expressed their congratulations and thanks to Su Ye.

Today's competition involves the distribution of benefits for the next entire year.

Both of them will also follow the profit~

Su Ye's battle was over, and it was impossible for him to make a last-minute breakthrough and directly participate in the third game.

While others' battle continues.

Two minutes later, Lu Ming and several other ministers came on stage.

It was also the first time that Su Ye knew Lu Ming's level, level 60.

The other ministers are similar.

As soon as the battle started, Lu Ming surrendered directly, then left the battlefield and returned to the audience.

Anyway, you have already won, so there is no need to waste your time.

The remaining four ministers each erupted with terrifying momentum, and the ceiling was almost overturned before the battle even started.

Lu Ming smiled.

"These old guys, I'm afraid they're going to knock their brains out this time."

Then, he glanced at Su Ye.

"You kid is the biggest culprit."

Su Ye shrugged.


However, it is true that because he forced the scores of the four cities to be controlled at five points, this resulted in the ranking of the final battle directly determining the overall ranking.

Only a few ministers would be so tense.

The war was about to break out, and Su Ye was very happy to see it.

This was the first time in his life that he saw so many strong men fighting against each other.

That's called a catastrophe.

Not long after the battle started, the walls and ceiling of the entire martial arts arena were completely destroyed due to the overflowing fluctuations.

Su Ye doesn't care much about the final ranking. Anyway, Qingfeng City is number one.

"I can finally enter the secret realm of attributes."

The first place in the competition has a total of 1,200 days in a year to enter the secret realm of attributes.

Su Ye, as the hero who led Qingfeng City to first place this time, takes away 365 days a year. Isn't that too much?

The battle is completely over.

The other ministers looked embarrassed.

Su Ye was trembling a little, always feeling that the eyes of these big guys looking at him were a bit resentful.

"Haha, Xiaoye, I'm happy today. Come on, let's have a celebration banquet."

Lu Ming stopped Su Ye's shoulders.

Su Ye thought for a while, but refused.

"Forget it, Minister, I'd better continue practicing."

Lu Ming paused for a moment, then smiled again.

"It's me who's drifting away. You little guy has a very calm mind."

"go Go."

Then, Su Ye ran away. He had already got a wooden sign, saying that he could enter different attribute secret realms with this sign. He also got a map of what attribute secret realms there were in Dragon Kingdom.

Can't wait to experience it.

Looking at Su Ye's leaving figure, the three people in Qingfeng City were filled with emotion.

This guy is so talented and so diligent at the same time that he really doesn't leave any way for others to survive.

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