God of Defiance

Chapter 1177 Blood Debt Review


In an instant, the two daggers flew up, and under the control of Chu Tian's divine thoughts, they remained motionless and suspended in mid-air.


After a breath, Chu Tian suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a large amount of invisible power of luck, completely wrapping the two daggers in an instant.

At the same time, he raised his two palms, made seals one after another, and struck the two daggers in the air with the essence of the spirit seal.

With the rapid penetration of the Lingyuan Seal, the two daggers gradually took on a faint scarlet color, giving people a faint feeling of fear.

A few feet away, the third-generation dean Xu Shuang put his hands behind his back, narrowed his eyes, and stared closely at the two scarlet daggers suspended in front of Chu Tian's body, his brows slightly furrowed.

Not long ago, he learned from Chu Tian that Chu Tian was planning to use these two soul-loving daggers to use the incense and energy flow to find the location of the Jizhou Dark Hall!

For Xu Shuang, who relied on the blood corpse method to become a semi-saint, he didn't believe Chu Tian's statement at all!

In his opinion, unless Chu Tian was an immortal above the nine heavens, how could he have found the location of Jizhou Dark Hall out of thin air with just two daggers!

You know, Jizhou Dark Hall has been standing in Jizhou for thousands of years. No one knows the true location of Jizhou Dark Hall. Otherwise, Jizhou Dark Hall would have been destroyed countless times!

Although he also knew that incense and energy flow was one of the most bizarre and unpredictable methods among all the schools of cultivation, he still couldn't believe that he could find the location of the murderer with just two daggers!

In the blink of an eye, a quarter of an hour passed.

As Chu Tian continued to quickly enter the Lingyuan Seal Technique, the scarlet color flashing on the two daggers gradually reached an extremely eye-catching level, and even seemed to be about to drip down!

"Destiny is boundless, and blood debts are retrospective, now!"

Not long after, Chu Tian was sweating profusely and panting. Suddenly his face became solemn, he roared, bit the tip of his tongue violently, and spurted out a mouthful of blood!


After this mouthful of blood was sprayed out, it instantly turned into a ball of blood mist and blended into the two daggers. In an instant, the two daggers shook slightly, and when they came together, they turned into a dazzling line of blood that was half a foot long. Behind the light, lightning breaks through the sky!

"Let's go, Dean, come with me to recover the blood debt!"

When Chu Tian saw this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and after a loud shout, he jumped out of the way and sped up to chase after him.


Dean Xu was stunned for a moment, somewhat surprised.

He never thought that Chu Tian would actually use the two daggers that hurt him to pursue the Jizhou secret hall behind the scenes. This method was simply miraculous!


After a breath, Xu Shuang coughed lightly, took a step forward, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Soon, Xu Shuang caught up with Chu Tian, ​​secretly conveyed the message, and humbly asked Chu Tian for advice on how the principle behind using a dagger to pursue enemy creditors worked.

Chu Tian had no reservations and explained directly to Dean Xu who was not ashamed to ask questions.

In fact, the principle behind this pursuit method is very simple!

That is, because Jizhou Antang hurt Chutian, he invisibly owed Chutian a blood debt, and a deep relationship or cause and effect has been formed between the two.

Using some means of incense and energy flow, you can use two daggers as a medium to follow an invisible line of cause and effect to trace back the direct debtor of the blood debt, so as to launch subsequent revenge!

Of course, with Chu Tian's current strength, at most he can only find the direct debtor of this blood debt. The indirect debtor behind it, or the real instigator behind it, is still impossible to find for the time being!

"Hiss...this kind of backtracking method is really amazing!"

After listening to Chu Tian's explanation, Dean Xu took a deep breath and was secretly shocked.

He followed the blood corpse route, majoring in physical body and minoring in spiritual energy. Relatively speaking, he was a linear thinker. He had never thought that some methods of incense and energy flow were so mysterious and profound!

Later, Chu Tian reminded that this invisible causal relationship between blood and debt faded very quickly, so as soon as he recovered from his injury, he immediately thought of revenge.

