God of Defiance

Chapter 1647: Old Routine, Boring

this moment!

All the famous warriors who were swept by the sharp eyes lowered their heads, and no one dared to face him face to face!

After a breath, Chu Tian's eyes fell on the three foreign saints.

The three of them suddenly turned pale with fright. After hesitating for a moment, they hurriedly lowered their heads, not daring to look at Chu Tian.

The three of them are all saints. They have been trained for a long time and have extremely shrewd minds. They can basically make a judgment just from Chu Tian's cold words just now!

Chutian's backstage background was very hard, much harder than theirs, so he had the confidence to speak out!

Which grandson dares to rob the Tailing Mountains!

They had only seen this domineering attitude of looking down on the world from some elite masters from Central Continent before!

"Is it possible that he is not from the Northern Territory, but one of the thirty-six king-level forces from Central Continent?"

After the three of them looked at each other, their eyes flashed, and the same idea suddenly appeared in their minds.

The reason why the three people judged that Chu Tian was not from the Five Great Aristocratic Families or the Seven Great Holy Lands.

The main reason is that the elite disciples of the twelve emperor-level forces are basically surrounded by powerful protectors when they go out for training, but Chu Tian is alone.

For the three major ethnic groups, even if Chu Tian only comes from the thirty-six king-level forces in Central Continent, they are not someone they can provoke.

Because since the Holy King Caitianxing unexpectedly fell thousands of years ago, no Holy King has been born in the entire Tailing Mountains!

Currently, there are only three holy masters in the Tailing Mountains, and the Great Elder Wucai Koi, a former master of the holy masters!

Chu Tian's sharp eyes swept across the three people, then quickly retracted his eyes and turned to look at Cai Wanyi, who was sitting cross-legged in the blood pool.

At this moment, Cai Wanyi closed her eyes tightly, made seals with her hands, and entered seal seals one after another toward the seal of the clan leader suspended in front of her.

As the seal entered, the light emitted from the patriarch's mark became brighter and brighter, gradually reaching a level that burned the eyes!


When this brightness reaches a limit, the mark suddenly turns into a stream of colorful light, lasing out, and instantly penetrates into the center of Cai Wanyi's eyebrows!


In an instant, a painful scream came from Cai Wanyi's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, her body trembled violently, and all the veins on her face popped out.

The arrogant face suddenly became ferocious and terrifying, like a succubus reborn in the world.

Seeing this, Chu Tian was about to help, but was stopped by the great elder next to him who raised his hand.

"We don't need to interfere. This is a pain that must be experienced if you want to fuse the patriarch's mark!"

"It's just that her cultivation is only at the level of a great venerable, so the pain she feels is obviously stronger, but I believe she can persevere to the end!"

The Great Elder said calmly while stopping Chu Tian.

Hearing this, Chu Tian nodded slightly.

Although Cai Wanyi's cultivation level is lower, she is a stubborn and determined person.

In addition, she dreams of returning to the Eastern Region and her ancestral land, so naturally she cannot give up casually in the middle.

Silently, time passes.

A quarter of an hour later, the look of pain on Cai Wanyi's face was significantly reduced, her breathing was steady, and she gradually entered a natural state without waves.


After this natural state lasted for only a dozen breaths, Cai Wanyi's eyebrows suddenly flashed with light, and a mysterious colorful mark slowly emerged.


The moment this colorful mark appeared, Cai Wanyi's closed eyes suddenly opened, and an astonishing pressure erupted on the spot, like an invisible wave, sweeping out in a mighty way!

"Meet the clan leader!"

Wherever this astonishing pressure passed, a large number of people fell to their knees, all bowed their heads and spoke respectfully.

Seeing this, Chu Tian hurriedly turned his head and scanned the whole place, only to find that except for three foreign saints, almost everyone on the square was kneeling down.

Of course, saint-level masters such as the great elder and the middle-aged man only bowed slightly to show respect, and did not kneel down on the spot like others.

"The patriarch's mark is so powerful!"

After sweeping the entire audience, Chu Tian couldn't help but secretly nod, showing a hint of admiration.

It is clear!

