God of Defiance

Chapter 1579 Tianling interface, the passage is wide open

The moment the loud noise came out, everyone was startled and hurriedly squinted their eyes and looked towards the sky!

I saw a huge hole with a radius of a hundred feet appearing in the extremely dark clouds of calamity!

The holes are filled with extremely dazzling brilliant lights, billowing and surging. At a glance, it looks like there is an endless ocean of colors hidden.

"This is...the Tianling interface, the passage is wide open!"

At this moment, Peng Ze, who was sitting down, exclaimed and suddenly stood up again, with a look of shock on his face that was no worse than when he heard the cry of a baby.

Peng Ze turned his head and scanned the surroundings!

As a result, he found that everyone's faces were generally confused and puzzled, so he immediately started to explain word by word.

Follow Peng Ze’s explanation!

The spirituality of a weapon is not actually born out of thin air, but comes from a legendary world of heavenly spirits, also called the heavenly spirit interface!

In this world, there is no life, only an endless spiritual ocean of various attributes.

Under normal circumstances, even the Great Sage Master of Weapon Refining will not see this world, let alone trigger the appearance of this world!

Only when the spirituality of the refined weapons reaches a certain limit, can the world of heavenly spirits appear and open a channel to output spirituality!

Obviously, the weapon Chu Tian refined at this moment reached the so-called limit and triggered the emergence of the Tianling World!

After everyone listened to Peng Ze's explanation, they immediately nodded thoughtfully.

The previous sound of the baby's cry gradually disappeared, and Chu Tian was unable to refine the king's weapon with weapon spirit.

However, the spirituality of the weapon itself has reached the limit of the holy weapon, triggering the emergence of the world of heavenly spirits!

Wow! Wow! Wow!

Just two or three breaths later, groups of dazzling light groups the size of a house, exuding brilliance, fell from the passage one after another and merged into the Ji Feng Tian Shuttle!

Looking at the colorful light clusters falling from the sky from a distance, many contestants in the square generally showed strong expressions of envy.

Each group of colored light represents the improvement of the spirituality of the weapon!

So many colorful light groups continue to fall!

It was really hard for them to imagine how amazing the spirituality of the weapon Chutian finally refined would be!

"Damn it!"

Yang Zhihui's face looked extremely ugly at the moment, almost like the bottom of a blackened pot.

He never expected it!

Just as the sound of the baby's cry disappeared, the passage to the world of heavenly spirits appeared again, and a large number of spiritual light groups fell on the spot for blessing!

He was also refining a holy weapon, but when he was refining it, no strange phenomena appeared!

First, a loud baby cry appeared in Chutian, and now a heavenly spirit channel appeared!

Compare the two and make a judgment!


At this moment, a loud shout came from high in the sky.

Chu Tian, ​​who was originally sitting cross-legged in the air, now completely completed the spiritual cooling. He not only quickly stopped his hand, but also stood up suddenly, letting all the golden thunder light flood in all around him!

However, he did not let it go completely. Instead, he kept using his palms to block part of the golden thunder light to prevent it from bringing too violent impact to the newly formed Ji Feng Tissot, causing the latter to collapse!


At this moment, Ji Feng Tiansuo's entire body was filled with radiance. While it was frantically absorbing the spiritual light falling from the sky, it was trembling violently and forced to endure the crazy washout of many golden thunder lights!

This crazy flushing has both advantages and disadvantages!

The advantage is that the hidden impurities in Ji Feng Tian Shuo can be washed away as much as possible through the washing of golden thunder light, while making the spiritual blessing more stable!

The downside is!

This kind of erosion is very fierce and destructive, and it is very likely to cause Ji Feng Tissot to collapse on the spot and disappear into nothing!

The advantages and disadvantages here are also two opposite processes that are in conflict with each other. Whether they can maintain a good balance and reach the end smoothly depends on the operator Chutian's tightrope walking ability!

"Hmph, here we go again, high-altitude tightrope walking, let's see how you walk to the end!"

At this moment, Yang Zhihui, who was standing in the square, smiled coldly, looking forward to it, and in his heart he was looking forward to Chu Tian falling tragically from the invisible wire.

As for the many warriors sitting around the square, most of them stood up at this moment.

They clenched their fists one by one and stared at the surging golden sea of ​​thunder in the sky. They secretly prayed for Chutian in their hearts, praying that Chutian could successfully walk the last section of the tightrope!

Although Xuanyuan Ke is a powerful Saint King and has been trained for a long time, at this moment, he is secretly sweating for Chu Tian in the sky!

Ever since Chu Tian started, he has been walking a tightrope continuously from beginning to end, challenging the difficulty, and being able to reach the final stage is already a miracle!

"Once successful, this evildoer's future will definitely be limitless. It is probably certain that he will become a master of weapon refining. This person must try his best to win over him and become a friend of my Xuanyuan family!"

Xuanyuan Ke whispered softly, already making a good position for Chu Tian in his heart.

As for the brothers Wang Shicong and Wang Shilin, they had already clenched their fists, holding back a strong energy in their hearts, ready to seize Chu Tian at all costs!


At this moment, it is not only the two forces that are staring at Chutian with passionate faces, but most of the forces present are staring at Chutian, preparing to grab this valuable potential stock!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Suddenly, bursts of harsh buzzing came from the Extreme Wind Sky Shuttle!

Upon hearing this, everyone hurriedly squinted their eyes and looked carefully at Ji Feng Tiansuo, who was surrounded by countless colorful lights and thunder. As a result, they found that the surface of the weapon had begun to appear cracks!

"Oops, there's something wrong with the tightrope. It's too destructive and clearly outweighs the constructive!"

After seeing this scene, Peng Ze's eyes flashed and he shouted coldly, with worry on his face.

As a veteran weapon refining master, he knows very well!

Although there is only a trace of crack now, this crack will expand rapidly, causing the entire weapon to collapse and disintegrate!

After his words fell, many people in the stands around the square immediately showed strong expressions of worry.

"Haha, okay, okay, I knew it, I knew it!"

"If you walk a tightrope like this, you will definitely fail. As expected, your tightrope has reached the end. It's time to fall and die!"

Yang Zhihui in the square was full of gloating at this time and shouted excitedly.

He had waited for such a long time and finally saw that his opponent was about to be finished and that he was about to win a complete victory. How could he not be happy!


At this moment, an unceremonious curse suddenly came from high in the sky.

The moment the curse came out, Chu Tian, ​​who had been in the golden thunder sea, let out a loud roar, raised his right hand, and without hesitation, slapped the passage that appeared in the middle of the dark calamity cloud with his palm!

In an instant, the palm of his hand shot up to the sky, skyrocketing crazily, with a rainbow of momentum, and hit the Baizhang Passage hard!


In one breath, the passage collapsed and began to rapidly expand to all directions!

One hundred feet!

Two hundred feet!

Three hundred feet!

In a short period of time, the passage that was originally only a hundred feet in diameter expanded to more than 500 feet in diameter!


Countless colored light groups, as if they were free of charge, rapidly fell continuously and merged into the Ji Feng Tianshuo, quickly repairing many cracks on the surface.

"What, this can still happen!"

After seeing this scene, Yang Zhihui exclaimed, his vision went dark, and he almost fell to the ground.

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