God of Defiance

Chapter 2598 Ascension

"Impossible, he can't still be alive! When the Dongsheng Sect ruins exploded, the destructive power was too shocking. Unless they were the top masters, it would be impossible for anyone to survive such an explosion! "

"That's right! There's no way that guy is still alive. Even if he is still alive, he must be in Central Continent at the moment. He can't take care of things in the East Territory at all. We don't need to worry!"

The silence in the secret room lasted for a few breaths, and was suddenly broken by the two clan leaders of the Black and White Tiger Clan and the Crimson Flame Jiao Clan, with a hint of confidence in their words.

After hearing this, the leader of the Flying Wolf Clan nodded slightly after thinking for a moment.

The underground secret room deep inside the colorful koi clan!

The great elder has white hair and wrinkles on his face. He sits cross-legged, his upper body slightly stooped, his eyes closed and motionless, looking like he is asleep.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that there are some micro-expressions on the Great Elder's face from time to time. It is obvious that his deep consciousness is experiencing some different life that outsiders cannot see.

Chu Tian sat cross-legged across from him with a calm expression, staring at the great elder, with a glint of light flashing in his eyes.

He has roughly planned the arrangements for the next three days!

The first two days are dedicated to the great elder to retreat and sleep, deeply experience all kinds of life, and improve his knowledge and accomplishments in all aspects.

The last day is dedicated to sprinting towards the Holy King!

It was precisely because of this arrangement that after the first two days, regardless of whether the great elder woke up from his slumber, he would not hesitate to take action to wake the great elder from his slumber.

Although this kind of awakening will inevitably affect the improvement of the great elder in all aspects, it is not as serious as imagined, because the time experienced in sleep is completely different from the real time in the outside world.

It is very possible that the outside world has only seen the past two days, but hundreds of lives have passed by the great elder in his sleep!

The main reason why he understands this is because he had a similar experience a long time ago. He experienced hundreds of lives in his sleep, but when he woke up, he found that only half a day had passed in the real world!

For the first two days, he wasn't worried.

The only thing he was worried about was the breakthrough on the third day!

Sprinting against the Holy King is a very difficult task even for a Holy Lord in his prime, let alone an old and frail Saint like the Great Elder who is injured and may end up in a coffin at any time!


Being too old is not necessarily a bad thing. At least in terms of experience accumulation in all aspects, he is definitely far superior to the young Holy Lord, and when it comes to real crises, he will not panic easily.

Simply relying on the Great Elder's own ability, the probability of a successful breakthrough is only 10% at most!

With the help of spiritual crystals, this probability should reach 20%. Taking into account his assistance, the probability of final success should reach 30%.

A 30% success probability may not sound like much, but for an injured saint like the Great Elder who is dying, it is simply unbelievable!

Even if the Great Elder prepares for a few more months, the probability of a successful breakthrough will only increase a little at most, without any major changes!

In fact, Chu Tian was also betting that the Great Elder would not die and would eventually succeed in breaking through!

Of course, if unfortunately he loses the bet, he will also be responsible for the rest. He will first solve the immediate troubles for the colorful koi clan, and then arrange for the elites of the colorful koi clan to cross the sea and enter Central Continent.

With the power and resources he now controls in Central Continent, it is not difficult at all to find a new habitat for the colorful koi family.

Time continues to pass in silence.

As time went by, the expressions on the Great Elder's face gradually became no longer micro-expressions, but various expressions that were very obvious and even exaggerated.

Joy, anger, sorrow, laughter and surprise... various expressions appeared on the face of the great elder in turn. He looked not like an old and mature old man at all, but more like a child who had just entered the world.

"Not bad, not bad. It seems that the Great Elder has completely forgotten his own consciousness and is completely addicted to the completely different lives that Wang Kui Mingjing has brought to him!"

After noticing the huge change in the expression on the Great Elder's face, Chu Tian not only was not surprised, but instead smiled and nodded in admiration.

According to his experience, the deeper the warrior becomes addicted after consuming life essence, the greater the benefits he will get after waking up.

This is like a classroom in the secular world. Only by completely forgetting yourself and studying seriously can you achieve the best learning effect.

As time continued to pass, the expression on the Great Elder's face gradually returned from obvious and exaggerated to the micro-expression at the beginning, but compared to the beginning, it seemed to have some kind of qualitative improvement.

"Interesting, really interesting!"

"The Great Elder's expression, from the simple at the beginning, gradually became complex and exaggerated, and now it has gradually returned to the simple state, but it has obviously improved to a higher level. It seems that this is the so-called spiral!"

After noticing the change in the Great Elder's expression, Chu Tian's expression suddenly changed and he spoke again to comment.


A similar upward spiral phenomenon is not only manifested at this time, but also manifested in many other aspects, such as cultivation, weapon refining, body training, etc.

The latter state seems to be a reappearance of the previous state, but if you look closely, you will find that it is not a simple reappearance at all, but an ascension!

"Almost a day and a half has passed, and I don't know if the Great Elder can complete the experience and wake up in the remaining half day!"

Chu Tian looked at the great elder opposite, frowned slightly, his eyes flickered, and he whispered secretly.

Although he could definitely take action decisively and forcibly wake up the Great Elder when the time expired, but forcibly awakening had some side effects, and after all, it was not as good as waking up naturally.

While Chu Tian was patiently waiting for the elder to wake up, the clan leader Cai Wanyi had already gathered hundreds of clan elites, waiting outside the secret room, looking anxiously at the closed door of the secret room.

"Clan leader, if we really want to leave, we must leave as soon as possible. If it is later, I am afraid it will be too late and it will be easy to be discovered!"

Suddenly, someone in the team urged in a low voice.

Hearing the urging, Cai Wanyi's face immediately darkened and she snorted coldly: "Huh! Why are you so anxious? I know a secret tunnel that only the clan leaders of the past generations know about, which can lead to the outside of the Tailing Mountains. We will take the tunnel this time. !”

After hearing this, everyone was slightly startled. After looking at each other, they nodded slightly. The anxiety on their faces was obviously reduced a lot.

"Great Elder, can you really achieve a breakthrough in just three days?"

At the same time, Cai Wanyi looked at the closed door of the secret room, frowned slightly and murmured.

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