God of Defiance

Chapter 1976 The storm ends

After hearing Xuanyuan Ning's roar, the dozens of warriors who had made public reports turned pale with fright and hurriedly took a few steps back, obviously fearing Xuanyuan Ning's revenge.

Xuanyuan Saint gave a reassuring look to more than a dozen people.

Then she looked at the head of the family, Xuanyuan Yu, and asked calmly: "The head of the family, Xuanyuan Ning forced the family disciples to pay tribute and collected property many times. How are you going to deal with this matter?"

"Don't worry Saint, this matter will be investigated thoroughly and we will be given an explanation!"

After Xuanyuan Yu hesitated for a moment, he spoke in a deep voice and expressed his attitude.

"Master, I am absolutely innocent. Those guys are all slanderers. Don't listen to their slanders..."

As soon as Xuanyuan Yu finished expressing his position, Xuanyuan Yu immediately shouted loudly.

"Shut up!"

As a result, before he could finish his words, he was interrupted coldly by the head of the family, Xuanyuan Yu.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Yu's entire face was gloomy, as if he was about to burst into anger.

Xuanyuan Ning was arranged by him. This person's cultivation level is quite good, but he is too greedy, and at the critical moment, he can't understand the situation clearly, and he doesn't see his temporary attempt to calm things down.

"Okay, that's it. Don't gather here anymore. Let's all disperse!"

After a moment, Xuanyuan Yu turned his head, swept across the audience, and shouted in a deep voice.

While speaking, he nodded towards Chu Tian, ​​signaling Chu Tian to let go of Xuanyuan Yu who was in the ruins.

Chu Tian smiled coldly and said nothing. With a thought in his mind, he made a secret with his hands and instantly put away the Hundred Refinement Nirvana Body and returned to normal state.

"You little bastard, I'll kill you!"

The moment Chu Tian returned to normal, a roar suddenly came from the ruins.

Immediately afterwards, an old man with blood all over his body and disheveled hair rushed out from the ruins, clenched his fist, aimed at Chu Tian, ​​and hit Chu Tian hard.

"Not enough trouble yet!"

As a result, just as the old man took action, he shouted coldly and exploded in the air.

At the same time as the cold drink came out, another big hand descended from the sky and slapped the old man hard on the body with lightning speed.

The latter fell to the ground very quickly in an instant, and finally fell heavily to the ground with a bang, creating a large and eye-catching crater.

"Master, you..."

In the next breath, the old man quickly got up regardless of his injuries. His eyes widened and he stared at Xuanyuan Yu who had just attacked him. His face was full of surprise.

Obviously, he did not expect that Xuanyuan Yu, who he had been loyal to for so many years, would openly take action to stop him!


Xuanyuan Yu snorted coldly, without even looking at the old man, he turned his head again and scanned the entire audience with his sharp eyes.

Being stared at by such fierce eyes, the bodies of everyone present trembled for an instant, and in the blink of an eye, they dispersed like birds and beasts and disappeared.

After briefly arranging the aftermath, Xuanyuan Yu also took Xuanyuan Ning and left in a hurry.

On the ruins, only Chu Tian, ​​Xuanyuan Saint and Wei Mingjuan were left.

"Chu Tian, ​​I'm sorry that I have made you feel wronged! Although it is an investigation, I'm afraid that guy Xuanyuan Ning will not be severely punished in the end!"

Saint Xuanyuan came to Chu Tian and said with a hint of apology.

It was she who brought Chu Tian to the Xuanyuan family to serve as the elder of the guest family.

As a result, she was subjected to Xuanyuan Ning's sinister plot again, and she naturally felt a little regretful.

After Chu Tian heard this, he grinned and pretended to be nonchalant: "Haha, it doesn't matter, that guy Xuanyuan Ning has already fallen hard enough!"

Although after entering the tower, he was continuously plotted by Xuanyuan Ning and almost died, but strictly speaking, he is the real winner!

Originally, he only understood the holy principles of a king with the fire attribute, but after leaving the tower, he pushed the two holy principles of the sword attribute and the war attribute to the king level in one go.

Sword and fire fighting, four holy principles, only the holy principle of killing is left, and it has not yet reached the level of king!

Once he reaches it and the time is right, he can activate his own aura, summon thunder tribulation, overcome the tribulation and become the king, and step into the top ranks of the spiritual world!

The average king has understood a kind of holy principle.

A few genius kings have understood the two holy principles.

A very small number of monster kings can understand the three holy principles and crush all kings.

Once a warrior like him who has understood the four holy principles becomes king, his strength will soar to an unimaginable level, which can be called a drastic change like a rebirth.

When he thought of this, Chu Tian smiled slightly and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Although his strength will skyrocket after the breakthrough, the difficulty of the breakthrough will also be far beyond that of ordinary saints, and he still needs to keep his head clear and calm at all times.

"Chu Tian, ​​although I have pure blood and I have the Emperor's Divine Torch in my hand, it is impossible for everyone in the Xuanyuan family to obey my orders. You have to be careful in the future!"

After communicating for a few moments, Saint Xuanyuan gave an instruction, turned around and left in a hurry.


Chu Tian nodded and watched Saint Xuanyuan leave.

After Saint Xuanyuan left, Chu Tian casually greeted Wei Mingjuan who was a few feet away, and then left in a hurry.

