God of Defiance

Chapter 1938 Crazy Fire Refining

In an instant, purple flames completely flooded the three-story attic.

Unfortunately, no matter how fiercely the flames burned, it was still difficult to burn down the attic.

At this moment, Chu Tian was on the first floor of the Xiaozang Gong Building, covered in blood and breathing heavily. After turning his head and looking around, he nodded secretly.

The maker of this small Zanggong Building was a quasi-emperor of the Dongsheng Sect in the Zhenwu Continent.

Although the Xiaozanggong Tower is not a specialized defensive weapon, it is almost impossible for the king fire outside to burn down the entire attic in a short period of time!

Soon, Chu Tian sat down cross-legged. After pondering for a few moments, he gritted his teeth slightly and quickly made a decision!

Then, he flipped his palm and took out a small white bottle. When he opened the cap, a burst of rich blood instantly shot up into the sky!

What is contained in the white vial is none other than a drop of essence blood left behind after killing the two Holy King Immortal warriors inside the immortal corpse!

After all the crazy tossing before, Chu Tian was already exhausted physically and mentally and scarred.

If you want to recover quickly in a short period of time, you can only rely on this precious drop of essence blood!

After a breath, Chu Tian raised his head and swallowed the blood in the bottle into his belly. Instantly, his whole body was filled with light!

Countless essences in the body are surging crazily, pouring into every part of the body, repairing injuries and replenishing spiritual energy!

It only takes less than a dozen breaths!

Not only was Chu Tian in high spirits, with no injuries at all, and he was back to his peak, but there was also a large amount of essence blood energy remaining deep in his body, which was latent.

"Consuming one drop of the immortal warrior's blood essence will determine success or failure, all in one fell swoop!"

After standing up, he looked solemn, murmured, raised his right foot, took a step forward, and disappeared in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, the attic disappeared.

Chu Tian reappeared, sitting cross-legged, his eyes closed tightly, and flames surged in from all around, engulfing him all at once!


And at the moment when the flames were submerged, Chu Tian gritted his teeth, snorted coldly, made a secret with both hands, concentrated his mind, and used the "Burning Immortal Secret" with all his strength.

The mysterious technique "Burning Immortal Technique" was obtained from an unknown skeleton in the underground space many years ago when he was enrolling in Tianji Academy of Wuyan Kingdom.

Since then, he has used this technique to conquer the spiritual fire of heaven and earth many times. Now he is finally trying to conquer a ball of king-level flame!

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

After the purple flame came into contact with Chutian's body, it instantly rushed into his body through the pores of his skin and facial features, and then suddenly surged and burned crazily.


In an instant, shrill screams resounded.

But the scream stopped abruptly and disappeared within less than a breath of time.

At this moment, Chu Tian was sitting cross-legged in the fire, his face was ferocious, his teeth were clenched, his whole body was shaking, and he was using all his strength not to make any sound.

He knew it very well in his heart!

It is very likely that Yu Cangjiu and others above the canyon have not left yet.

Once they hear the screams, those people may come down desperately to check, and he will definitely be in danger by then!

On the edge of the canyon, an old man, a young man, and two semi-saints were sitting cross-legged and playing chess.

"Hey, Uncle Qi, did you hear a scream that seemed to come from the valley just now?"

Suddenly, the young half-saint grabbed the chess piece, frowned slightly, and asked in a low voice.

The old half-saint sitting opposite heard this and immediately shook his head: "What a scream, why didn't I hear it!"

"Those outsiders before were either burned to death or were teleported away in a hurry. My nephew, you definitely heard wrong!"

As the old half-saint spoke, he waved his hand, urging the young half-saint to make a move quickly!

The young half-saint frowned. After pondering for a moment, he seemed to feel that he had heard wrongly. He immediately shook his head, grabbed the chess piece, and dropped it on the chessboard casually.


In the central area of ​​the canyon, extremely restrained low screams could be heard from time to time, echoing within hundreds of feet.

In the flames, Chu Tian sat cross-legged, his expression ferocious and terrifying, his body trembling like chaff.

The endless pain almost completely overwhelmed his consciousness.

At this moment, he was only relying on the remaining consciousness in the spiritual platform to maintain the continuous operation of "Burning Immortal Technique".

Although the technique continued to operate, the flames burning inside and outside the body were too fierce.

Not long after, there was a loud bang and a muffled sound!

Chu Tian's physical body almost collapsed!

It seemed that only a skeleton and a head were left, which were relatively intact, sitting cross-legged in the flames, shaking violently.

The moment the physical body collapsed!

An unprecedented and terrifying pain immediately filled Chu Tian's entire brain, but it still failed to kill him completely. Instead, it inspired a strong fighting spirit deep in his heart!

"Ahh... practice for me!"

Chu Tian let out a low roar, and used his two palms to frantically make secrets and run his skills.


Immediately, countless flames entered Chu Tian's bones and began to burn. Even in his brain, flames continued to enter.

After this situation lasted for a few breaths, bursts of buzzing suddenly came out.

Immediately, a large amount of quintessence of blood energy quickly poured out from various bones, the light flickered, and transformed into a naked body again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, the blood energy remaining deep in Chutian's body finally began to work!


But just a few breaths into the naked body, after it was burned by the flames, it suddenly exploded and turned into a skeleton with a human head on it again.


Chu Tian screamed in pain and continued to use his skills desperately.

Not long after, a large amount of blood energy surged out from various bones and turned into a naked body. Unfortunately, after a few breaths, it collapsed again.

for the rest of the time!

Chu Tian's physical body collapsed one after another, and then regrouped one after another.

At the beginning, he screamed in pain and his body shook violently. Later, he was completely numb.

It collapses and condenses at will, with almost no reaction.

Fortunately, he is a being whose soul strength is almost as strong as that of a king, and he took a drop of precious immortal warrior blood essence in advance!

Otherwise, if this kind of collapse and re-consolidation lasts for a few times at most, his entire body and mind will directly collapse and it will never be able to recover again!

Time passed, and half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Chutian's physical body collapsed, condensed, and collapsed. At the end, even Chutian couldn't remember how many times his physical body collapsed and condensed again!

Gradually, the number of collapses became less and less, and the time that the physical body was maintained became longer and longer!

In the end, being burned by the flames, Chu Tian's body could only tremble violently, but there was no collapse at all!

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Suddenly, countless purple flames rushed into his body, gathered in his dantian, and directly intertwined with the original Five Emotions Sacred Fire, slowly merging into one.


Half a day later, a roar of excitement came out.


Immediately afterwards, a pillar of colorful flame light, surrounded by several people, rose into the sky, hit the sky hard, spread out instantly, and turned into a sky full of fire, covering most of the Little Nantian Realm at once.

In an instant, the king's pressure fell from the sky!

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