God of Defiance

Chapter 2624 Nothing Found

"Okay, let's take a rest here first. Later we will leave the cave and go find someone outside!"

After a breath, Chu Tian spoke lightly and said casually.

Since Chu Tian said this, Li Dong naturally did not dare to disobey in the slightest. He looked calm and nodded. He then took out a few top-quality spiritual stones, held them in his hands, and seized the time to restore his spiritual energy.

In the blink of an eye, a quarter of an hour passed.

Chu Tian suddenly stood up, flicked his sleeves and robes, rolled up Li Dong, took a step forward, and instantly turned into an afterimage, rushing out of the cave and into the sky thousands of feet high.

In the following time, Chu Tian took Li Dong and chose a direction without stopping. He flew with lightning speed and soon landed on a mountain peak hundreds of feet high.

The moment his feet landed on the ground, Li Dong frowned slightly and stared at Chu Tian, ​​with a hint of unspeakable curiosity on his face.


He really wants to know what methods the person in front of him will use next to find the target person!

After Chu Tian descended from the sky, he flicked his sleeves and robe again, and a moment of light flickered. A little girl wearing a black robe and with two horns appeared instantly, standing ten feet away.

"This is...a monster!"

Li Dong was shocked when he saw the little girl appear.

Then, the more he observed, the more shocked the look on his face became, and even the heart in his chest began to beat wildly uncontrollably.

He found that no matter what method he used, he could not see clearly the true cultivation level of the little girl in black robe.

This is enough to show that the cultivation level of this mysterious demon girl who suddenly appeared is far above him, and is not even worse than Tian Chu!

"We have entered the Southern Territory. This is the first checkpoint in the Southern Territory. Start quickly!"

Chu Tian looked at Xing Xiaoyao and urged in a deep voice.

Xing Xiaoyao was not in a hurry to start, but turned his head suddenly, looked at Li Dong, frowned and asked, "Who is he?"

"After entering the Southern Territory, I temporarily accepted a follower. This person is very familiar with various places in the Southern Territory. Maybe he can help!"

Chu Tian explained calmly.

As soon as he said these words, Li Dong hurriedly bowed to the little girl, his face full of nervousness, for fear of accidentally offending the demon clan master in front of him!

Xing Xiaoyao glanced at Li Dong casually, ignored him, sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes, made a fist with his hands, quickly entered the state, and started sensing.

"I understand, I understand. It turns out that we use this method of sensing through the air to find the target person. In this way, we really don't need to spend too much energy and time!"

After seeing Xing Xiaoyao's actions, Li Dong nodded instantly and murmured with a look of understanding on his face.

At the same time, he suddenly realized that the identity and strength of the target the two people in front of him were looking for were definitely not simple. Otherwise, it would be impossible to find them through this kind of induction!

For the next time, Chu Tian and Li Dong stood there, looking at Xing Xiaoyao, saying nothing, waiting patiently.

Almost a quarter of an hour passed in silence.

"Hey...no, no feeling!"

Suddenly, Xing Xiaoyao opened his eyes, sighed secretly, stood up, and light began to flicker violently all over his body.

When Chu Tian heard this, he did not show the slightest hint of disappointment or surprise. He waved his sleeves and instantly put Xing Xiaoyao away again.

"Next checkpoint!"

Then, he looked at Li Dong, whispered, flicked his sleeves, rolled up Li Dong, and flew away into the sky again, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

In the following time, Chu Tian led Li Dong at high speed, visited checkpoints one after another, released Xing Xiaoyao, and conducted remote sensing seriously.

In just seven days, Chu Tian visited dozens of checkpoints, but unfortunately he still gained nothing.

As a fellow traveler, Li Dong gradually became a little impatient, but he did not dare to say it openly for fear of accidentally offending Chu Tian.

In his opinion, although this method of visiting checkpoints and sensing through the air is better than finding a needle in a haystack, it is actually not much better. To a large extent, it still depends on luck!

If you are unlucky, even if you search the entire Southern Territory, you may not be able to find anything.

And if he searched the entire Southern Territory and found nothing in the end, then he would have lost his usefulness and would be abandoned quickly and decisively without any benefit.

So deep down in his heart, on the one hand, he felt that this method of searching relied too much on luck, and on the other hand, he hoped to find the target person as soon as possible, so that he could take the opportunity to play his role!

In the rush, time kept passing by, and days passed in the blink of an eye.


It was an afternoon. Chu Tian and Li Dong descended from the sky and landed on the huge crown of a towering ancient tree. Then he waved his sleeves and released Xing Xiaoyao.

"This is the last checkpoint in the Southern Territory! If we still don't gain anything this time, we will have no choice but to leave the Southern Territory and continue to the Western Territory!"

After Xing Xiaoyao appeared, Chu Tian looked solemn and said solemnly.

Hearing this, Li Dong's expression changed and he hurriedly said: "Two seniors, please rest assured. I believe that this last checkpoint will definitely be rewarding, and there will definitely be something rewarding..."

Perhaps due to a guilty conscience, Li Dong's voice gradually became lower as he spoke, and in the end, it was almost completely inaudible.

Xing Xiaoyao ignored the nervous Li Dong, but looked tense. He quickly sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes, made secrets with his hands, and began to sense seriously.

Chu Tian put his hands behind his back and looked calm.

In fact, he had already made corresponding mental preparations. Searching the entire Southern Territory, I am afraid he would not gain anything. Next, he could only go to the Western Territory and continue searching!

As for whether it can be found in the Western Region, it's hard to say. Maybe it can be found, maybe not.

On the contrary, Chu Tian's expression was calm and without hope. Li Dong next to him was so nervous that he was shaking all over, rubbing his hands together, and there were even drops of cold sweat rolling down his forehead.

The reason why he is so nervous is because he knows in his heart that whether his fate can be changed depends on the next quarter of an hour!

Once there is no gain at the last checkpoint in the Southern Territory, he will be ruthlessly abandoned immediately.

Time continued to pass silently.

Li Dong stood nearby, his eyes fixed on Xing Xiaoyao who was sitting cross-legged. His heart was beating faster and faster in his chest, and there was even an uncomfortable feeling that it was about to jump out of his throat.

In his eyes, time suddenly became extremely slow, and every breath that passed seemed as long as a year.


Suddenly, a whisper came from Xing Xiaoyao's mouth.

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