God of Defiance

Chapter 2540 Goodbye, the Holy Demon Emperor

At this time, Chu Tian's slightly opened eyes were filled with surprise, shock, and a hint of excitement.

He originally thought that Guqi Zhenren had used his strong will to suppress all the remnant soul power in the body, and would never come out again. As a result, the suppressed remnant soul power had not come out before the final moment of the Emperor's Tribulation. It suddenly started to explode!

And with just one glance, Chu Tian was sure!

Compared with the initial explosion, the explosion at this time was more violent, more crazy, and more difficult to suppress.

This is much like pressing a rubber ball into the water with your hands. The deeper you press it, the longer it lasts. Once you suddenly let go, the rebound force generated by the ball floating up will be stronger!

The power of the remnant souls, filled with unwillingness, resentment and anger, had been suppressed by the ancient master for a long time. Now somehow, they suddenly broke free from the suppression and began to explode. The power generated was naturally far greater than before.

"Hiss...damn it!"

High in the air, the ancient master clenched his fists, trembling all over, facing the floor in pain, gritting his teeth, and quickly took a breath of cold air and cursed in a low voice.

At this moment, he felt like his whole body was being bitten by thousands of ants, and deep in his soul, there were constant bursts of pain.

There seemed to be strong forces invisible to the naked eye, attached to his soul, pulling wildly in various directions, trying to tear his soul into pieces.

The physical pain can be endured by the ancient master without much impact.

But the pain coming from the depths of the soul is too strong and penetrates deep into the bone marrow. Even if it can be endured, it will consume a considerable amount of energy.

This is very detrimental to overcoming the tribulation!

The Ancient Master gritted his teeth tightly, made fists with his hands, and tried to use his strong willpower to suppress the sudden burst of remnant soul power again in order to return to normal.

But he tried several times in a row, but all ended in failure.

And every time it fails, the explosion of the power of the remaining soul will be more violent than the last time, and the pain will continue to increase.

After failing several times in a row, he took a deep breath and became afraid to try again. He was afraid that the power of the residual soul raging in his body would continue to increase and eventually reach a point where it was completely out of control.

"Okay, okay, the power of the remnant soul burst out suddenly, and the difficulty of overcoming the tribulation continues to skyrocket. It seems that God has given me special treatment for the ancient artifact. It is really a great honor!"

After a breath, the ancient master suddenly raised his head, looked at the surging colorful thunder and lightning, and smiled ferociously. There was anger and fighting spirit in his laughter.


When Chu Tian heard this, he was speechless for a moment.

What kind of special treatment from God!

You are obviously ruthless, eager for quick success, regardless of the consequences, crazy blood sacrifice, consuming others, and strengthening yourself. As a result, you left serious side effects, and you actually blame God!

Simply ridiculous!

At this moment, Chu Tian truly and deeply understood the character traits of Gu Qi Zhenren.

I would rather betray the world than let the world betray me. Once something goes wrong, it will all be your fault and has nothing to do with me. I will never do anything wrong!

To ordinary people, these concepts may sound unbelievable or even absurd.

But for Guqi Zhenren, these concepts are deeply rooted in the bones, and they are accustomed to it, and they don't think there is anything absurd at all!

After a breath, the speechlessness on Chu Tian's face turned into deep curiosity.

At this moment, he was really curious about how long the Ancient Artifact Master would be able to hold on under the unfavorable circumstances of the interference from the remnant soul power. Will he be defeated soon, or would he persist until the end?


Just when Chu Tian was curious, bursts of roaring suddenly came from high in the sky.

At the same time as the roar came out, the magnificent colorful sea of ​​thunder in the sky finally accumulated energy and reached a critical point. A vortex with a diameter of more than ten feet appeared in the center.

This vortex was spinning and expanding at the same time, its speed was getting faster and faster, its area was getting larger and larger, and the energy gathered in it was getting stronger and stronger, gradually reaching a terrifying level that was thrilling and breathless.

The Ancient Master stood in the air, enduring the severe pain, looking up at the huge and expanding whirlpool, his eyes showing an unprecedented solemn look.

"Bingshen Jiwen, come out!"

After a few breaths, his eyes flashed, he made a fist with his hands, and let out a low drink.


In an instant, golden light flashed all over the body. In just a blink of an eye, all the golden light turned into golden spiritual lines, spreading all over the body. At a glance, it looked mysterious and unusual.

"It seems that he felt an unprecedented threat, so in a short period of time, regardless of the consequences, he once again displayed the magical spiritual patterns he mastered!"

Chu Tian raised his head and saw this scene, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he whispered to himself.

At this moment, Chu Tian was really curious!

What kind of powerful threat did the ancient master feel? Without hesitation, he directly used his trump card and prepared for it.

Likewise, he is also very curious!

Faced with the coming powerful threat, will the Ancient Art Master persevere to the end, or give up halfway?


Suddenly, a loud noise came from high in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Tian lost his balance and fell to the ground with a thump. His whole body was pressed tightly by a terrifying invisible force, with his chest and head pressed tightly against the ground.

"What happened, what happened, that was..."

After falling heavily to the ground, Chu Tian frowned. While murmuring, he raised his head hard and looked up into the sky. As a result, he only glanced at it, and his expression suddenly changed.

I saw a familiar figure falling from the whirlpool in the sky and standing opposite the ancient master.

This figure is very tall, with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a snake. It is completely naked, the lower body is covered with dark scales, and the upper body is muscular.

It was none other than the Holy Demon Emperor whom Chu Tian had seen more than once on the Starry Sky Road!

The Supreme Holy Demon Emperor who appeared at this time was naturally not the living Supreme Holy Demon Emperor, but the great mark left by the Supreme Holy Demon Emperor in this world.

Although it was only transformed by the mark of the great road, the pressure exuded by the Holy Demon Emperor at this moment was so powerful that it was so powerful that even from a long distance, Chutian fell to the ground on the spot and found it difficult to get up. .

In fact!

At this moment, not only was Chu Tian lying on the ground, unable to get up, but even the powerful men from the Nanling Region who were waiting outside fell from the sky like dumplings in an instant and fell heavily to the ground, screaming and struggling at the same time. stand up.

If the small world of the Ancient Artifact Sect had not isolated most of the coercion, if they suddenly fell from the sky, they would have been smashed into fuzzy meat pies on the spot!

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