God of Defiance

Chapter 1340 Get out now

In the Holy Palace Hall, in order to fight against the former leader, his senior brother Zhan Kongyu, Wei Wuji ruthlessly used the secret technique of soul sacrifice, resulting in heavy casualties among the elite masters of the Iron-Blooded Dragon Cult!

It is a pity that both Wei Wuji and Zhan Kongyu eventually fell into the Holy Palace, which can be said to be a waste of time!

Since then, the strength of the Iron-Blooded Dragon Sect has plummeted, with only the Grand Elder and three other great sages left, struggling to support it, almost becoming an empty shell.

At this moment, outside the mountain gate of the Iron-Blooded Dragon Sect, a cold confrontation with completely unequal strength was taking place.

On one side were three great sages headed by the great elder, more than a dozen Death Mystery Realm warriors, and a group of ordinary Life Mystic Realm warriors who were almost worth mentioning.

On the other side, there is a middle-aged man in black shirt, a half-saint, with hundreds of Death Mysterious Realm warriors, including many masters at the Venerable and Grand Venerable levels!

This middle-aged half-saint in black shirt, named Qi Yu, comes from the Panlong Empire's Soul-Destroying Sect, and successfully broke through to become a semi-saint half a month ago.

Since the original half-saint ancestor of the Soul-Destroying Sect died in the Holy Mansion, Qi Yu's strength skyrocketed after breaking through to the Half-Saint, and he suddenly took control of the entire Soul-Destroying Sect, and then became the new leader of the Soul-Destroying Sect!

He mobilized a large number of troops today and rushed here with only one purpose!

That is to annex the Iron-Blooded Dragon Sect, which is almost an empty shell!

Once the annexation is completed, the Soul-Destroying Sect will become the largest force in the Panlong Empire, and other sects will no longer be able to shake the Ling-Destroying Sect's dominance.

"Great Elder, you are one of the few elders left in Jizhou's cultivation world. You are highly respected and respected. I respect your character and reputation!"

"Therefore, I will give you, the old, weak, sick and disabled, a few breaths of time to carefully consider my proposal. It is definitely not a bad thing to give up the Iron-Blooded Dragon Sect and join our Soul-Destroying Sect!"

Qi Yu put his hands behind his back, swept across the entire place, and finally landed on the great elder, sneering with some disdain.

With the current strength of him and the Soul-Destroying Sect, of course they can easily destroy the Iron-Blooded Dragon Sect!

But he is a person who cherishes his feathers and pays attention to his reputation. He doesn't want to ruin his reputation by going on a killing spree.

Of course, in addition to his own personality, the great elder of the Iron-Blooded Dragon Sect is also an important factor!

Although the Great Elder is a great venerable who is about to be buried, he is a man of the same era as the former leader Zhan Kongyu. He is very senior and highly respected in the Jizhou cultivation world.

He faces a certain amount of psychological pressure when dealing with such a person!

"Hmph! What if we don't agree?"

Just as Qi Yu finished speaking, the Great Elder immediately snorted hoarsely.

He was skinny and stooped, with nearly half of his gray hair falling off, and a large number of wrinkles covering his face.

Although he could hardly open his eyes, there was a stubborn and unyielding light in the slits of his slightly squinted eyes.

Qi Yu sneered and replied: "If you don't agree, then don't blame me for being ruthless and ruthless, completely eradicating your Iron Blood Dragon Sect. Anyway, Wei Wuji has already died in the Holy Palace!"

"How dare you! The Iron-Blooded Dragon Sect is the sect that the Desolate Saint once stayed in. If you dare to do anything casually, the Desolate Saint will never let you go!"

Just as Qi Yu finished speaking, an angry scolding was immediately heard.

The person speaking at this moment is none other than the genius Yang Ming'er from the Forging Palace!

Yang Ming'er was wearing a fiery red weapon-refining robe, with clenched fists and angrily staring at Half-Saint Qi Yu, with no trace of fear on her face.

Yi Lao and Luo Shuo, who were standing next to each other, both pulled Yang Ming'er's clothes, trying to remind Yang Ming'er to keep a low profile, but unfortunately they were all pushed away by Yang Ming'er!

Obviously, at this moment, by choosing to publicly warn a Half-Saint, she was putting her personal life and death at risk!

"Hahahaha, the Saint of Desolation would avenge you people, it's really ridiculous!"

"If I remember correctly, it was you, the Iron-Blooded Dragon Sect, who forced the Desolate Saint out in the first place. Why should the Desolate Saint avenge you!"

Qi Yu laughed on the spot, then his face turned cold and he asked in a deep voice.

Hearing this, many Iron Blood Dragon Sect disciples present had ugly expressions.

Especially the Great Elder and Chu Tian's former master, the Great Venerable Huo Zhen, not only looked ugly, but also felt an indescribable strong regret in their hearts.

When the leader of the cult, Wei Wuji, forced Chu Tian to hand over the creation left behind by the Killing Saint, Chu Tian did not agree and was eventually forced to publicly leave the Iron-Blooded Dragon Cult!

Although the two tried their best to prevent this incident, they still failed in the end.

If the two of them had put in more effort, maybe Chutian wouldn't have left completely!

Being forced to leave that time obviously deeply hurt Chu Tian's heart.

