God of Defiance

Chapter 1927 Meeting Zhu Zhiwen again


Suddenly, a muffled sound came out.

The moment the muffled sound came out, the eye-catching big feet dropped from the sky and stopped at a height of more than one person from the ground, unable to fall any further!

At this moment, Chu Tian's right hand was raised high, like a pillar, firmly supporting his eye-catching foot, preventing the latter from falling another inch!

at the same time!

His other left hand was not idle, but he swung it violently, causing all the vortexes around him to accelerate and spin instantly!

puff! puff! puff!

In an instant, jet-black arrows struck from all directions and shot directly into each whirlpool. Their speed suddenly slowed down, as if they had turned into a snail.


Immediately afterwards, Chu Tian snorted coldly, and his raised left hand shook violently!


In an instant, all the whirlpools surrounding it were shaken and collapsed on the spot!

Along with the collapse, the pitch-black arrows wrapped in it all turned into pieces and scattered down.

"Sure enough, he has good strength. No wonder he was valued by that bitch Wei Mingjuan and came to rescue him. Unfortunately... he still has to die!"

After the vortex collapsed and the arrows disintegrated, a cold shout, filled with murderous intent, suddenly came from mid-air!

After the cold shout came out, the eye-catching big foot pressing on Chu Tian's head suddenly shook, its power suddenly increased several times, and instantly turned into a rolling torrent invisible to the naked eye, rushing into Chu Tian's body!


Before Chu Tian had any reaction, the place where his feet were standing suddenly exploded. His feet were deeply sunk, and numerous cracks were densely packed, winding, and quickly extending in all directions.

"Senior, you..."

When Zhou Yu, who was standing a few feet away, saw this scene, his expression suddenly changed and he subconsciously exclaimed.


And the moment he exclaimed, a roar suddenly came from Chu Tian's body!

Then an indescribable terrifying force suddenly burst out, along Chu Tian's raised arm, and hit the eye-catching big foot above his head!


In an instant, there was a loud noise, like thunder, exploding on the spot!

The eye-catching big feet, which looked as heavy as mountains, instantly collapsed after being impacted by this force, turned into prototypes, and flew out directly, along with the person who made the move!


The moment the person who made the move was thrown away, a cry of surprise immediately came out of his mouth.


Unexpectedly, Chu Tian ignored the person who made the move. Instead, he dodged and turned into an afterimage, directly killing those who were hiding in the dark and shooting arrows in a sneak attack!



In just two or three breaths, a series of shrill screams came from all directions, which sounded so trembling that it made one's heart tremble, his legs trembling, and it was difficult to stand still.

"Damn it!"

The figure in the mid-air cursed angrily when he heard the screams, and was about to rescue him, but Chu Tian had already dodged and returned to the position where he originally stood.

At this moment, his palms, dripping with blood, were holding several storage rings.

On his face, apart from being cold, there was murderous intent, a strong killing intent.

Since someone dares to take the opportunity to launch a sneak attack, then the other party must pay the due price!

Otherwise, the other party will definitely think that he is weak and can be bullied, and may even continue to launch sneak attacks without any scruples!

"Bastard thing!"

The figure in mid-air cursed angrily, hurriedly dodged, and rushed into the forest to check.

As a result, he found five corpses in the grass. They were all shot through the heart and died instantly!

The five people who died were all his men. They were all great saints. They all died on the spot without even a splash of water.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

At this moment, five more figures hurried over from different directions and stood near the corpse, with complex emotions such as shock, fear, fear, disbelief, etc. showing on their faces.

They came in, a total of ten people, and half of them died in just two or three breaths, which was a heavy loss!

"Senior, let's leave quickly now. If it's too late, it'll be too late!"

Just as the attacker was checking the body, Zhou Yu looked nervous and sent a message to Chu Tian.

Chu Tian stood motionless. After hearing the reminder, not only did he not leave in a hurry, but he smiled coldly: "Haha, leave, why are you leaving!?"


The moment the words fell, footsteps were heard, and six figures immediately appeared on the opposite side.

The leader was none other than Zhu Zhiwen, the genius of the Yunlan Sect who had had a conflict with him in the square before!

At this moment, Zhu Zhiwen's face was extremely gloomy, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and he was staring at Chu Tian.

In the slits of his eyes, there was an undisguised cold murderous intention, like a poisonous snake, choosing people to eat!

Since he comes from the Yunlan Sect, one of the seven Immortal Envoys, and has a strong background, he can bring ten capable men with him when he enters the Xiaonan Heaven Realm this time.

As a result, a sneak attack not only failed, but Chu Tian killed five people on the spot, greatly damaging his power!

Although he was stared at by Zhu Zhiwen, Chu Tian did not show the slightest discomfort.

He looked at the opposite side and said with a faint smile: "Haha, I'm sorry, I just took action and didn't hold it back for a moment. Five of them died... Under normal circumstances, all ten should have been killed!"

Zhou Yu, who was not far away, first heard Chu Tian speak and thought that Chu Tian wanted to sincerely apologize and ease the relationship. However, when he heard the last part, he staggered and almost fell down.

"Senior, I know that you have an extraordinary background and are powerful, but can you please stop being so harsh in your words? The person facing you is the number one genius of the Yunlan Sect!"

After a breath, he regained his balance, looked panicked, moved his mouth, and sent another voice reminder.

