God of Defiance

Chapter 2592 Return to Tailing

Not long after, Chutian arrived near the second checkpoint he had chosen in advance.

On the huge crown of a towering ancient tree, Chu Tian crossed his arms and looked at Xing Xiaoyao, who was sitting cross-legged. His face was calm, with neither sadness nor joy.

"Alas...still nothing, I didn't sense any breath of my father's presence!"

Not long after, Xing Xiaoyao sighed, shook his head, stood up at the same time, turned to look at Chu Tian, ​​with a trace of helplessness in his eyes.

Hearing this, Chu Tian grinned: "Haha, why are you so anxious! Our search in the Eastern Region has just begun, got it!"

Although he knew that Chu Tian was encouraging him, Xing Xiaoyao still felt that there was little hope in his heart after hearing this.

After all, even the vast Central Continent has been searched, but nothing has been gained.

The Eastern Territory is obviously not as good as Central Continent in terms of area and prosperity. The possibility of harvesting something is too small. It is almost like finding a needle in a haystack.

After a few breaths, Chu Tian didn't care what Xing Xiaoyao's reaction was, he waved his sleeves, put Xing Xiaoyao away again, and then dodged, turned into a stream of light, and rushed towards the next checkpoint at high speed.

In the following time, Chu Tian was like a hard-working little bee, flying non-stop, visiting checkpoints one after another, releasing Xing Xiaoyao to conduct inspections.


Until he visited more than half of the checkpoints, Xing Xiaoyao did not sense the presence of his father at all.

at the same time!

Gradually, Chutian approached the area where the colorful koi lived - the Tailing Mountains in Qingzhou in the Eastern Region.

"Alas...still nothing!"

On a huge thick cloud high in the sky, Xing Xiaoyao was wearing a black robe and sitting cross-legged. After closing his eyes and sensing carefully, he shook his head in disappointment and sighed.

When Chu Tian heard this, he still did not show any disappointment and said in a deep voice: "Not far from here is the Tailing Mountains in Qingzhou. There are some old friends of mine there. I am going to go and have a look!"

"So for the next one to two days, you will stay in the Xiaozanggong Building for the time being and don't come out. After I finish handling some matters, you can come out again and we will continue to visit the remaining checkpoints!"

"Okay, I listen to you!"

Perhaps because he visited so many checkpoints but still found nothing, Xing Xiaoyao felt a little depressed. After hearing Chutian's story, he nodded and took the initiative to re-enter the Xiaozanggong Building.

Seeing this, Chu Tian pondered for a moment, then jumped down from the clouds. With a swish, he shot out, sprinting towards the Tailing Mountains thousands of miles away.

The Tailing Mountains are the habitat of the colorful koi family for generations.

It's just that the ancestor Caitianxing entered the ruins of the Dongsheng Sect alone, and unfortunately died. He escaped with an arm, secretly led a small group of tribesmen, and hurriedly left the Tailing Mountains and fled to the extremely remote Northern Territory!

In the small world hidden in the Tianji Academy of Wuyan Kingdom in the Northern Territory, Chutian met the descendants of the colorful koi clan who fled to the Northern Territory by chance, and then a series of bizarre things happened.

The Tailing Mountains are vast in area and rich in products. Not only do they live in the colorful koi clan, but there are also three other major races, namely the Flying Wolf Clan, the Black and White Tiger Clan, and the Scarlet Flame Jiao Clan!

The Tailing Mountains are rich in natural resources and are often coveted by outside forces.

Fortunately, the four major races were able to unite at critical moments and act unanimously to deal with the outside world. Therefore, for so many years, the four major races have been firmly occupying the resources of the Tailing Mountains, making it difficult for external forces to intervene.

Chu Tian didn't know what the relationship between the four major races was like now, but he thought it wouldn't be much different. After all, after so many years, everything was already familiar!

However, because it had been so many years, he didn't know what the situation inside the Tailing Mountains was like, so he decided to hide in the dark, observe, and then decide how to contact the colorful koi family again.


Chu Tian was extremely fast. He was thousands of feet high in the sky. With one step, he could easily cross thousands of miles.

In just a few breaths, Chu Tian reached the sky above the Tailing Mountains, hid in a thick cloud, gathered his breath, and lowered his head to look at the area where the colorful koi clan was on the ground.


As a result, after just looking down, he frowned slightly, let out a light sigh, and showed a trace of doubt on his face.

Compared with the area occupied by the colorful koi clan's residence in his impression, the area of ​​the residence at this moment has shrunk significantly, probably by almost one-third.

"How could this happen? In just a few years, the living area has shrunk by one-third. Is it possible that the colorful koi family has declined so seriously?"

Immediately afterwards, Chu Tian murmured, his eyes even more confused.

When he left, although there was only one elder in the Wucai Koi clan who was struggling to support him at the end of his life, it was still able to support it for a few years.


When he left, he also left some important cultivation resources for the patriarch Cai Wanyi.

Compared with the other three tribes, the colorful koi mainly have high-end combat power at the saint level, which is relatively lacking, but it is not exaggerated. It is not that the territory has shrunk so severely in just a few years!

"Hey...that's it!"

Suddenly, Chu Tian let out another soft sigh, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at a certain area on the ground. Unfortunately, he couldn't see it very clearly from thousands of feet away.

After a breath, Chu Tian snorted coldly, and the spiritual energy in his body surged into his eyes and ears instantly.

In an instant, his vision and hearing became extremely powerful. He could clearly see the situation in the target area, and he could barely hear the sounds coming from that direction.

At this moment, Chu Tian was staring at a familiar square. It was the square where the colorful koi clan held a public ceremony to succeed the clan leader.

It's just that all the various buildings used for the succession ceremony in the entire square have been demolished, leaving only an open space.

At this moment, there were a large number of warriors standing in the open space. They were basically divided into two groups, separated by more than ten feet, and the models were facing each other. It looked like the atmosphere was very tense.

After just a few breaths of observation, Chu Tian clearly saw that the faction on the left was the colorful koi clan, and the faction on the right was the other three major races from the Tailing Mountains.

From a distance of tens of thousands of feet, Chu Tian even saw the elder with white hair and a cane, and the young and gorgeously dressed patriarch Cai Wanyi!

As for the other three major races, they did not send out masters at the level of patriarchs, but only some elders at the saint level.

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