God of Defiance

Chapter 2674 Song Qihuai’s proposal

After Zheng Yi and the others flew backwards for hundreds of feet, they barely stopped, stabilized their bodies, panted, covered in blood, and looked at the giant monster not far away with horror.

At this moment, Xing Xiaoyao turned his head, and his eyes revealed an undisguised cold murderous intent, as if to say, this time I just roared you away, if there is a next time, it will definitely not just roar away, but kill you without hesitation!

Kick! Kick! Kick!

Stared at by Xing Xiaoyao's sharp eyes, Zheng Yi and the others suddenly jumped in their hearts, uncontrollably retreated several steps backwards, and showed an undisguised horror on their faces.

The reason they were terrified at this moment was that the giant monster opposite not only threatened to kill them, but also really had the ability to kill them!

Just now, just a roar made them all roar backwards, spraying blood. If it really went all out, it would be absolutely easy to kill them, without the slightest difficulty!

"Zheng Yi, what should we do now?"

At this moment, someone turned to look at Zheng Yi and asked in a low voice.

After hearing the question, all the remaining people turned to look at Zheng Yi, with obvious anxiety in their eyes.

Zheng Yi was stared at by everyone, and felt a little embarrassed for a while, and his mind was racing.

The situation in front of him was very tricky!

If they continued to attack, they would definitely die, but if they gave up and turned back, they would not be able to explain to the leader of Canglong, and they would definitely be severely punished by the latter afterwards!

Now they were completely caught in a dilemma.

More importantly, now everyone was staring at him and wanted to make a decision through him, which greatly increased his mental tension and anxiety.

"Zheng Yi, listen to me! Since you are in a dilemma, why don't you take the initiative to attack again? I will tell this senior to let her beat you all seriously and make you lose the strength to fight again. You can only turn around and return. In this way, even the leader of Canglong can't say anything!" Just when Zheng Yi was hesitant and in a dilemma, a low voice suddenly sounded in his ears. After receiving the voice, he hurriedly looked up, and found that Song Qihuai, who was not far away, was secretly staring at him and winking at him. It was obviously reminding him to consider the proposal just now! The reason why Song Qihuai took the initiative to remind Zheng Yi at this time was mainly because Zheng Yi and his gang had been standing a hundred feet away, staring at him, which seriously affected his careful observation of the spiritual patterns on the rope. Instead of wasting time, it is better to play a double act. Zheng Yi and others can return by the same route, and the leader of Canglong can also be explained. It can be said to be the best of both worlds. "Okay, listen to you!" After a little contemplation, Zheng Yi nodded calmly and agreed to Song Qihuai's proposal. Seeing that Zheng Yi agreed to his proposal, Song Qihuai immediately informed Xing Xiaoyao, who was observing the rope, of his idea through voice transmission.

After receiving the voice transmission, the latter nodded slightly with an impatient look on his face and agreed to Song Qihuai's method.

The reason why Xing Xiaoyao agreed to Song Qihuai's proposal was mainly because she also understood that she could not really kill Zheng Yi and others. Once killed, the leader of Canglong would definitely go crazy on the spot, and would destroy everything at all costs!

"No! The tribe has raised us and cultivated us since we were young. Without the careful cultivation of the tribe, how could we become a saint and become famous in the southern region? Brothers, don't you think so?"

After a few breaths, Zheng Yi suddenly stopped hesitating, turned his head suddenly, swept across the people present, and said loudly with a solemn expression and impassioned.

"Uh... this..."

After hearing Zheng Yi's impassioned speech, the people present not only did not respond in time, but were slightly startled, and generally showed a complex micro-expression on their faces.

The reason why they chose Zheng Yi to make the decision was not only because Zheng Yi was their leader, but more importantly, Zheng Yi had to take the blame for retreating in the face of a battle!

If the leader of Canglong blamed them afterwards, they would say that it was Zheng Yi who asked them to retreat, and they had no choice but to retreat. At that time, the leader of Canglong would be furious and would most likely punish Zheng Yi severely, but would let them off lightly.

This was a little calculation in their hearts, and also a little trick!

Because to be honest, even if the star beast eventually took the corpse away, it would not have any major impact on the entire Canglong tribe, or even no impact at all.

For such an insignificant thing, they were asked to risk their lives and fight a powerful star beast head-on. How could it be possible? They were not that stupid!

As a result, whether he saw through their plan or was really hot-headed, Zheng Yi actually shouted and yelled that he would continue to fight for the tribe and fight the star beast to the end!

This was really beyond their expectations!

Now they were in a dilemma. If they agreed, they would have to fight the star beast and die. If they didn't agree, they would be severely punished by the leader of the blue dragon!

In other words!

In a short time, Zheng Yi kicked the ball back, forcing them to make a choice in the dilemma!

"Why, brothers, do you think I'm wrong?"

Seeing that everyone was silent, Zheng Yi snorted in his heart, and continued to shout and asked loudly.

"Yes, Zheng Yi, you are right. You raise troops thousands of miles away and use them for a moment. Now is the time for us to show our role!"

"Fight, fight with that starry sky beast, even if we die in the end, it will definitely be a worthy death, and it is also worthy of the tribe's years of training for us!"

"Don't be so pessimistic, haven't we once practiced a siege technique? As long as we cooperate closely, we may not lose, we may even win!"

After Zheng Yi asked back, someone immediately became emotional and responded loudly to express their firm support for Zheng Yi.

The remaining people who were hesitant felt helpless for a moment after hearing these voices of support. They could only speak loudly to express their support for Zheng Yi.

Although they openly express their support, they are secretly calculating in their hearts that when the fight actually starts later, they must be careful, keep a low profile, and not overly stimulate the starry sky beast, so as to ultimately save their own lives.

Hearing the loud support from everyone, Zheng Yi naturally knew that some of the support was purely fake and fake, but he still nodded with relief.

"Everyone listen to my orders and follow me to kill the enemy until death!"

After a breath, Zheng Yi suddenly raised the weapon in his hand, roared, kicked off his right foot, and rushed out.


Hearing the roar, the remaining people roared loudly one by one in an instant, with veins popping out on their faces, and they accelerated and rushed out.

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