He is an indigenous warrior from Xiaonantian Star. Although he is not well-known, he can be regarded as a disciple of the aristocratic family. He is familiar with Zhu Zhiwen, the first genius of the Yunlan Sect, and he has a deep understanding of the terrifying strength possessed by the Yunlan Sect.

Even in Xiaonantian Realm, the opponent cannot kill Chu Tian.

Once he leaves here and returns to the outside world, Zhu Zhiwen can rely on the huge power of the Yunlan Sect behind him to easily kill Chu Tian and the Zhou family. It will definitely be too late to cry!

Chu Tian completely ignored Zhou Yu's reminder, his eyes flashed, and he suddenly burst out, clenched his right hand, aimed at the opponent's heart, and punched it!

"not good!"

The moment this scene happened, all five of Zhu Zhiwen's men's expressions changed, and they hurriedly retreated without even thinking.

"Well done!"

But Zhu Zhiwen showed a ferocious face, roared angrily, clenched his fist, exerted all his strength, and blasted out!


In one breath, two eye-catching fists that were as big as a house collided head-on with a terrifying loud noise and exploded instantly!

Strong winds and waves were generated out of thin air, like thousands of horses galloping, rushing madly in all directions!

Wherever it passed, it was destroyed, trees were broken, rocks were pierced through the air, and in the blink of an eye, it swept across hundreds of miles!


At this moment, many warriors in Xiaonantian Realm frowned and turned their heads when they heard the loud noise.

Twenty taels of silver was a bit too small, but in modern times it was still around eight thousand to ten thousand yuan.

At present, an ordinary soldier in the Yu Dynasty can only earn one tael of silver per month at most, and a centurion can earn three taels of silver per month.

Maybe he will accept it.

In addition, Qin Hu is also planning to draw a big pie for Li Xiaokun. After all, Qin Hu used to have money.

Now it depends on whether he and Qin An can survive the night.

"Little Marquis, I may not be able to survive. I'm so hungry, my hands and feet are frozen with cold." Qin An said in a daze.

"Xiao Anzi, Xiao Anzi, hold on, hold on, you can't stay still, get up and run. Only in this way can you survive."

In fact, Qin Hu himself is in trouble. Although he was a special soldier in his previous life, this body is not what he used to be. All he has now is a perseverance.


Qin Hu's eyes were like cold stars, and he suddenly shouted in a low voice. A reflection and a rustling sound that appeared just ten meters away from the camp aroused his alertness.

With the professional sense of smell of a special scout, he felt that it was the enemy.

But should we notify Li Xiaokun?

Qin Hu hesitated a little. What if he saw it wrong? You know, his current physical condition is completely different from before.

If a false alarm causes night terrors or camp roars, and someone gets a handle on it, they will be killed without mercy.

"Xiao Anzi, hand me the bow and arrow."

Qin Hu prostrates himself on the chariot shaft

But Qin An

"Bow and arrow, what are bow and arrow?"

What, there are no bows and arrows in this era?

Qin Hu looked around and found that the wheels were getting thinner.

The more I look at it, the more it looks like a weapon.

Wooden gun, this is the iconic building of the cannon fodder.

"Come closer, come closer..." After a few breaths, Qin Hu was sure that he was right.

The other party may be the enemy's scouts, called scouts in this era. They are trying to enter the camp and conduct reconnaissance.

Of course, if conditions permit, you can also poison, set fire to, or perform a beheading operation.

"one two three……"

He and Qin An lay motionless on the ground until then, he suddenly jumped up and threw the wooden spear as a javelin.


It was impossible for the scout to wear armor because he had difficulty moving, so the shot pierced his chest directly.

Following Qin Hu, he picked up the wooden gun belonging to Qin An, jumped out of the carriage, and chased in the opposite direction desperately.

For the reliability of intelligence, the scouts are required to monitor each other and are not allowed to act alone, so there are at least two.

After a few moments, Qin Hu threw another black shadow to the ground.

Then he strangled his neck with a wooden gun. There was a crisp sound and the man's head hung down.

"Hoo ho, ho ho!" Qin Hu was sweating profusely and almost collapsed. He lay on the ground gasping for air. His body was really too weak.

Just to break the enemy's neck, before he could just use his hands, but just now he had to rely on the power of a wooden gun.

"Qin An, come here and search me for me."

Qin Hu is familiar with the rules of the battlefield. He must collect all the trophies from these two guys as quickly as possible.

"Two daggers, two horizontal knives, a level, seven or eight taels of broken silver, two grain bags, five scout flags, a kettle, two sets of cotton-padded clothes, two pot helmets, bacon..."

"Qin An, brother, hurry up, hurry up, eat something quickly, you are saved..."

Qin Hu tremblingly grabbed a handful of fried beans from the grain bag and stuffed it into Qin An's mouth, then gave him water and put on the captured cotton-padded clothes.

Before dawn, Qin Hu cut off the scout's head before the sentry on duty arrived, carried it into Shi Chang's camp, and reported what happened yesterday.

This was done to prevent others from taking credit. He knew what kind of environment he was in.

"Thirty taels of silver for one head, you've made a fortune."

The squad leader was named Gao Da, a tall, strong man with a beard.

At first, he didn't believe it at all until he saw the spoils seized by Qin Hu and the two corpses.

At this moment, his eyes were full of envy and jealousy.

"It's not me who made a fortune, it's everyone who made a fortune. This is the credit of the ten of us together."


Chapter 1927 Meet Zhu Zhiwen again!

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