God of Defiance

Chapter 2554 Thank you, senior, we are destined to meet again

Immediately afterwards, he stood up from the ground with a sudden movement, a trace of unconcealable solemnity appeared on his face.

Through communication, he had learned from Wan Lao that Xuanyuan Mu, the helmsman of the Xuanyuan family, had rushed to the scene of the accident with a large number of people a few days ago.

Now that Xuanyuan Mu is back, even if he is not suspected, he will probably be in a bad situation.

Because the last time he entered the Xuanyuan Underground Palace, he gained great benefits and was deeply hated by Xuanyuan Mu.

If Xuanyuan Mu saw him again, he would probably be so angry that he would attack him on the spot and severely injure him, which would relieve his depression!

Wow! Wow! Wow!

After just one breath, somewhere in the small garden, light flickered, and then a blurry figure appeared out of thin air, becoming clearer from the blurry state bit by bit.

It is clear!

When he didn't receive a reply from Wan Lao immediately, Xuanyuan Mu felt a little anxious and directly chose to force his way in, meet with Wan Lao, and report the situation.

"Wan Lao!"

After seeing the increasingly clear figure, Chu Tian's heart beat wildly. He turned his head suddenly and looked at Wan Lao, who was lying on a chair not far away. He spoke in a low voice, with a hint of help in his eyes.

At this time, only Wan Lao can help him!

If Wan Lao is unwilling to take action, he will face huge troubles in the future, and he may not even be able to get out of here!

After receiving Chu Tian's look of help, Wan Lao still lay on the chair, calmly and coughed lightly: "Ahem... Xuanyuan Mu, I am practicing an important secret technique, it will be over soon!"

"You go to the family meeting hall first and wait. I will meet you after I finish my training later. If there is any important matter, you can report it in person then!"

While speaking, Wan Lao raised his right hand and waved it violently.


In an instant, Xuanyuan Mu's figure, which was becoming clearer and clearer, collapsed instantly like paper, turned into dots of starlight, and disappeared.


After seeing this scene, Chu Tian immediately patted his chest, let out a long sigh of relief, and then hugged his fists towards Wan Lao to express his gratitude.

Seeing this, Wan Lao waved his hand and replied calmly: "Xuanyuan Mu and the others have returned. It is very inappropriate for you to continue to stay here. I will send you out before I leave later. Take care of yourself!"

"Don't worry that anyone will find out. I can confirm that all senior officials, including Xuanyuan Mu, must be gathered in the meeting hall at this moment, waiting patiently for my arrival!"

Seeing that Chu Tian still looked worried, Wan Lao continued.

Hearing this, Chu Tian's eyes suddenly lit up, and he hurriedly clasped his fists to express thanks: "Thank you, senior. I owe you a huge favor, and I will definitely repay you in the future!"

His words are definitely not polite words, but truly come from the heart!

The only regret is that even if he wants to repay Wan Lao, it will be very difficult.

Because the other party has extraordinary cultivation, strong strength, and lacks everything. There is really nothing to ask of him!

After confirming that he could leave safely later, Chutian's face instantly became much normal. At the same time, he frowned slightly, looking thoughtful, and began to think about his plans after leaving.

After these few days of recuperation, his injuries have basically fully recovered, but there is one very important thing that he has yet to do!

That’s what you get!

During this trip to the small world of the Ancient Artifact Sect, he became the last and only big winner, and his harvest was astonishing!

The reason why he didn't rush to count the harvest was mainly because Wan Lao was still there. He couldn't take out the many storage rings in front of Wan Lao and check them one by one!

In that case, it would be really disrespectful to Wan Lao!

So after leaving the Xuanyuan family home, the first thing he needed to do was to find a safe enough place to take a good inventory of his harvest.

at the same time!

Xuanyuan Mu, who was refused entry, stood somewhere in the Xuanyuan family. Although he looked a little unhappy, after pondering for a moment, he still waved his hand and hurriedly flew to the meeting hall with a group of high-ranking members of the Holy King behind him.

The reason why he needs to report to Wan Lao face to face is not only because many saint kings and saints have died in the Xuanyuan family, but more importantly, everyone needs to gather together to seriously discuss the next development of the situation in Central Continent and the Xuanyuan family's response strategy.

These matters must involve Wan Lao's participation, because Wan Lao has the most seniority, the strongest strength, and the highest seniority in the entire Xuanyuan family!

In the blink of an eye, a quarter of an hour passed.

"It's almost time. If I don't go, they will probably start to complain. Now I'll send you out first!"

In the small garden, Wan Lao stood up, said something with a smile, raised his right hand, and waved violently.


Suddenly, the void shook and roared.

Not far from Chutian, there was a slight shock, and a circular black hole appeared out of thin air, with a diameter of more than one foot, and bursts of space power flowed out of it.

"Thank you, senior. We are destined to meet again!"

After seeing the black hole, Chu Tian hugged Wan Lao and expressed his gratitude. Then he took a step forward and rushed into the circular black hole, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Wan Lao stood there. After seeing Chu Tian leave, he waved his palm suddenly and instantly dispersed the circular black hole. Then he narrowed his eyes slightly and turned his head to look in a certain direction. After thinking for a while, he took a step forward and disappeared. .

This is an area covered with lush forests. As far as the eye can see, there are not only trees, but also trees, all kinds of trees of different heights.


Suddenly, a muffled sound was heard in the sky, instantly awakening countless birds in the forest, and they flew up in panic.

At the same time as the muffled sound came out, a dark hole with a diameter of several feet appeared in mid-air, and a figure stepped out of it and stood in the void.

This figure is none other than Chu Tian!

After coming out of the teleportation channel, Chu Tian flipped his palm, took out a ghost face mask, quickly put it on his face, and then turned around to look.

"Yes, yes, this place is at least three thousand miles away from the Xuanyuan family. Xuanyuan Mu and the others are busy in meetings and discussions, so they should not be able to sense the spatial fluctuations here!"

After looking back, Chu Tian smiled slightly, nodded, and then jumped up, soared into the sky in an instant, and disappeared at the end of the horizon in a blink of an eye.

Gradually, the sky began to darken, and night continued to fall, completely covering the whole world.

In a temporary and simple cave, the walls were inlaid with several moonstones, and the light emitted illuminated the entire cave brightly.

Chu Tian sat cross-legged, took his finger, and placed it in front of him, exuding an extremely strong invisible attraction.

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