God of Defiance

Chapter 2202 The Spirit of All Living Beings

At this moment, Chu Tian's body and sea of ​​consciousness were all filled with purple royal fire, burning like a chicken blood!

The thick darkness that existed in Chu Tian's body and sea of ​​consciousness, after being burned by the flames, rolled crazily and kept making sizzling sounds, which sounded faintly giving people an extremely painful emotion.


As the sizzling sound came out, the severe pain Chu Tian felt continued to decrease, and he couldn't help but feel very excited, and he opened his mouth and shouted "Hello".

He never expected it!

The King of Heaven and Earth Fire that he controls actually has such huge lethality against the strange darkness that seeps into his body's sea of ​​consciousness!

He has full confidence that he can eliminate all the weird darkness in his body within a quarter of an hour, and then completely return to normal.

Xing Xiaoyao, who was not far away, saw Chu Tian completely wrapped in purple flames. After he shouted loudly, his heart jumped slightly and his face showed a hint of complexity.

Although he and Chu Tian have known each other for some time, strictly speaking, their relationship is not particularly close.

Chutian asked her to help take out all the Jinyu clan living in Xiaonantian Realm, but she was not particularly interested.

Because the Jinyu clan has nothing to do with her, she doesn't care whether the Jinyu clan lives or dies.

She currently only has two thoughts in her mind!

The first thought is to swallow the colorful light ball that has basically restored health to strengthen himself and improve his strength.

The second thought was related to her guess about the weird darkness, but at the moment, she couldn't tell whether her guess was accurate or not!

If her guess is accurate, then to her, the attractiveness of the colored light balls will decrease a lot and become no longer so attractive.

After a moment's hesitation, she suddenly turned her head and looked at Chu Tian, ​​who was wrapped in flames. A hint of hidden greed flashed in her eyes, and she clenched her fists, as if she was waiting for the moment when Chu Tian eliminated the strange darkness.


In the following time, the purple king fire burned crazily inside and outside Chu Tian's body, constantly burning the strange blackness to a sizzling sound, turning into nothingness and dissipating.

As the burning progressed, the strange darkness existing in Chu Tian's body quickly disappeared.

The strange darkness that exists in the sea of ​​consciousness is also constantly decreasing, but the rate of decrease is obviously slower and it looks very stubborn.

Hundreds of breaths later, all the darkness existing in Chu Tian's physical body was completely destroyed. The purple king fire slowly returned to the physical body and attacked the sea of ​​consciousness with all its strength.

Xing Xiaoyao, who was not far away, saw this scene, his clenched fists trembled slightly, and the nervous look on his face suddenly became more obvious.

It won’t take long to find out whether her judgment is accurate or not!

Zhi! Zhi! Zhi!

After all the king fires entered the sea of ​​consciousness, the sizzling sound coming from the sea of ​​consciousness immediately increased several times. The sound made the heart beat faster and the teeth hurt!


In the vast sea of ​​​​consciousness, the raging and burning purple king fire began to carry out the final encirclement and suppression of the weird darkness. At a speed visible to the naked eye, it continued to force the weird darkness into the middle of the sea of ​​​​consciousness.

Chu Tian gritted his teeth tightly, with a ferocious face, and mobilized all the strength in his body, activating Wang Huo, to encircle and suppress the strange darkness, hoping to eliminate the hatred in his heart.

This time!

These strange and dark things that he had no idea what they were caused great pain and threat to him!

No matter what, he will never allow the latter to continue to exist in his body, and he must eliminate them all!

As time continued, the strange darkness in the Consciousness Sea was retreating steadily under the crazy siege of the Purple King Fire, and in the end it was simply confined to a hundred feet in the central area of ​​the Consciousness Sea.

Zhi! Zhi! Zhi!

The purple king fire attacked with all its strength, and the sizzling sound continued to be heard.

The area occupied by the strange darkness continues to shrink, but the rate of shrinkage has obviously slowed down a lot, and it has obviously entered the final and most stubborn stage.


After just a few breaths, the sizzling sound gradually disappeared and was replaced by bursts of howling ghosts and wolves, which sounded chilling.

After these ghostly cries and wolf howls were heard, the strange and violent rolling blackness immediately deformed quickly. In a short period of time, it actually turned into a blurry face!

Very strange!

This blurry face, standing vertically, looks like a thin layer, like a weird mask.

"No way, it's you!"

After Chu Tian noticed the blurry face, his expression suddenly changed, and his heart beat hard in his chest.

The face that appeared in his mind at this time was very blurry, but with just one glance, he could tell that the face was none other than Yu Cangjiu, the leader of the Jinyu clan!

As a veteran who has been in the spiritual world for many years, he has experienced too much, and his ability to control his emotions has long been extraordinary.

But suddenly he saw Yu Cangjiu's blurry face appearing strangely in his sea of ​​consciousness. For a moment, he was still extremely shocked!

