God of Defiance

Chapter 2632 Sensing Again

The moment he disappeared from the square, Chu Tian suddenly felt that his eyesight went dark, the world was spinning, and countless whistling winds were blowing in his ears. However, it only lasted for a few breaths, and his entire sight suddenly became bright again, and his feet It also landed firmly on the ground.

The moment his vision recovered, Chu Tian hurriedly turned his head and looked around, only to find that he was standing on a piece of flat grass. Li Dong, pale and sweating, stood beside him. Apparently he had not recovered from the teleportation just now. .

At the same time, figures appeared one after another around them, and almost everyone had some discomfort on their face.

"not good!"

Suddenly, Chu Tian's expression changed, and without hesitation, he grabbed Li Dong beside him and swooped out.


And just as he took a sudden breath, a big blue hand suddenly fell from the sky and hit the place where he was standing. The ground shook instantly, and a huge and clear palm print was made on the spot.

"Hmph! He ran pretty fast!"

Immediately afterwards, a cold snort came out, and a figure emerged from the air. It was none other than Song Bingtao, who had a conflict with Chu Tian not long ago.

In the next breath, he turned his head sharply, swept across the crowd, and shouted loudly: "Everyone, my promise remains unchanged. Whoever can kill that kid and bring his head to me, I will give away one million of the best." Spiritual stone!"

"My promise remains unchanged! Whoever can kill Song Bingtao and bring his head to see me, I will give away two million top-quality spiritual stones. I will keep my word!"

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, Chu Tian, ​​who had already run far away, heard it and immediately repeated his previous promise loudly.


Hearing this, Song Bingtao was so angry that he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

After hearing the verbal conflict between the two, everyone at the scene shook their heads and smiled helplessly.

Even if the promises made by both of them are true, it is definitely not an easy thing to complete.

Needless to say, Song Bingtao is a well-known leader in the Southern Territory. The mysterious young man who hurriedly escaped just now was able to easily escape Song Bingtao's attack, which shows that the opponent's strength is definitely not as simple as it seems!

If someone really wanted to get money and attacked the two of them midway, they might not have killed them, but they would have killed him first!

Of course, there are a very small number of people who look like others and smile helplessly, but in fact they have illusions in their hearts. If there is a chance, they are still willing to give it a try, just in case it succeeds, in case the promise is true!

Soon, everyone at the scene also left one after another, rushing forward along different routes.

Chu Tian took Li Dong and left in a hurry. Instead of speeding forward, he quickly found a remote and inconspicuous lush forest.

"Senior, I'm sorry for causing you trouble one after another!"

After falling into the woods, Li Dong immediately solemnly apologized to Chu Tian.

Chu Tian waved his hand and said calmly: "For me, this is not a trouble at all, it is just a small episode at most!"

Even though Chu Tian said this, Li Dong still felt guilty.

Because of his age and cultivation, he has been questioned and humiliated by others twice before, and the second time was in front of many people from Nanjing.

Chu Tian had always supported him unswervingly, which moved him deeply.

After a breath, Li Donggang wanted to express his gratitude, but saw Chu Tian raise his right hand, flick his sleeves, and a figure flew out in an instant, it was Xing Xiaoyao! ..

"We've already come in. This is the so-called Canglong Ancestral Tomb! You should seize the time and sense it again to see if you can gain anything!"

After Xing Xiaoyao flew out, Chu Tian looked solemn and urged in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Xing Xiaoyao nodded. Without saying a word, he sat down cross-legged, made a secret with his hands, concentrated his energy, and started sensing.

While Xing Xiaoyao was seizing the time to sense, Chu Tian quickly released his spiritual thoughts, covering a hundred miles in radius, monitoring secretly, and reacting immediately as long as someone approached!

This time when he entered the Canglong Ancestral Tomb, his main task was to find Xing Xiaoyao's father. He was not very interested in other aspects of the ancestral tomb.

When one's cultivation reaches his level, it is not easy to further improve. Ordinary good fortune has no effect at all, or the effect it has is very small and useless.


If Xing Xiaoyao doesn't gain anything after sensing it, then he will naturally seize this opportunity to go to the depths of the ancestral tomb and explore it carefully. He must not return empty-handed.


After a breath, he turned his palm and took out the golden token. After looking down at it, he grinned coldly.

This golden token seems to be an important token on the surface, and can also help the entrant to leave at any time, but in fact it is also a monitor, monitoring everyone in the ancestral tomb!

Chu Tian can be 100% sure!

The highest level of the Canglong tribe must be able to grasp the specific whereabouts and trajectory of everyone in the ancestral tomb at any time, and the way to use it is this golden token!

Even if you hide the golden token in a storage ring, it will not help. Unless it is placed in the body of a starry sky beast like Xing Xiaoyao, it can be completely shielded.

Of course, the golden token may also have other functions, which is unknown!

"Okay, okay!"

Just a few dozen breaths passed, and three good words suddenly came out of Xing Xiaoyao's mouth.

Hearing the sound, Chu Tian hurriedly turned his head, looked at Xing Xiaoyao, frowned and asked, "What's wrong? Is it possible that your father is in the Canglong Ancestral Tomb?"

Xing Xiaoyao had an excited smile on his face and did not answer. Instead, he concentrated and continued sensing.

Seeing this, Chu Tian did not continue to ask questions, but was on guard while waiting patiently.

From the three good words just now, it can be judged that Xing Xiaoyao should have clearly sensed his father's aura, and he was probably in his ancestral tomb.

As for whether his father is dead or alive now, it's hard to say!

However, judging from common sense, Chu Tian believed that the probability that Xing Xiaoyao was still alive was very slim, even almost negligible, because after all, thousands of years had passed.

If the other party was still alive, he would have returned to the Southern Sky Star Territory long ago, and there was no need to wait until now.

This Canglong Ancestral Tomb looks very closed, but it can never trap a starry sky beast at the peak of the Holy King level. The only explanation is that the other party is already dead!

And Xing Xiaoyao has said it before!

Even if his father dies and turns into a corpse, he can still sense it within a hundred thousand miles.

Not long after, Xing Xiaoyao opened his eyes, stopped sensing, and slowly stood up from the ground, his expression complex and indescribable.

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