God of Defiance

Chapter 1435 Huge Eyes

The three towering peaks look very similar on the surface.

But after a long period of observation, Chutian gradually discovered that there were still some differences between the three peaks. It felt like triplets standing side by side!

After observing for a long time, the three majestic peaks gradually became blurred in Chu Tian's sight, and then turned into three huge shadows emitting three kinds of light, black, white and red respectively!


Chu Tian looked at the three huge shadows standing in the distance, and couldn't help being slightly startled, his eyes flashing with light.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Suddenly, the whole sky and earth flashed with light, and the three huge shadows standing in the distance all trembled slightly, and then turned into three dazzling rays of light. They stood in human form and soared into the sky at extremely fast speeds!


In the blink of an eye, three dazzling rays of light, black, white and red, struck somewhere in the sky. They instantly merged into each other and turned directly into a giant three-color vortex that kept spinning at high speed!


And in the center of the three-color vortex, there were lightning, thunder, and rumbling sounds, and wisps of vast prehistoric aura slowly poured out from it, formless and formless, appearing between heaven and earth!

Although this aura only leaked out a little bit, it was so ancient that it was unimaginable, so much so that it seemed to be slightly earlier than the legendary ancient times!


After feeling the ancient aura that hit his face, Chu Tian's expression changed involuntarily, he took a slight breath of cold air, and all kinds of thoughts in his mind were running very fast.

According to the consensus formed in the spiritual practice community!

The earliest period recorded in historical records is the ancient era. It is said that it lasted for hundreds of thousands of years. Various schools of practice emerged one after another and prospered to the extreme.

The aura leaking out of the vortex at this moment makes people feel that it seems to be older than the ancient times. Could it be that it originated from the initial stage of the ancient times?

"not good!"

Suddenly, Chu Tian seemed to have thought of something, his expression changed drastically, he hurriedly turned his head and quickly swept across the entire Qinglan Mountain Range.

As a result, the entire Qinglan Mountain Range remained as usual, and all living beings in the three major sects were busy with their own affairs, without any abnormality.

Obviously, only Chu Tian can see the whirlpool phenomenon appearing in the sky at this moment!

While secretly breathing a sigh of relief, Chu Tian raised his head again and looked at the rapidly rotating three-color vortex in the sky from a distance. He concentrated on contemplating it with all his strength.

As I continued to visualize, the three-color vortex in the distant sky began to expand to all directions, and eventually almost occupied the entire sky!

at this time!

In Chu Tian's sight, everything else disappeared, leaving only the rapidly rotating three-color vortex in the sky, hanging down from the sky, giving people an indescribable sense of boundless vastness.

In the central area of ​​the three-color vortex, there was still lightning, thunder, and rumbling, and it was unclear what was contained in it!

Chu Tian raised his head and contemplated, with a hint of fear on his face, but more of a deep excitement.

Because at this moment, he has clearly realized it!

Everything that happened before is necessary foreplay, and the real key will come soon!

He must try his best to adjust his physical and mental state to prepare for what is coming.

After a breath, Chu Tian took a deep breath, silently recited the Holy Mantra of Clearing the Heart, tried his best to eliminate all kinds of fear and distracting thoughts in his heart, and continued to concentrate and meditate seriously.


I don’t know how long it took, but a huge buzzing sound came out, instantly resounding throughout the world!

The moment the buzz came out, the three-color vortex in the sky suddenly stopped, and all the lightning and thunder in the middle of the vortex disappeared!

Instead, there was a huge gray eye!

When the eyes first appeared, they were tightly closed, and suddenly they opened suddenly. An invisible majestic force quickly swept across the entire world, and finally locked on Chu Tian!

"not good!"

The moment his huge eyes looked at him, Chu Tian couldn't help but change his face and subconsciously wanted to escape.

As a result, he found that not only could he not move his body, nor could he close his eyes tightly, but he could not even move his soul thoughts.

It seems that the whole person, from the inside out, is completely frozen!

And in his heart, he instantly felt like he had been completely seen through, as if he were naked, with all the secrets on his body exposed!

This feeling is very uncomfortable!

"He has not rebelled against heaven and earth, so he meets the conditions!"

Chu Tian sat cross-legged on the spot, unable to move. After being scrutinized by the huge eyes in the sky, inside and outside, for several breaths, a voice that could not distinguish between male and female suddenly came out!


The moment this voice came out, Chu Tian felt his whole soul suddenly relax, and then he immediately left his body and flew towards the huge eye in the middle of the three-color vortex in the sky!

"No...damn it!"

Although Chu Tian kept uttering angry curses and struggling desperately, his spirit still flew towards the huge eye in the sky completely defiantly, flying faster and higher!

At this moment, Chu Tian was filled with regret, regretting that he should not have been blinded by greed and took the risk to visualize the three weird peaks!

Although the voice just now kept saying that he had not rebelled against heaven and met the conditions, but who knows what will happen if his soul enters the mysterious eyes!

For a pseudo-sage master like him who has been practicing in the spiritual world for many years, what worries him most is not the powerful enemies, but all the completely unknown things!

The known is not scary, the unknown is truly scary!

In almost a breath, Chu Tian's soul was quickly sucked under the huge eyes, and was about to be completely sucked into it!

"Three major souls, disperse them!"

At the critical moment, Chu Tian roared, and at the same time his soul was shaken.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

For an instant, his entire soul trembled violently, and then with a flash of light, he transformed directly into three different souls, one large and two small, and rushed madly in three different directions, escaping at an accelerated rate!

These three soul clones were exactly the products he used to control his own body and two clones after splitting his soul a long time ago!

Unfortunately, just as the three souls flew more than ten feet away, a terrifying suction force suddenly occurred, sucking the three souls in an instant. They all flew back upside down and returned to the bottom of the huge eyes.


The two smaller souls were easily sucked into the eyes and disappeared on the spot!

"Block it for me!"

The remaining main soul roared wildly and made seals with both hands, burning itself and desperately resisting the terrifying suction that enveloped the surroundings!

For Chu at this moment, even if he loses two souls, as long as he keeps his main soul, he can survive normally, although his strength will plummet!


After two or three breaths of fighting between suction and resistance, suddenly, a buzzing sound came out!

When the buzzing sound came out, the huge eyes in the middle of the three-color vortex closed suddenly, and the suction power disappeared simultaneously.


In one breath, Chu Tian's main soul quickly flew back into his body.

Then, with a plop, his whole vision suddenly went dark, he fell to the ground, and fell into a deep sleep on the spot.

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