In the entire colorful koi, no matter who it is, as long as they can successfully integrate the clan leader's mark, they are the unquestionable true clan leader and are respected and awe-stricken by the entire clan.


Thinking of this, Chu Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and a trace of expectation flashed in his eyes.

Supporting Cai Wanyi to ascend to the throne and become the clan leader is the first step, and he has already completed it.

What he needs to do next is to obtain a special jade talisman, enter the ancient Dongsheng Sect, and find the body of Caitianxing!


After a breath, Cai Wanyi suddenly stood up from the blood pool, her whole body flashed with light, and her clothes instantly became as dry as new.

"Thank you, senior!"

She took one step out of the blood pool, bowed deeply to Chu Tian, ​​and spoke gratefully.

At the same time, the eyes of the great elder looking at Chu Tian were filled with deep gratitude.

This time, if Chutian hadn't come to help at the critical moment, not only would Cai Wanyi not be able to successfully obtain the clan leader's mark, but the entire colorful koi clan might even break out into a bloody war, causing serious damage to herself and indirectly annihilating the clan!

"You're welcome, hurry up and take the next step!"

Chu Tian waved his hand and spoke calmly.

It took three or four days for a clan leader to succeed to the throne!

He could predict that there would probably be various grand activities to celebrate the patriarch's succession, which might waste even more time!

At this moment, he only has one thought!

That is to enter the Ancient Eastern Saint Sect as soon as possible, retrieve the body of Caitianxing, complete the mission, and go to Central Continent!

"Next step?"

When the great elder heard this, he immediately frowned and turned to look at Cai Wanyi with some confusion.

Obviously, he had no idea about the agreement reached between Chutian and Caitianxing's arm!

"Senior, wait a minute, I need to spend at least half a day to familiarize myself with the use of the patriarch's mark before I can open the patriarch's treasure house and take out that special jade talisman!"

Cai Wanyi did not rush to answer the elder, but looked at Chu Tian and said apologetically.

Hearing this, Chu Tian nodded towards Cai Wanyi, jumped out of sight, disappeared in an instant, returned to his room, and waited patiently.

The remaining great elders and others looked at each other in confusion, then turned to look at the three foreign saints not far away, with a look of embarrassment on their faces.

An idea appeared in their minds at the same time!

How to deal with these three people?

Time passed and night fell in a blink of an eye.

In the room, Chu Tian sat cross-legged, his eyes closed, his face as calm as water, as if he had entered a deep sleep.


Suddenly, the door to the room opened automatically.

A beautiful figure, alone, with a face like a peach blossom and a body like a delicate swallow, steps forward and walks in!

"Did you bring something?"

Chu Tian asked in a low voice without raising his head or opening his eyes.

"Uh...bring...bring it!"

The person who entered was stunned for a moment and stammered, as if he didn't expect Chu Tian to speak so directly.

"Give me!"

Chu Tian raised his palm, spread his fingers, and stretched forward suddenly, asking for something.

"Chutian, you..."

When the person who entered saw this, his face froze again, and a hint of anger appeared in his eyes.

However, she still flicked out a green jade talisman and landed in Chu Tian's palm.


After doing all this, she snorted coldly, gritted her teeth slightly with an angry look on her face, turned around and left in a hurry, even forgetting to close the door again when she opened it.

"Haha, the same old routine, boring!"

After a breath, Chu Tian opened his eyes, shook his head, grinned, closed the door with a wave of his hand, and carefully studied the green jade talisman in his hand.

at the same time!

"Clan leader, why did you come out so quickly?"

The moonlight shone in the sky, and a rickety old man appeared out of thin air. He frowned slightly, looked at the person in front of him, and asked with a puzzled expression.

The person in front of him has an outstanding face and a slender figure. Certain key positions are deliberately exposed, revealing his beauty and tempting the soul.

It’s none other than Cai Wanyi!

At this moment, Cai Wanyi's face, apart from the obvious anger, was also mixed with a hint of disappointment!

And the rickety old man is the Great Elder!


The Great Elder stared at Cai Wanyi's complicated face. After two or three breaths, he seemed to understand something and couldn't help but sigh.

