God of Defiance

Chapter 2567 Balao’s instructions

And when they asked the elders in the sect family privately, they immediately received either reprimands, scoldings, or even stern warnings.

But when these gossips continued to leak out through various channels, many people who originally didn't believe the rumors suddenly believed most of them.

If so many holy kings had not fallen, why would various gossips continue to spread, and the major forces did not seem to be in a hurry to refute the rumors!

Why don't you refute the rumors? Is it because you feel guilty, don't know how to refute the rumors, or are you worried that once you refute the rumors, you may be severely slapped in the face later?

So many saints and saints died at one time, but no news came out for a long time. What happened in the sky in the Nanling Region, and how did so many saints and saints die!

Why do the major forces involved strictly block the news? Is it just to save face, or is there another hidden agenda?

Due to the continuous leakage of many gossips, more and more Central Continent warriors believed the first rumors, that is, a shocking tragedy did occur in the sky above the Nanling Region more than a month ago!

In a temporarily constructed small world deep in the void.

The search team headed by Qiu Ying all leaned on their chairs and gathered together. Their faces were usually filled with unconcealable anxiety and gloom.

"Hmph! What's going on? Why did the news over the Nanling Territory suddenly leak out? Who secretly leaked it!"

Qiu Ying was wearing a black robe, sitting upright in the main seat, with a ferocious face, he swept over the crowd and asked angrily.

Although he didn't say it clearly, the meaning he wanted to express was already very obvious, that is, the people present might leak the news, which temporarily caused the major forces to be very passive.

After hearing the inquiry, everyone present looked at each other, and then shook their heads in confusion.

It is clear!

They don’t know who it is that leaked the news!

"Holy King Qiu Ying, since the rumors appeared, my Hu family immediately sent people to conduct a secret investigation. It was found that the place where the relevant rumors first appeared was in the Nanling Territory!"

Soon, a thin saint king from the Hu family, an imperial family, said with a solemn face.

"Nanling Territory? Did those guys in the Nanling Territory leak the news?"

"That's not right. The peak saint kings who rushed there at that time had already issued a silence order on the spot. Give them a hundred courages, and they don't dare to talk nonsense anywhere!"

"It's hard to say, it's really hard to say! Although the Nanling Region is located in a remote area and there are no king-level sects, there are still a lot of warriors in the region. Maybe someone will reveal the news after drinking!"

After the Holy King of the Hu family finished speaking, the people gathered at the scene immediately started whispering among themselves.

Suddenly, a demon saint king from the Buried Demon Ridge frowned and said in a deep voice: "Do you think it could have been leaked by that boy from Chutian? After all, we just visited Chutian not long ago!"

"Impossible, almost impossible! That boy from Chutian has been in seclusion in the past few months. He even got angry because he was interrupted midway, and got into a fight with Holy King Qiu Ying directly, so it is almost impossible that it is him!"

Just as the Holy King of the Demon Tribe finished speaking, someone immediately retorted.

"Hmph! What do you know? How do you know that boy Chu Tian was not playing tricks before, deliberately deceiving us, diverting attention, and turning defense into offense!?"

In an instant, the Demon Saint King refuted it coldly, and at the same time gave his own point of view.

"Playing tricks, deliberately deceiving, diverting attention, turning defense into offense?"

"Oh my God, you demons are indeed the most insidious race. You actually thought of so many things. Could it be that in anger, you defeated Saint King Qiu Ying in public and you were just playing tricks and deliberately deceiving?"

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot. You, the three major demon clans in the Burial Demon Ridge, once had a deep grudge against Chu Tian. It seems that you want to take this opportunity to avenge your personal vengeance and kill Chu Tian!"

As a result, as soon as the Demon Saint King finished speaking, rebuttals came out immediately.


Just as the quarrel between the two became more and more intense, Qiu Ying, who was sitting in the chair, showed a gloomy expression and shouted angrily, stopping the two from continuing to quarrel.

Immediately afterwards, with his gloomy eyes, he turned to scan the crowd. After thinking for a moment, he said calmly: "Please inform the forces behind you as soon as possible. You must strictly keep secrets and don't rush to make a public response!"

"After all, only the original news has been leaked now. The information about the final survivors and our search team has not been leaked yet. We need to seize the time and continue to search!"

After hearing Qiu Ying's analysis, everyone couldn't help but secretly nodded in agreement.

Qiu Ying is right!

At present, only the original information has been leaked, and the information about the final survivors and the search team has not been leaked yet.

The most important thing for them right now is to seize the time, search in a low-key manner, and find the final survivor as soon as possible. Even if they can't find it for a while, they must at least identify a few key suspects as soon as possible!

This matter must be completed!

Otherwise, once the final survivor learns that the major forces in Central Continent have secretly formed a search team and are searching everywhere, he may immediately leave Central Continent and go to the four major regions of Southeast, Southeast and Northwest to hide.

At that time, if they want to find the target again, it will be like finding a needle in a haystack, which is even more difficult!

At present, they are basically certain that their target remains in Central Continent.

Because the cultivation level has reached the level of the Holy King, no one will be willing to go to places where spiritual energy and resources are scarce in the four major regions of the Southeast, Southeast, and Northwest, unless they are forced to do so!

After a few brief discussions, everyone stood up one after another, took a step forward, and instantly disappeared from the small world, and then the small world slowly dissipated until it completely turned into darkness.

Late at night, in a small forest deep in Shenlian Sect.

Balao was wearing a robe, with his hands behind his back, standing in the forest. The bright moonlight filtered through the branches of the trees and fell on him, instantly adding a bit of coldness and mystery.

Suddenly, three blurry figures in black robes hurried into the forest, respectfully and half-kneeling in front of Balao.

"Sect Master, the news you ordered has been leaked out in the Nanling Region through special means. At present, most people in Central Continent..."

After half-kneeling, the man in the middle lowered his head and said respectfully.

As a result, before he had time to finish, he was interrupted by Mr. Ba who raised his hand: "Okay, I already know Zhongzhou's reaction! You guys should rush to the Central Region as soon as possible tonight and leak the news!"

"Let's just say that in the massacre more than a month ago, there was a lucky survivor, and that survivor was Chu Tian of the Shenlian Sect!"


Upon hearing the instruction, the three of them exclaimed and raised their heads, instantly revealing three faceless masks as black as ink.

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