God of Defiance

Chapter 1804 The short, fat old man


Yang Mingtian's face changed instantly when he saw this, and he clenched his fist and punched out fiercely!


Instantly, the golden sword light that was slashing wildly was smashed to pieces by Yang Mingtian's punch, but he also took a step back before he stood firm again.

"Boy, are you looking for death!"

The next breath, Yang Mingtian's eyes were blazing, he glared at Chu Tian, ​​and shouted coldly.

He was just thinking about how to find an opportunity to use the power of the Saint King of Elder Lu Jun on him to catch a group of competitors including Chu Tian in one fell swoop, but he didn't expect Chu Tian to take the initiative and attack him!

"Haha, Yang Mingtian, the rules of the game, I believe you already know!"

"Just now it was just a warning. If you dare to kill me again, I, the quasi-king master, will never show mercy and let you go directly. Believe me, I am sure I can do it!"

Chu Tian turned his head and stared at Yang Mingtian, sneering and said.

His words were full of undisguised confidence and domineering, as if he was not just speaking to Yang Mingtian, but to everyone present.

After he finished speaking, he didn't care about Yang Mingtian's reaction, and quickly lowered his head and looked at the spiritual patterns flashing on the ground again.


After being scolded and threatened by Chu Tian in public, Yang Mingtian immediately cursed inwardly, his heart full of burning anger.

At this moment!

A series of eyes, from all directions, fell on him, and his face turned blue and white, changing constantly. He gritted his teeth slightly, wishing he could find a crack in the ground to crawl into immediately!

As a dignified son of the demon clan, when has he ever suffered such evil and been scolded and threatened in public!

Although he hated Chu Tian to death in his heart, he just gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, and rarely took any retaliatory measures.

At this moment, reason obviously prevailed in his brain!

As a quasi-king master, Chu Tian's spiritual pattern attainments are indeed far beyond others.

At this time, if he continued to resist and go against Chu Tian, ​​he would most likely be retaliated by Chu Tian and be eliminated.

"Little bastard, let's see how long you can be arrogant. I will endure it!"

After a breath, he gritted his teeth and snorted coldly, sat down cross-legged, and began to comprehend.

Seeing that Yang Mingtian, the son of the demon clan who always looked up to the top and had a bad temper, actually swallowed this bad breath, many people on the scene instantly showed obvious surprise on their faces.

However, while they were very surprised, they also secretly feared Chu Tian in their hearts.

Chu Tian not only had the advantage in spiritual patterns, but also had a clear advantage in the body.

Each of them paid a huge price to rush in, and their injuries were relatively serious.

The two brothers Wang Shicong retreated all the way with gloomy faces, found a corner away from Chu Tian, ​​sat cross-legged, and immediately showed their fear of Chu Tian to the fullest.

"Tsk tsk, Chu Tian's trick is really powerful, it actually scared so many people!" After seeing this scene, Qu Xiaoer couldn't help but sigh in admiration, and admired Chu Tian in her heart. "Xiao'er, you must remember!" "Don't rush up, it's best to stay in each square for three days, and comprehend as many spiritual patterns as possible before going to the next square!" At this moment, Chu Tian's voice suddenly sounded in her ears, and his tone seemed very serious. After receiving Chu Tian's reminder, Qu Xiaoer didn't think much, just nodded gently. At this time, Chu Tian's eyes flashed with a gleam of brilliance. The reason why he told Qu Xiaoer this through voice transmission was not from his subconscious, but from the memories of some humanoid residual spirits retained in his mind. According to the memory of the humanoid residual spirit! The comprehension of the spiritual pattern of the latter square is based on the comprehension of the previous square, so the more solid the foundation, the more likely it is to go further! Otherwise, at the end, it is very likely to be stuck, unable to advance or retreat, which is very embarrassing. In the following time, the square was quiet.

Everyone was seizing the time, concentrating their energy, and studying the various spiritual patterns displayed on the square. From time to time, they raised their hands, used their spiritual essence, and demonstrated on the spot.

Every time they comprehended a spiritual pattern, a ray of golden light rushed out from the ground of the square, attached to the surface of their bodies, and shone brightly.

As their understanding deepened, the golden light on everyone became more and more obvious, and it looked like a thin layer of gold was plated.

"Ahem, how long have I slept, and someone has entered the Xuanyuan Underground Palace again. It's so annoying!"

Just as everyone was busy comprehending the spiritual patterns, a complaining cough suddenly came from another unnamed space in the Xuanyuan Underground Palace.

The layout of this space is very simple.

A small medicinal field, sparsely growing more than a dozen spiritual medicines.

Next to the medicinal field, a short and fat old man in a green robe, with an unremarkable appearance and green hair, was lying on a rocking chair, rocking back and forth.

The short and fat old man was lying on the rocking chair. He didn't know how many years he had slept. He was suddenly awakened at this moment. Although he looked unhappy, his eyes were still fixed on the front.

In front of him, a clear picture appeared, showing the scene of Chu Tian and others struggling to comprehend the spiritual patterns.

If you look closely, you will find that the body of the short and fat old man presents a faint sense of illusion, as if he does not have a real body.

"Tsk tsk, there are quite a few people coming in this time, almost thirty people!"

"Could it be that Xuanyuan Mu's boy is secretly letting these people in, hoping to use the human sea tactic to forcefully sprint?"

After observing for a few breaths, the short and fat old man suddenly let out an unexpected sigh.

If Chu Tian were here, he would definitely be shocked and even look horrified when he heard these words!

In the outside world, Xuanyuan Mu, the helmsman of the Xuanyuan family who was so arrogant and so talkative, actually turned into the kid he mentioned casually in the words of the short, fat old man!

"Tch! If the human sea tactic was really effective, there wouldn't be a single saint who could successfully step into the seventh-floor square for so many years!"

After sighing, the short and fat old man suddenly smiled disdainfully, leaned back, and suddenly lay down on the rocking chair again.

Although he was very disdainful in his heart, the short and fat old man still paid close attention to the famous Zhongzhou Tianjiao who was seriously studying the spiritual patterns in the picture. From time to time, he raised his hand to move the focus back and forth.

"It's so stupid, it's so stupid!"

"How can there be such a stupid person in the world? After spending so long on the most basic holy level spiritual pattern, he still has only a half-knowledge of it!"

"With this level of understanding, you dare to show your shame. It's really embarrassing for me to throw it into my grandma's house. Are all the miraculous medicines I usually take left intact?"

The short and fat old man was observing and cursing, with an expression of hatred on his face.


After a few breaths, an unexpected light sound suddenly came from his mouth.

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