He specially arranged for Cai Wanyi to go to Chutian late at night and deliver the jade talisman.

I just want to take advantage of the perfect conditions of being speechless in the middle of the night, alone and alone in the same room, to create a little romantic accident, get closer to each other by the way, and even continue to improve the bloodline of the colorful koi family!

But I never expected it!

His little plan had no effect at all!

Chu Tian is comparable to Liu Xiahui when he was alive, calm in mind and calm in his arms!

"Great Elder, what should I do now? How about I try again?"

Soon, Cai Wanyi showed a trace of regret and hurriedly spoke in a low voice.

At this moment, she suddenly realized!

I just got angry and left because of the cold treatment by Chu Tian. This behavior was really too childish and did not really consider the interests of the entire colorful koi group!

In other words, her face is still too thin!

She is the clan leader, so for the long-term interests of the clan, it doesn't matter if she sacrifices a little bit of her personal appearance!


Regardless of his appearance or personal strength, Chutian is one of a kind and hard to find in the world!

They went to Wushan together for a while, and not only did she not lose money, but she also made a lot of money!

"No need, he has already made his attitude clear. If you continue to try, you are very likely to annoy the other party. Let's talk about this later!"

The great elder shook his head and rejected Cai Wanyi's proposal on the spot.

"Tomorrow morning, the other three clan leaders from the Tailing Mountains will come to personally congratulate the new clan leader on his succession. You... must be mentally prepared!"

After a few breaths, the Great Elder stared at Cai Wanyi and spoke in a deep voice, with a hint of solemnity evident in his words.

Upon hearing these words, Cai Wanyi suddenly trembled.

There was a trace of unconcealable nervousness on his proud face.

Will the heads of the three clans, all of whom are holy masters and have commanded the Supreme Spirit for hundreds of years, accept her, a little great master from the Northern Territory?

At the beginning, it didn't think that it needed to use weapons when facing such an opponent, but at this moment it had to take out the weapons, otherwise it would have been unable to withstand it. No matter how strong you are after being reborn from the ashes, it will continue to be consumed. Once the power of your own blood is consumed too much, your origin will be damaged.

"I have to say, you exceeded my expectations. But now I have to use all my strength." Following Cao Yuwei's words, the Phoenix True Fire converged towards it like an ocean embracing all rivers, actually taking back the Phoenix True Flame Domain. .

The blazing true fire of the phoenix condensed and formed around its body, turning into a magnificent golden-red armor covering its whole body. Holding a sword in its hand, it stared at the beautiful young master like a demon.

The beautiful young master did not pursue him and stood at a distance, calming down his somewhat agitated mood. Although this battle didn't last long, her mood was becoming more and more exciting.

She didn't know whether she could really resist it until she faced the Great Demon King-level immortal fire phoenix. Her confidence came from what Tang San had given her before. And as the battle continued, when she really started to suppress her opponent, and relied on the colorful sky fire liquid to protect herself from the Phoenix True Fire, she knew that she really could do it.

Over the past hundred years, Tang San taught her many fighting techniques, all of which were most suitable for her to use. Just like the previous Netherworld Thrust and Netherworld Hundred Claws. There was also the sword Xinghan that had just cut off Cao Yuwei's finger for the first time. From Tang San's point of view, these were truly magical skills. After he slightly modified them and taught them to Young Master Mei, they were the most suitable for her to use.

The more he used these abilities, the more Young Master Mei could not help but become convinced of Tang San. When Tang San initially told her that these belonged to the category of divine skills, she was still somewhat confused. However, at this time, she was able to continuously injure and oppress her opponents through levels. If it wasn't a magical skill, how could she do it given the gap in cultivation?

