God of Defiance

Chapter 1475 Walking on two legs together

Through his inner vision, he found that the seven golden lights in his Dantian were all stained with a little eye-catching purple.

Although this eye-catching purple was only a small spot, as long as he took a casual look, he would faintly feel a sense of nobility emanating from it.


Chu Tian's eyes flashed, he whispered, and his brows frowned slightly.

Suddenly, he thought of something and quickly closed his eyes again.

In a breath, his consciousness came to his sea of ​​consciousness.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, there was fog everywhere, gray and hazy, giving people the feeling that they were in the clouds, with no end in sight.


After the consciousness came to the sea of ​​consciousness, Chu Tian's heart moved, and the consciousness instantly moved at the speed of light, appearing directly in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness.

In the sight, a green tree as thick as a calf appeared, which looked about six feet high.

And on the branches of the green tree, there stood a bright red firebird!

It was his two martial spirits!


After Chu Tian appeared, the red firebird screamed, spread its wings, and swooped down. In a moment, it stood directly on his shoulder and rubbed his face affectionately with its little head!

The body that appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness at this moment was naturally not Chu Tian's real body, but a virtual body transformed by his consciousness.


After feeling the intimacy of the red firebird, Chu Tian grinned, gently grabbed the firebird in his hand, and looked down.

There were still six golden marks on the forehead of this red firebird, and the seventh golden mark did not appear, but Chu Tian felt that the seventh golden mark was forming.

Once the seventh golden mark was completely formed and appeared, the red firebird would jump from the sixth-grade martial soul to the seventh-grade martial soul!

After a breath, Chu Tian walked close to the green tree, touched it with his hand, closed his eyes and felt it carefully, and also felt a sense of joy in rapid growth.

"I understand!"

Not long after, Chu Tian retracted his palm and murmured thoughtfully.

Obviously, he gained a lot of benefits by refining and absorbing the pure soul energy just now!

This benefit is reflected in two aspects!

On the one hand, the seven golden lights in his Dantian all took on a bit of noble and mysterious purple afterwards, slightly improving his deep accumulation.

On the other hand, the two martial souls in his sea of ​​consciousness all gained some improvement, and he was obviously one step closer to breaking through to the seventh-grade martial soul!

In other words, after absorbing the soul energy, he gained improvement in both virtuality and reality!

The appearance of purple light in Dantian represents the improvement of accumulation, symbolizing reality!

And the growth of martial soul in the sea of ​​consciousness represents the improvement of spirituality, symbolizing virtuality!

"Interesting, virtuality and reality are improved at the same time, this is walking with two legs together, instead of one leg moving forward and one leg half lame before!"

After thinking deeply for a few breaths, Chu Tian murmured again and nodded secretly.

At this moment, his heart was full of admiration and gratitude for the nameless strong man who created the Tianming Divine Art.

It was the practice of the Tianming Divine Art created by the other party that made him suddenly start walking on both legs at the same time, instead of unconsciously limping forward before.


After a breath, Chu Tian nodded excitedly.

Not long ago, he thought that when the ninth golden light appeared in his Dantian, it was the day of breaking through to the Saint, but now he has to add another condition!

That is... the two martial souls in the sea of ​​consciousness are upgraded to the seventh grade at the same time!

When these two conditions are met at the same time!

Once he successfully breaks through to the Saint, his strength will be further improved, and it is likely to reach a terrifying level beyond imagination!

Of course, under the condition that the two conditions are met, the difficulty of his breakthrough to the Saint will inevitably increase by a lot!

"There is gain and loss, this is the balance of practice!"

Not long after, Chu Tian whispered and completely retracted his mind.

For him, the next task is to do everything he can to sprint with all his strength and strive to meet the two conditions as soon as possible!

After a few breaths, he shook his head and temporarily put this matter behind him, then flipped his palm and took out a palm-sized black wood chip!

It was the replica of the Emperor's Notebook that he had won from the Demon Cloud Saint King before! This replica of the Emperor's Notebook was about the size of a palm and was gray and black. If you didn't look closely, you would think it was an ordinary piece of bark! Chu Tian looked down and found a black circle engraved on the wood chip, nothing else! "This..." He looked down at the black circle for a few breaths and was speechless. After entering the cultivation world for so long, he was considered to have a good understanding, but he didn't see the mystery of the black circle on the wood chip at a glance! He took a deep breath, patiently concentrated his attention, and continued to stare. In a blink of an eye, a quarter of an hour passed! The wood chip was still a wood chip, and the black circle was still a black circle! There was no change at all, not even a trace of strangeness appeared! After visual inspection alone didn't work, Chu Tian used various means such as divine thoughts, luck, and blood essence to try to study. As a result, he spent half an hour trying, but to no avail.