Since then, Chutian has risen with unstoppable momentum and finally reached the top of the Northern Territory. Unfortunately, he has never had the slightest contact with the Iron-Blooded Dragon Sect again!

Obviously, Chu Tian no longer had any feelings for the Iron Blood Dragon Sect in his heart.

"Okay, ten breaths have come. I'll ask you one last time, surrender or destruction?"

Suddenly, a cold shout came out.

As Qi Yu spoke in a deep voice, his cold eyes quickly swept across the few hundred remaining members of the Iron-Blooded Dragon Sect, with a hint of impatience on his face.

"Hmph! Qi Yu, when the old man became famous, you were at best a junior in the Spiritual Whirlpool Realm!"

"Today, let the old man learn what you, a junior, are capable of after you break through and become a semi-saint. How dare you come and annex our Iron-Blooded Dragon Sect!"

Just as Qi Yu finished speaking, the Great Elder suddenly took a step forward and snorted disdainfully.

In an instant, Qi Yu's face showed fierce murderous intent. He cursed angrily and asked for death. He aimed at the great elder and stabbed out with one finger!


A bolt of red finger lightning poked out, and wherever it passed, a straight crack opened in the void. It looked shocking!

The great elder snorted coldly, and also thrust out with all his strength!


In an instant, two finger shadows collided fiercely in the void!

The void with a radius of thousands of feet collapsed in an instant, strong winds swept across the sky, and an old and rickety figure spit out a large mouthful of blood on the spot and flew out in embarrassment!

It is the Great Elder!

At this moment, the great elder was not only vomiting blood from his mouth, but his whole body was covered with scarlet blood stains. His already rickety and thin body was almost curled up together!

The great elder's body had just flown upside down for more than ten feet when it suddenly flew forward uncontrollably. With a snap, a big red hand appeared and firmly grabbed the great elder's neck!

The owner of the big hand is none other than Qi Yu!

"Great Elder!"

Seeing the blood-covered elder being held tightly by Qi Yu's neck, many Iron-Blooded Dragon Sect disciples at the scene immediately exclaimed and trembled with anger.

"Old man, when you became famous, I was indeed just a nobody worth mentioning. But now that I have become a semi-saint, squeezing you to death is no different than squeezing an ant to death!"

Qi Yu grabbed the elder's neck with a fierce look in his eyes and sneered coldly.


Suddenly, the great elder gritted his teeth slightly, blood flashed all over his body, and his originally thin body immediately began to expand crazily.

"Hmph! You want to die with me through self-destruction. Do you think I am a fool? How would I give you such a chance!"

However, at this moment, Qi Yu snorted coldly, raised his hand and pointed at the great elder's extremely swollen body!


The great elder's swollen body suddenly shriveled up like a balloon that was constantly deflating. In just two or three breaths, it returned to its original shape.

"Pfft... I hate it. It's just a little short of actually self-destructing!"

After the body returned to its original state, the great elder suddenly spurted out a large amount of blood. His whole body became completely sluggish, and his face was full of intense regret.

At this moment, Huo Zhen and another great elder rushed over with anger on their faces, trying to save the great elder.

Unfortunately, before the two of them could get close, they were slapped by Qi Yu and sent flying out on the spot!

"Damn old thing!"

After slapping Huo Zhen and the two men away, Qi Yu turned around, cursed angrily, and slapped the elder on the face. Half of the latter's old face immediately swelled up.

"Okay, old man, it's time to send you on your way! After you go on the road, your senior brothers, disciples, disciples, and grandchildren will follow you on the road. The Iron-Blooded Dragon Sect will soon cease to exist completely!"

Qi Yu laughed ferociously and exerted force on his hands!


Suddenly, his expression changed, his brows furrowed slightly, and he suddenly found that his palms were completely unresponsive!

"If you wipe out the Iron-Blooded Dragon Sect quickly, I may not take action, but if you publicly humiliate a respected elder, I can't sit idly by and watch!"

At this moment, a faint whisper with anger came out.

When Qi Yu heard this, he was slightly startled. He quickly turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound. As a result, his expression suddenly changed drastically. To be precise, his face turned pale with fright!

At this moment, just a few dozen feet away from him, a figure in white robe stood with his hands behind his back, staring at him coldly!

It was none other than Chu Tian!

Whoosh... bang!

When Qi Yu's expression changed drastically, he immediately let go of the elder. Just as he was about to clasp his fists and salute Chu Tian, ​​a three-color light suddenly shot out and hit his Dantian!

Kick, kick, kick!

In an instant, Qi Yu took a few steps back uncontrollably and hurriedly lowered his head, only to find that there was an eye-catching wound on his lower abdomen that was bleeding.

"I have used the three powers of the Holy Principles to damage your Dantian. Your cultivation will soon fall to the level of the Great Master again!"

"When will your understanding of the Holy Principles surpass mine, the injuries in your Dantian will gradually recover. Now...get out!"

Chu Tian spoke in a deep voice, and when he said the last word "go", he suddenly flicked his sleeves and robe!

In an instant, Qi Yu was like a human sandbag, flying backwards and hundreds of feet uncontrollably. Then with a bang, he smashed into the void and disappeared without a trace on the spot.


When everyone at the scene saw this scene, their eyes widened and they suddenly took a breath!

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