God of Defiance

Chapter 2615 The old man in gray shirt

Nanming City is a small city not far from the border of the Southern Territory. Although it is a small city, there are millions of people living in the city, but most of them are ordinary warriors, and there are only a few saint-level masters. M..

The scorching sun was high, and the scorching rays of rays were projected down, covering the entire Nanming City.

A slender figure wearing a white robe and a ghost face walked steadily on the not-so-wide street. He turned his head from time to time and looked at the shops on both sides of the street, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

The slender figure is none other than Chu Tian!

At this moment, Chu Tian had suppressed his cultivation to the level of the venerable. Otherwise, once he completely released his cultivation, it would definitely cause a sensation in an instant and shock the entire Nanming City.

Originally, when Chu Tian entered Nanming City, he wanted to find a shop, buy a high-precision map of the Southern Territory, mark it, and leave in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, he visited more than a dozen stores in a row and found that there were indeed maps of the Southern Territory for sale, but they were all low-precision, or even ultra-low-precision.

to him!

If you want to continue searching for the whereabouts of Xing Xiaoyao's father in the Southern Territory, you must have a high-precision map of the entire territory in order to mark it, book checkpoints in advance, and then check them one by one.

Now that he doesn't even have a high-precision map, he can't carry out his work at all!

Of course, he could go to a larger city and continue to search for high-precision maps, but that would definitely waste a lot of time, which would greatly affect the progress of his search.

Walking on the street, Chu Tian had already made a plan in his heart!

Spend another half an hour and visit a few more stores. If you still can't buy a high-precision map of the southern region, then buy an ordinary low-precision map first and make do with it.

As for high-precision maps, you can only wait until the next larger city to buy them!

Not long after, Chutian's eyes lit up and he discovered a new target store. He immediately turned around and walked into it. Unfortunately, after only a few breaths, he walked out again with a disappointed look on his face.

In the following time, he patiently walked into one store after another, but unfortunately he always left with disappointment.

In the blink of an eye, almost half an hour passed.

Chu Tian shook his head slightly again, and walked out of a large store with great disappointment. However, he was holding a white jade slip in his hand, which depicted a low-precision map of the Southern Territory.

The reason why Chutian was very disappointed at this moment was not only because he had no choice but to buy a low-precision map, but more importantly, the shopkeeper told him a rather cruel reality.

That is!

The ultra-high-precision map of the Southern Territory that he wanted to buy was not sold in small towns like Nanming City. Even in the big cities in the Southern Territory, I am afraid that not many of it were sold!

According to what the other party said!

The ultra-high-precision maps of the Southern Territory are basically not publicly circulated on the market, but are kept in the hands of those high-ranking saints and saint kings.

"Holy Lord and Holy King? Where can I find Holy Lord and Holy King in a short period of time? Even if I find them, they may not have the high-precision map I need!"

Standing at the door of the shop, Chu Tian looked down at the jade slip in his hand and murmured, his eyes full of helplessness.

"Oh my god, I won again, this is so bizarre!"

"This winning rate is really high. If you play ten games, you can probably win seven!"

"Wrong! It's just that today's winning rate is high. Yesterday and the day before yesterday, his winning rate was very low, at most 30%, not more than 40%!"

A few breaths later, just when Chu Tian put away the jade slips in his hands and was about to leave, bursts of noise suddenly came from not far away.

"Winning rate, gambling?"

Hearing the noise, Chu Tian frowned slightly, whispered softly, turned his head casually, and looked in the direction of the sound, only to find a group of people crowded in the corner dozens of feet away, gesticulating and whispering.

After just one glance, he withdrew his gaze with a bored expression and prepared to stride away from Nanming City. Then he went to find a quiet place outside the city and started marking on the jade slips on the map.


But after taking only one step forward, he suddenly stopped, let out a light sigh, and seemed to have come back to his senses. He immediately turned his head again and looked at the noisy crowd crowded together dozens of feet away.

Then, with a grin and a hint of interest, he strode towards the corner where everyone gathered.

"Sigh... I'm afraid there will be another gambler in this world!"

A middle-aged woman next to her saw Chu Tian striding towards the corner where everyone was gathered, and immediately shook her head and sighed sadly.

Chu Tian didn't bother to pay attention to the opinions of others. He continued to hurry and came to the corner where everyone was crowded. He stood on his tiptoes slightly and looked towards the crowded center.

As a result, he saw an old man in gray clothes with tattered robes and a slovenly appearance, sitting cross-legged on the ground. There were two stone cups in front of him, with three dice placed in each cup.

Next to the old man in gray shirt, there is a broken flag with two rows of yellow writing on it!

Bet on big or small, no matter how young or old you are!

Experience life and be at ease!

Between the two lines of writing, there was also a crooked yin-yang fish pattern drawn, which looked very awkward.

"Betting big or small, you can be a child; experience life, be carefree... It's a bit interesting, it's a bit interesting!"

Chu Tian glanced at the old man in gray shirt, and then glanced at the two lines of writing on the broken flag. He immediately grinned again and nodded repeatedly.

Immediately afterwards, he began to observe the cultivation of everyone present.

The old man in gray shirt sitting in the middle, being watched by everyone, is a Venerable. Most of the many warriors gathered around are Venerable or below, and their cultivation levels are generally not very high.

"Bet big or small, no one can deceive me, no one can deceive me. I am willing to admit defeat. Is there anyone here who is willing to play a game? A hand will cost at least a hundred top-quality spiritual stones!"

Suddenly, the old man in gray shirt turned his head and glanced around, shouting loudly, with a vaguely philistine greasiness and cunningness on his unattractive face.

After shouting once, the old man in gray shirt shouted twice more, but there was still no response.

"I come!"

Just when the old man in gray shirt was unwilling to give in and was about to shout for the fourth time, suddenly a cry of cold crane came out.

Immediately afterwards, the crowd dispersed automatically, and a well-dressed, gorgeous and handsome young man, with several strong men, walked closer and squatted down.

"It's Xiao Yudong, the young city lord of the city lord's mansion. This is a genuine semi-saint strong man. Now it's interesting!"

After the handsome young man squatted down, someone immediately whispered and told the handsome young man's true identity.

"Young City Lord, Half Saint... Haha!"

After hearing the whisper in his ear, Chu Tian suddenly smiled coldly, raised his arms, and hugged them to his chest.

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