Even if he is extremely smart and far beyond ordinary people, it is still difficult to figure it out!

Why did the remaining weird darkness suddenly turn into the appearance of Yu Cangjiu!

If it was said that the strange darkness that appeared in the boundary core was all caused by Yu Cangjiu secretly, he would never believe it!

Yu Cangjiu is the patriarch of the Jinyu clan. He can be said to be selfless and dedicated to his responsibilities. He has been working hard day and night for the survival and development of the entire Jinyu clan!

How could such a person go to great lengths to secretly harm his own race!

"Let me go, otherwise... I will explode myself, blow up your sea of ​​consciousness, and we will die together!"

After the fuzzy face appeared, a clear and threatening message was immediately conveyed to Chu Tian.

After receiving this news, Chu Tian's heart suddenly jumped, and then he secretly sneered.

This blurry face with no idea of ​​what it was suddenly sent out such a threatening message at this moment, which obviously proved that his previous attack strategy was very effective and had forced the other party to reveal his true identity and respond in person!

"Haha, if you want me to let you go, of course... you can!"

After a few breaths of silence, Chu Tian smiled coldly and agreed to the other party's request.

After receiving Chu Tian's reply of agreement, the nervous expression on the blurry face immediately dissipated and turned into unabashed excitement and relaxation.


But at this moment, a huge invisible force suddenly fell from the sky, covering the blurry face, and then yanked hard!


In an instant, the blurred face flashed uncontrollably at a high speed, and was suddenly pulled out of the sea of ​​consciousness and suspended in front of Chu Tian.

"Ah...you deliberately lied and deceived me!"

After suddenly appearing in the outside world, the blurry face was startled for a moment, then screamed, flashed suddenly, and rushed madly towards the colorful light ball not far away, trying to return to his original habitat.


As a result, before it had time to fly, countless purple flames suddenly appeared in the void around it, wrapping it up and burning violently. Screams and curses were immediately heard.

"Hey, you're an idiot! Let you go, how is that possible!"

After hearing the screams and curses, Chu Tian suddenly smiled coldly, with sarcasm on his face.

He has never been a pedantic person, but he always likes to take things unexpectedly!

The blurry face of unknown origin in front of him made him miserable and embarrassed. How could he let him go so easily?

If he doesn't take the opportunity to kill the other party, he himself will not forgive himself!

If the other party scolds him for being cunning and dishonest, he can just scold him casually. It won't cause any substantial harm to him anyway, and it won't help him get out of trouble either. At most, it's just a mouthful!

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the opponent can threaten him by self-destructing.

But outside, no matter how the opponent explodes, it will not threaten him, or even cause him the slightest injury!

What's more, once they get outside, the other party can't just explode if they want to. It's not that simple!

"Sure enough! Sure enough, the spirit of all living beings was born. Although it took a detour and brought obvious evil spirits, it is still a genuine spirit of all living beings!"

At this moment, Xing Xiaoyao, who was dozens of feet away, had his eyes wide open, staring at the blurry face that was being burned by the purple king's fire and screaming and cursing, murmuring, extremely excited.

Although she was extremely excited, she did not rush to snatch it. Instead, she took a deep breath, lowered her eyebrows, and pretended that the matter had nothing to do with her.


As the purple king fire burned fiercely, the screams and curses coming from the blurry face gradually turned from harsh to weak.

The face that was violently burned and blurred, of course wanted to die with Chu Tian through self-destruction at this moment, and be done with it, but it couldn't do it at all!

Because Chu Tian's powerful spiritual thoughts have completely enveloped her, like an invisible rope, tightly entangled her, let alone self-destruction, even moving is very difficult!

The key is!

There is also the King of Heaven and Earth Fire that is constantly burning and doing crazy damage to it. Its strength is constantly declining at a speed visible to the naked eye. Even if it really self-destructs, I am afraid it will not be able to harm the opponent even a hair!

In the blink of an eye, more than ten breaths passed.

"Ah... friend, please let me go. I am willing to swear an oath of heaven, to serve you as my master, and to be your slave for eternity. I will never go back on my word, never go back on my word!"

At this moment, only a vague gray shadow remained on the blurred face, and the screams and curses in his mouth completely turned into screams for mercy, which almost made those who heard it sad and those who heard it shed tears.

Facing the begging for mercy, Chu Tian stood with his hands behind his back, his expression cold, his eyes staring straight ahead, showing no intention of letting him go!


A few breaths later, an unprecedented scream suddenly came out.

The fuzzy face, which had been weakened to the extreme, shrank sharply, and at the same time, its color quickly turned white, and finally turned into a white translucent ball only the size of a walnut, suspended in mid-air.


Seeing this, Chu Tian narrowed his eyes, raised his hand and was about to grab the white ball, when a wild roar suddenly rang out.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely huge bloody mouth fell from the sky, and without saying a word, it bit into the white ball suspended in mid-air!

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