If only a few days pass, even if he uses all his strength, it may be difficult to trace back the blood debt!

After hearing this, Xu Shuang nodded thoughtfully.

What Chu Tian said is actually easy to understand.

It's like someone took a light-colored ink pen and drew a line on the wall. As time goes by and the water evaporates little by little, the line will continue to become lighter and eventually disappear completely.

After thoroughly understanding Chu Tian's blood debt retrieval method, Xu Shuang instantly had a deeper understanding of Chu Tian's terrifying cultivation talent!

Chu Tian not only cultivates Ling Yuan and Divine Mind, but also practices luck and killing. He can be called a fourth-level practitioner!

However, this not only did not affect the speed of Chutian's cultivation at all, but also caused Chutian to use various attack and defense methods in an endless stream, and his overall strength reached a terrifying level that ordinary people can't imagine!

If an ordinary talented warrior, like Chu Tian, ​​is a fourth-level practitioner, I am afraid that even after three to five years, he may not be able to improve his cultivation level by one level!

Because, the more complex the cultivation techniques are, the higher the requirements for warriors in all aspects!

If you don't have enough amazing talents and abundant resources, choosing to practice multiple paths is almost tantamount to seeking death. It is better to specialize in one, which is more suitable!


A half-foot-long dazzling bloody light flew across many mountains and rivers in front of it. Chu Tian and Xu Shuang chased after it, almost turning into two blurry afterimages.

In the blink of an eye, an hour passed.

The two chased for more than 30,000 miles, gradually entering the northwest border of the Panlong Empire and the area bordering the Tianling Empire.


After arriving at the border area between the two countries, the dazzling blood light flew to the depths of a certain mountain. Suddenly the blood light burst into flames, exploded with a bang, turned into countless blood lights, and slowly dissipated into the void.

Immediately afterwards, two gray daggers appeared. Just as they were about to fall to the ground, they were grabbed by a large spiritual hand and quickly put away.

After putting away the dagger, Chu Tian stood in the sky with cold eyes. He turned his head and scanned the surroundings, and said in a deep voice: "Looking back, the blood light disappeared here. Jizhou Dark Hall should be nearby, not more than ten miles away!"

After hearing Chu Tian's low words, Xu Shuang, who was next to him, also turned his head and glanced around, with a hint of solemnity in his eyes, and asked lightly: "Chu Tian, ​​are you talking about the headquarters of Jizhou Antang?"

"Of course it can't be the headquarters. At most, it is a branch specifically responsible for assassinating me. The headquarters of the Jizhou Secret Hall is hidden very deep. With the blood debt traceback method, I am afraid it will be difficult to find!"

Chu Tian shook his head and replied in a low voice.

Xu Shuang also nodded at this time. Jizhou Dark Hall has existed in Jizhou for many years. It is absolutely impossible for Chutian to find the headquarters so easily!

However, the problem now is that although the two found the branch specifically responsible for the assassination of Chu Tian, ​​the true location of this branch is still deeply hidden.

This is the border area between the two countries. It is occupied by mountains of various sizes for hundreds of miles. There is no human habitation at all. It may take some time to find this hidden branch.

Just as Xu Shuang was thinking secretly, Chu Tian sat down cross-legged in the air, raised his right hand, pointed a finger between his eyebrows, and then flicked it out!


In an instant, an astonishing surge of spiritual consciousness surged out at a very fast speed, sweeping in all directions in an instant, covering an area of ​​ten miles in a blink of an eye, and began to continuously explore.

That’s not all!

"Look at the sky, open your eyes!"

Chu Tian raised his two palms at the same time, with the palms facing inward. While shouting lowly, he swiped his eyes violently!

When the two palms moved away, a large amount of light red light immediately appeared near Chutian's eyes.

As soon as these pale red rays of light appeared, they spun very quickly in an instant, forming two palm-sized pale red whirlpools, and at the same time they suddenly shrank towards Chu Tian's eyes!