"It's his grandma's. Could it be that that old bastard Mo Yun had a grudge and deliberately gave me a fake? Or maybe only warriors who practice the Skyfall Demon Sect's skills can use this piece of wood!"

After discovering that all the efforts had no effect, Chu Tian couldn't help but look gloomy and cursed secretly.

He has never come into contact with a copy of the Emperor's Codex, so it is difficult to judge whether this copy is true or false.

However, judging from his feelings towards Holy King Moyun, he judged that the possibility of this replica being a fake was quite high.

the reason is simple!

Whether it was three thousand years ago or now, the relationship between the Shenlian Sect and the Heavenly Meteor Demon Sect has always been quite different!

As a high-ranking member of the Skyfall Demon Sect, Holy King Moyun would not be able to casually give a copy of the real Emperor's Codex to his opponent!

"Damn it, the dignified Holy King turns out to be an old scumbag with no integrity!"

When he thought of this, Chu Tian suddenly turned livid with anger, cursed loudly, and threw the gray and black wood pieces aside.

At this moment, he finally understood!

Why did that old bastard Moyun Holy King hand over the wood pieces and leave in a hurry without saying a word? There was obviously no trace of reluctance on his face.

What was sent was a fake, so of course the old swindler would not be reluctant to part with it!

This time, he suffered a hidden loss, and he couldn't openly settle the score with the other party. He could only knock out his teeth and swallow his blood!

The more Chu Tian thought about it, the angrier he became. He clenched his fists hard, and his body even trembled slightly. There seemed to be a ball of anger burning in his chest.

After a few breaths, his eyes flashed, and he suddenly realized that he had lost control of his emotions. He immediately recited the Holy Mantra of Purifying Heart silently, trying to extinguish the burning anger in his body.


Wisps of coolness were like streams, constantly emerging from nothingness, gradually extinguishing the burning anger in his heart.

Not long after, Chutian's mind became empty, and he returned to a state of no sadness, no joy, and no thoughts.

In the next breath, he raised his right hand and grabbed the gray-black wood piece that fell a few feet away. After casually looking down at it, he was about to crush it hard.


Suddenly, a strong suction force was generated out of thin air, and his consciousness was sucked into the gray-black wood chips!


At the same time, a voice of surprise suddenly came from the depths of a forest thousands of miles away.

On a large square rock deep in the forest.

The Holy King Moyun, who was dressed in black robes, sat cross-legged and suddenly opened his eyes. He looked into the distance with startled eyes, seemingly penetrating the endless void and directly seeing the scene deep in the mysterious realm.

"Little beast, I really didn't expect that in just a few days, you found a way to enter your consciousness into the wood chips. I really underestimate you!"

Moyun Holy King, who felt a sharp pain in his head, looked gloomy and snorted coldly.

The reason why he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head at this moment was because he had left a subtle spiritual thought in the replica of the Emperor's Codex, and it suddenly shattered!

Once Chu Tian's consciousness enters the wood chips, the subtle spiritual thoughts he left behind will be shattered, and he will instantly feel the sensation here.

In fact, the reason why he happily sent out the wood chips a few days ago was because he was sure that it would be difficult for Chutian to find a way to enter the wood chips with his consciousness within a few years.

But he never expected it!

In just a few days, Chu Tian quickly found a way to enter it!

If only he knew!

Chu Tian did not spend a few days, but only spent less than an hour to enter the wood chip unexpectedly and easily. I am afraid that he would be shocked and completely speechless in an instant!

"Boy, enjoy it, my king's things are not so easy to get!"

After a few breaths, Holy King Moyun snorted coldly and quickly closed his eyes again.

Deep in the mysterious realm.

After Chutian's consciousness was sucked into the gray-black wood chips, he suddenly felt a dazzling light flashing in front of his eyes, and immediately closed his eyes subconsciously.


When he opened his eyes again and turned his head to scan the surroundings, he was stunned.

At this moment!

He found himself standing on a vast dark gray wasteland. Everywhere he looked, there was a sense of death and silence. There was no grass growing, let alone all kinds of trees and vegetation!


Suddenly, Chu Tian thought of something, and with a thought in his heart, the Tianxiao Sword was instantly in his hand.

After seeing this scene, Chu Tian understood immediately!

His consciousness just came to the wood chips, and he was able to transform into weapons according to his own thoughts!

It is clear!

The copy of the Emperor's Codex given to him by Holy King Moyun contained a rather brilliant illusion!

"What's the secret? Show up quickly!"

Chu Tian swept around and shouted coldly. At the same time, he clenched the long knife and slashed out with a sudden blow!


In an instant, a lightning bolt of cold sword light that was tens of feet long shot out, but it only rushed a few feet away, melted quickly, and disappeared.


After a breath, a buzzing sound came out, and a dazzling black sun suddenly appeared in the gray sky!

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