God of Defiance

Chapter 2647 Why is there a strong Saint King sneaking into the ancestral tomb?

"Brother Tian, ​​we..."

Song Qihuai, who was following closely behind Chu Tian, ​​was speechless when he heard Chu Tian complaining about being too slow again. He spoke in a deep voice, wanting to say something.


As he was about to speak, a roar suddenly came from Chu Tian's body, and then the latter's cultivation was like a monkey soaring into the sky, breaking through the bottleneck of the Saint Venerable directly and reaching the level of the initial Saint King!


This frightened Song Qihuai so much that his legs softened and he almost fell on the spot.

At this moment, not only Song Qihuai was greatly frightened, but even Zheng Yi behind him and Song Bingtao in the distance were frightened and their faces changed drastically, their eyes widened, as if they had seen something incredible.


After his cultivation was raised to the initial Saint King, Chu Tian's eyes were cold and he hummed.

Under normal circumstances, he was unwilling to show his Saint King cultivation, but now Zheng Yi and others released the Canglong aura, making various attacks dense and continuous, making it difficult to move forward.

In this situation, he could only continue to release his trump card, enhance his own strength, save time, and speed up his pace!


After his cultivation was restored to the initial level of Saint King, Chu Tian's strength soared again. Holding the Tianxiao King Sword, he casually chopped out hundreds of sharp sword lights, which appeared at the same time and blew up all the attacks around him!

In a blink of an eye, his forward speed accelerated again, even obviously exceeding the previous one!

"Brother Tian... No, Senior Tian, ​​how did you hide your cultivation in front of so many people before, and even dared to quarrel with Song Bingtao in public. Aren't you afraid of being seen by the people of Canglong Leader?"

Song Qihuai followed closely behind, his face excited, and asked in a low voice.

His address to Chu Tian has changed from Brother Tian to Senior Tian. His respectful expression is beyond words, and even obviously carries a hint of sincere admiration.

The person in front of him is obviously a Saint King, but he deliberately hides his cultivation, and even dared to quarrel with Song Bingtao in public before. It is probably not enough to describe him as audacious.

"Haha, I have my own way to hide my cultivation. As for the public quarrel with Song Bingtao, it was just a moment of anger, and I blurted it out. You think too much!" After hearing Song Qihuai's question behind him, Chu Tian grinned and replied lightly. After hearing Chu Tian's calm and relaxed answer, Song Qihuai instantly admired Chu Tian even more! Although Chu Tian has been wearing a ghost mask to cover his face, Song Qihuai can be sure that Chu Tian is not much older than himself. With a similar age difference, the other party is already a high-ranking Saint King, and he speaks and acts with the demeanor of a general, which makes him admire. "Saint King, he is actually a Saint King!"

"Once you become a Saint King, you will ascend to heaven in one step. In addition, this person has been scheming and preparing for a long time, and he is determined to win. I am definitely not someone I can deal with. I must notify the leader immediately!"

Zheng Yi, who was desperately chasing behind, stared at Chu Tian who quickly threw him away. His face was extremely ugly. He clenched his fists and whispered to himself.

Eliminating all future people who broke into the hidden tomb was an important task that the Canglong leader personally gave to the dozen of them. If they failed to complete it, they would definitely be severely punished afterwards.

And the current situation is!

The development of the situation in the hidden tomb has far exceeded his expectations and control.

At this moment, he still has more than a dozen companions beside him. Even if he used all his strength, it would be impossible to stop a Saint King from moving forward. If he was not careful, he might even die. .

For now, the only way is to send someone to notify the Canglong leader!

"Old Eight, you must use the token immediately, leave the ancestral tomb, meet the leader, and tell him everything about the situation here. Ask him to take action quickly to stop the Saint King who sneaked in!" After a breath, Zheng Yi suddenly turned around and looked at a companion behind him. He moved his mouth and said in a deep voice. Perhaps he understood the urgency of the situation. After receiving the order, the companion called Old Eight did not hesitate. He flipped his palm, took out the golden token, activated it quickly, put it to his mouth, and said "I want to go out"! Wow! In an instant, the golden token shone brightly and continuously, completely enveloping Old Eight, and then disappeared with the light. "Hmph! Zheng Yi knew that he could not deal with the Saint King who sneaked in by his own strength, so he decisively sent someone to leave and inform the leader of Canglong. Now the Saint King who sneaked in is definitely dead. The leader of Canglong is ruthless and will not let him go!" At the same time, Song Bingtao, who was in the square in the distance, saw someone teleporting away, and immediately sneered and whispered to himself. Although the infiltrator has a good cultivation, he is only a nascent Saint King after all. After receiving the news, even if the Canglong leader cannot come in with his real body, he can only send out a divine incarnation to deal with the other party!

Song Bingtao now has a hostility towards Chu Tian in addition to naked jealousy. He is very hostile and wishes that Chu Tian could be killed by the Canglong leader immediately and his bones and ashes would be crushed!

"Hehe, if nothing unexpected happens, the Canglong leader will receive the news and will soon show up in anger and kill the damn Saint King. That king's sword looks good, maybe I will have a chance to get it!"

After a breath, Song Bingtao suddenly grinned, greedy, and without hesitation, he stood up, took a step, stepped onto the long bridge, faced the attack, and accelerated to chase forward.

"Humph, you are looking for death!"

Zheng Yi turned around and found that Song Bingtao suddenly stepped onto the long bridge. He instantly understood the latter's thoughts, gritted his teeth and snorted coldly.

However, he did not send anyone to stop Song Bingtao, because the biggest enemy at present is the holy king who sneaked into the ancestral tomb, not Song Bingtao, nor Song Qihuai!

As long as the Holy King is eliminated, Song Bingtao and Song Qihua will be easy to deal with, and basically there will be no trouble.


In the square outside, everyone was looking up at the golden figures on the huge map and talking in low voices. Suddenly, a crack appeared out of thin air in the middle of the square, and the light flickered.

Immediately, a figure staggered out of the crack, looking in a state of embarrassment. It was Lao Ba who took the initiative to teleport out!


Seeing that it was Lao Ba, the leader of Canglong who was sitting in charge, his expression instantly changed and his brows furrowed slightly.

At this moment, the pale Lao Ba suddenly plopped down, knelt on one knee, panted, and said loudly: "Master leader, I took the initiative to teleport out because I have something important to report!"

"What's important? Come quickly!"

Upon hearing this, the leader of Canglong narrowed his eyes and shouted in a deep voice.

In an instant, Lao Ba turned his head and looked around, then moved his mouth and began to report to the leader of Canglong the specific situation in the deepest part of the ancestral tomb in detail.

"What, a powerful Saint King sneaked into the ancestral tomb!"

Not long after, Lao Ba finished his report, and the leader of Canglong stood up from his seat, letting out an angry shout.

Hearing the angry shouting, everyone present changed their colors!

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