"A gifted monster, extremely shrewd, flexible and able to bend and stretch. He knows how to give up when things are good. He can easily control his emotions, no more, no less, just right. It's really rare!"

Wei Mingjuan stood there, looking at Chu Tian who was leaving in a hurry, murmuring in a low voice, her face full of admiration.

Generally speaking, the more evil a young prodigy is, the higher his morale will be.

A high morale will inevitably lead to a person's arrogance, confusion, and lack of adaptability.

But Chu Tian, ​​who is such a monster in every aspect, still maintains a cool head and a super high emotional intelligence. This is very commendable!


After a few breaths, Wei Mingjuan nodded slightly, turned around and disappeared.

Not long after, Chutian returned to his room, closed the door, leaned on the chair, brought a cup of hot tea to his mouth, drank the tea, and began to meditate.

He has completed three of the four holy principles of fighting with swords and fire, and now only one of killing is left, and he has not yet realized the level of the king.

The understanding of killing is difficult to come by quickly, otherwise in the Northern Territory, the Killing Saint would not have surpassed the Ke Saint, led the way, and was praised by future generations!

"The Holy Principle of Killing is too difficult to understand, so we can only let nature take its course!"

After thinking for a moment, Chu Tian shook his head, sighed, and stopped thinking about this issue.

Immediately afterwards, he sipped hot tea and thought about entering Daoxuan Palace.

This time he not only broke through the fifth floor, but finally blew up the entire battle tower and turned it into ruins. Even the elder of the tower guard, Xuanyuan Ning, was openly trampled under his feet, making it difficult for him to stand up!

His strong strength has been demonstrated to a considerable extent!

If a person with his strength cannot get a place to enter Daoxuan Palace, then no one in the entire Xuanyuan family may be qualified to get a place!

Coupled with the fact that Saint Xuanyuan used her influence, he got an entry quota, and he was basically inseparable, unless Xuanyuan Yu, the head of the family, maliciously stopped him.

While sipping hot tea, Chutian's thoughts changed very quickly, and his mind quickly recalled the group of acquaintances who had once embarked on the road to the stars with him.

"Qu Xiao'er, Yang Ming'er, Jitian Saint, and Yang Mingtian...where have you gone? Are you on Canglan Star, or have you wandered to other stars in the Southern Sky Star Region?"

Chu Tian frowned slightly, leaned on the chair, looked into the distance through the window, and whispered to himself.

Although the four geniuses represented by Yang Mingtian once launched a crazy siege on him before the teleportation, forcing him to stay alone in the corpse of the immortal, but now he is on the other side of the starry sky, in an unfamiliar place, and he still I really miss my former competitors.

Just when Chu Tian was wandering in the sky and thinking wildly, an angry roar could be faintly heard from a secret room deep in the Xuanyuan family.

"Are you an idiot!?"

"Since you know that the method won't work, why didn't you give up in time? As a result, the battle tower collapsed and no one was able to capture it. The majestic Holy King's reputation was ruined and almost turned into a joke!"

In the secret room, the head of the family, Xuanyuan Yu, cursed rudely and angrily at the tower guard elder Xuanyuan Ning, who was standing about a foot away.

Although Xuanyuan Ning had been an elder guarding the tower for many years and was used to showing off his power, at this moment, facing Xuanyuan Yu who was pointing at his nose and scolding him, he could only act submissive and submissive.

He is indeed a Holy King, and he is also a member of the Presbyterian Church.

But in the Presbyterian Church, his status is almost at the bottom. It can be said that he is insignificant and his influence is almost zero.

In addition, not long ago, he had a big embarrassment in public, and he felt guilty, so he did not dare to casually refute the furious Xuanyuan Yu.

In the secret room, besides the two people, there were also Xuanyuan Hong and elder Xuanyuan Ce.

Xuanyuan Yu had a gloomy face. After venting for a while, he suddenly turned his head, looked up, and snorted coldly: "I really didn't expect that she came across the starry sky from the ancestral land, and she actually carried the Emperor God made by the ancestor. Ju, we’re in trouble now!”

The "she" mentioned by Xuanyuan Yu naturally refers to Saint Xuanyuan.

Originally, Saint Xuanyuan relied on her pure bloodline to gain huge influence in the family.

Now that the important treasure of the Emperor's Divine Torch has been publicly displayed, his influence has skyrocketed instantly, almost surpassing that of the real head of the family!


When Xuanyuan Hong and Xuanyuan Ning heard this, their faces were gloomy, they gritted their teeth slightly and clenched their fists.

Xuanyuan Yu's influence was surpassed, and the two of them were naturally very unhappy as their influence declined.

But it was impossible for the two of them to directly attack Saint Xuanyuan and kill each other.

On the one hand, because Saint Xuanyuan came across the starry sky, she must have powerful life-saving means on her. On the other hand, once they do it, it is likely to attract the abandonment and hostility of the entire Xuanyuan family.

After all, Saint Xuanyuan has a pure bloodline, holds the emperor's torch, is the direct descendant of the family, has a legitimate name, and has a high status, comparable to the family master. She really cannot go against her.

For a moment, the entire secret room fell into silence.

"Master, that boy Chu Tian was in a hurry to enter the Xuanyuan Battle Tower. He was plotted against him and in a rage, he directly blew up the entire battle tower. He was nothing more than... maybe we can..."

After a few breaths, Xuanyuan Ce's deep voice resounded, intermittently, echoing in the secret room.

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