In just one breath, two light red vortexes retracted directly into Chutian's eye sockets. Chutian's two black eyes immediately disappeared, replaced by two light red vortexes!

The moment his two eyes turned into light red whirlpools, the whole world suddenly changed dramatically in Chu Tian's eyes!

The mountains, rivers, plants and trees within sight are all colored with different colors of luck, and you can even clearly see the flow direction of various lucks.

"The art of looking at energy!"

After noticing the two light red vortexes that replaced Chu Tian's eyes, Xu Shuang, who was a few feet away, was stunned for a moment, then whispered and nodded secretly.

He had heard of the art of looking at Qi a long time ago.

Some fortune tellers in the secular world are well versed in this, and can often quickly tell the direction of other people's luck, whether they will bring good luck or bad luck!

Of course, the secret technique of looking at the qi that Chu Tian was performing at this moment was definitely much better than the ordinary techniques of looking at the qi!

In the following time, Chu Tian used his spiritual thoughts to investigate carefully, and at the same time used his Sky Eye to scan around, using both methods, he accelerated his search for the specific location of the Jizhou Dark Hall branch!

He does not always stop in one position to explore, but every ten breaths, he will move, change his position, and continue to explore.

Time passed silently.

A quarter of an hour later, Chu Tian came to the top of an inconspicuous hill. He began to turn his head and scan around, searching carefully.

A few breaths later, when he looked down at the inconspicuous hill at his feet, his eyes suddenly glowed red, and he blurted out: "Found it, here!"


The moment the voice came out, a tall bloody figure immediately flashed out, raised his fist, aimed at the hill below, and without hesitation, punched down hard!

At the beginning, it didn't think that it needed to use weapons when facing such an opponent, but at this moment it had to take out the weapons, otherwise it would have been unable to withstand it. No matter how strong you are after being reborn from the ashes, it will continue to be consumed. Once the power of your own blood is consumed too much, your origin will be damaged.

"I have to say, you exceeded my expectations. But now I have to use all my strength." Following Cao Yuwei's words, the Phoenix True Fire converged towards it like an ocean embracing all rivers, actually taking back the Phoenix True Flame Domain. .

The blazing true fire of the phoenix condensed and formed around its body, turning into a magnificent golden-red armor covering its whole body. Holding a sword in its hand, it stared at the beautiful young master like a demon.

The beautiful young master did not pursue him and stood at a distance, calming down his somewhat agitated mood. Although this battle didn't last long, her mood was becoming more and more exciting.

She didn't know whether she could really resist it until she faced the Great Demon King-level immortal fire phoenix. Her confidence came from what Tang San had given her before. And as the battle continued, when she really started to suppress her opponent, and relied on the colorful sky fire liquid to protect herself from the Phoenix True Fire, she knew that she really could do it.

Over the past hundred years, Tang San taught her many fighting techniques, all of which were most suitable for her to use. Just like the previous Netherworld Thrust and Netherworld Hundred Claws. There was also the sword Xinghan that had just cut off Cao Yuwei's finger for the first time. From Tang San's point of view, these were truly magical skills. After he slightly modified them and taught them to Young Master Mei, they were the most suitable for her to use.

The more he used these abilities, the more Young Master Mei could not help but become convinced of Tang San. When Tang San initially told her that these belonged to the category of divine skills, she was still somewhat confused. However, at this time, she was able to continuously injure and oppress her opponents through levels. If it wasn't a magical skill, how could she do it given the gap in cultivation?

At this moment, all the emperors standing on the Emperor Tianzhu looked at this little girl with admiration. When the Phoenix True Flame Domain appeared, what they were considering was how long Young Master Mei could persist in this domain. The White Tiger Demon Emperor and the Jingfeng Demon Emperor were even ready to rescue them. However, as the battle continued, they watched dumbfoundedly. Young Master Mei actually suppressed a great demon king of the Immortal Fire Phoenix Tribe. In the true sense of the word, he suppressed him and even forced him to be reborn from the ashes. How incredible this is

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Just as Cao Yuwei thought in his heart, the first-level demon king and the ordinary demon king are not the same thing! What's more, they are descendants of the top three powerful races in the Tianyu Empire. In terms of profound foundation, it is not impossible to say that the Immortal Fire Phoenix lineage is the strongest in the Tianyu Empire. After all, the Sky Fox Clan is not good at fighting.