At this moment, all the emperors standing on the Emperor Tianzhu looked at this little girl with admiration. When the Phoenix True Flame Domain appeared, what they were considering was how long Young Master Mei could persist in this domain. The White Tiger Demon Emperor and the Jingfeng Demon Emperor were even ready to rescue them. However, as the battle continued, they watched dumbfoundedly. Young Master Mei actually suppressed a great demon king of the Immortal Fire Phoenix Tribe. In the true sense of the word, he suppressed him and even forced him to be reborn from the ashes. How incredible this is

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Just as Cao Yuwei thought in his heart, the first-level demon king and the ordinary demon king are not the same thing! What's more, they are descendants of the top three powerful races in the Tianyu Empire. In terms of profound foundation, it is not impossible to say that the Immortal Fire Phoenix lineage is the strongest in the Tianyu Empire. After all, the Sky Fox Clan is not good at fighting.

But just like that, he was actually suppressed by a beautiful young master who was a big lower rank. The Peacock Monster Clan doesn’t even have an emperor now! Mr. Mei was still a ninth-level being more than half a year ago and was still participating in the Ancestral Classic. And today, more than half a year later, she can actually compete with the Great Demon King. Then, if you give her a few more years, how powerful will she be? How long will it take for her to become an emperor? The emperors present all felt a little strange at this time, because the strength displayed by the beautiful young master was really beyond their expectations!

The Demon Emperor Tianhu frowned slightly and narrowed his eyes, wondering what he was thinking about.

From his point of view, everything he has to do is for the better continuation of the monster clan and the spirit clan, and for the fairy continent to always exist as the core of the entire plane.

The reason why he targeted this little girl was because when she first won the championship, he had felt something unusual in her, and he also felt a stronger threat from her companion. Even with his status as an emperor, he can feel this threat. The threat is not to himself, but to what he protects.

Therefore, he secretly guided the Dark Demon Emperor to hunt down Tang San and Young Master Mei.

After the return of the Dark Demon King, he said that there was a power similar to Poseidon that blocked him, but it had been eliminated by him, and the boy named Shura was completely wiped out. As expected, the Great Demon Emperor Tianhu could no longer feel the luck that belonged to Shura.

Therefore, all he needs to do is strangle the little girl in front of him in the cradle, or at least interrupt her luck, then the threat should disappear.

However, even the Great Demon Emperor Tianhu himself did not expect that Young Master Mei could grow at such a fast rate. In just over half a year, not only did he successfully overcome the tribulation, but he was also able to compete with a first-level bloodline powerhouse at the level of the Great Demon King. The stronger the ability she shows, the more threatening the Sky Fox Demon Emperor will naturally feel from her. And this threat has risen to a new level.

The sword in Cao Yuwei's hand shone with a dazzling golden-red light, and his whole body was full of murderous aura. Taking a step forward, the sword slashed out boldly. The sky suddenly became violently distorted. The blazing sword intent directly enveloped Young Master Xiang Mei's body.

It's still about force over skill.

The beautiful young master's expression remained unchanged, he took the initiative to take a step forward, and another Heavenly Mysterious Circle came out.

The extremely powerful blow of the sword was once again put aside. There were all top experts present, and they could all see that the skill that the beautiful young master was performing now was definitely a magical skill among the magical skills. The opponent's strength is obviously much stronger than hers, but they just can't break through her super strong defense.

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However, no one doubts the origin of this ability. After all, the Peacock Demon Clan’s best talent is the movement of stars. Her technique is similar to that of the stars.

After Master Mei defused Cao Yuwei's attack this time, he did not rush to attack. He just stood still.

Cao Yuwei frowned slightly. Is this little girl's perception so sharp? After he turned into armor with flames, he had other means. If Mr. Mei followed up with the attack, he would be sure to use this method to restrain her. But the beautiful young master did not step forward, so his originally prepared ability had to be interrupted.

The sword was slashed out again, and the powerful sword intention was a bit stronger than before. Cao Yuwei followed the sword and went straight towards the beautiful young master.

The Tianji Ling in the hand of the beautiful master once again became a mysterious circle in the sky, and he switched his position in an instant. While defusing the opponent's attack, it also defuses the opponent's lock. And the next moment, she was already on the other side. The golden-red light on Cao Yuwei's body flashed away. If she hadn't dodged quickly, there would undoubtedly have been another ability coming.

Spend money! She seemed to be fighting Cao Yuwei to death.

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Chapter 1647 The same old routine, boring! Free to read.

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