But just like that, he was actually suppressed by a beautiful young master who was a big lower rank. The Peacock Monster Clan doesn’t even have an emperor now! Mr. Mei was still a ninth-level being more than half a year ago and was still participating in the Ancestral Classic. And today, more than half a year later, she can actually compete with the Great Demon King. Then, if you give her a few more years, how powerful will she be? How long will it take for her to become an emperor? The emperors present all felt a little strange at this time, because the strength displayed by the beautiful young master was really beyond their expectations!

The Demon Emperor Tianhu frowned slightly and narrowed his eyes, wondering what he was thinking about.

From his point of view, everything he has to do is for the better continuation of the monster clan and the spirit clan, and for the fairy continent to always exist as the core of the entire plane.

The reason why he targeted this little girl was because when she first won the championship, he had felt something unusual in her, and he also felt a stronger threat from her companion. Even with his status as an emperor, he can feel this threat. The threat is not to himself, but to what he protects.

Therefore, he secretly guided the Dark Demon Emperor to hunt down Tang San and Young Master Mei.

After the return of the Dark Demon King, he said that there was a power similar to Poseidon that blocked him, but it had been eliminated by him, and the boy named Shura was completely wiped out. As expected, the Great Demon Emperor Tianhu could no longer feel the luck that belonged to Shura.

Therefore, all he needs to do is strangle the little girl in front of him in the cradle, or at least interrupt her luck, then the threat should disappear.

However, even the Great Demon Emperor Tianhu himself did not expect that Young Master Mei could grow at such a fast rate. In just over half a year, not only did he successfully overcome the tribulation, but he was also able to compete with a first-level bloodline powerhouse at the level of the Great Demon King. The stronger the ability she shows, the more threatening the Sky Fox Demon Emperor will naturally feel from her. And this threat has risen to a new level.

The sword in Cao Yuwei's hand shone with a dazzling golden-red light, and his whole body was full of murderous aura. Taking a step forward, the sword slashed out boldly. The sky suddenly became violently distorted. The blazing sword intent directly enveloped Young Master Xiang Mei's body.

It's still about force over skill.

The beautiful young master's expression remained unchanged, he took the initiative to take a step forward, and another Heavenly Mysterious Circle came out.

The extremely powerful blow of the sword was once again put aside. There were all top experts present, and they could all see that the skill that the beautiful young master was performing now was definitely a magical skill among the magical skills. The opponent's strength is obviously much stronger than hers, but they just can't break through her super strong defense.

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However, no one doubts the origin of this ability. After all, the Peacock Demon Clan’s best talent is the movement of stars. Her technique is similar to that of the stars.

After Master Mei defused Cao Yuwei's attack this time, he did not rush to attack. He just stood still.

Cao Yuwei frowned slightly. Is this little girl's perception so sharp? After he turned into armor with flames, he had other means. If Mr. Mei followed up with the attack, he would be sure to use this method to restrain her. But the beautiful young master did not step forward, so his originally prepared ability had to be interrupted.

The sword was slashed out again, and the powerful sword intention was a bit stronger than before. Cao Yuwei followed the sword and went straight towards the beautiful young master.

The Tianji Ling in the hand of the beautiful master once again became a mysterious circle in the sky, and he switched his position in an instant. While defusing the opponent's attack, it also defuses the opponent's lock. And the next moment, she was already on the other side. The golden-red light on Cao Yuwei's body flashed away. If she hadn't dodged quickly, there would undoubtedly have been another ability coming.

Spend money! She seemed to be fighting Cao Yuwei to death.

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