God of Defiance

Chapter 2679 The last one is broken

Song Bingtao, who was sitting not far behind, also looked thoughtful at this moment, but he was not thinking about what Zheng Yi was thinking, but thinking about how he would participate if some kind of fate really happened later. , take a share of the pie.

There are many experts on site. There are three people named Xiaocheng Saint King alone, and there are also a lot of saints. So it is not easy to get a piece of the pie later, and it is full of risks.

In the blink of an eye, a few breaths passed.


Xing Xiaoyao let out a long breath and slowly opened his eyes. His pale face seemed to have improved somewhat.

Seeing this, Song Qihuai instantly understood that Xing Xiaoyao had completed the adjustment, and immediately stepped back several hundred feet very wisely, trying to stay as far away from the huge corpse as possible to avoid having any adverse impact on Xing Xiaoyao's ability to restrain the corpse later.

Noticing that Song Qihuai took the initiative to retreat, Xing Xiaoyao immediately nodded in approval.

There was only the last rope left on the corpse. After she bit it off, something unexpected might happen, or not, but regardless of whether it happened, it was wise for Song Qihuai to stay away.

"Ho ho ho..."

After a breath, she roared, opened her big mouth, bit down on the last rope, tensed her muscles, and used all her strength to tear it apart!


In an instant, light flashed on the rope, and a large amount of lightning surged out crazily, striking various parts of Xing Xiaoyao's body, even causing wisps of black smoke to rise from his skin.

Not only that!

The mid-air above the corpse suddenly shook violently, and then there was a tearing sound, and a hole hundreds of feet long opened. Countless thunder and lightning surged out from it, like a downpour, falling crazily on Xing Xiaoyao. on the body.


In an instant, a shrill scream resounded.

This time, the number of thunder and lightning that suddenly fell from the sky was so shocking that as soon as it fell on Xing Xiaoyao's body, the skin and flesh were torn apart, and even some parts were exposed with white bones, which looked very miserable.


Seeing the sudden deterioration of the situation, Song Qihuai, who was hundreds of feet away, suddenly changed his face and hurriedly exclaimed, his worry was palpable.

Although he knew very little about the behemoths in the starry sky, he could tell at a glance that after Xing Xiaoyao was bombarded by numerous lightnings, his injuries were worsening crazily. He might not be able to hold on any longer and die on the spot in a short period of time!

"Hahahaha, you didn't expect it! The ancestors laid a trap in advance above the last rope. Unless you let go of the last rope, otherwise, the thunder and lightning in the crack will continue to fall crazily until the target dies!"

At this moment, a roar of laughter came from high in the sky.

The man who laughed wildly was none other than the leader of Canglong!

Obviously, the reason why the leader of Canglong was laughing wildly at this moment was because he was sure that after Xing Xiaoyao triggered the trap, it would be impossible to tear off the last rope and he would die quickly!

Of course, if Xing Xiaoyao chooses to give up, that's a different story!

"Xing Xiaoyao, don't be afraid, I'm here to help you!"

Suddenly, Chu Tian shouted.

The moment the shout came out, the three Chutians immediately merged into one, abandoned the Canglong leader, fell from the sky, and accelerated towards Xing Xiaoyao, who was biting the last rope.

"Hahaha, little bastard, if you want to help her, how can it be possible? You should continue to fight me to the end!"

At this moment, the leader of Canglong sneered, turned into a stream of light, fell from the sky, quickly entangled Chu Tian, ​​and began to attack.

Chu Tian had no choice but to wave his sword to fight. For a while, there were loud sounds of fighting again and again.

At this moment, Xing Xiaoyao completely ignored the rapidly deteriorating injuries on his body, biting the last rope with his teeth, exerting crazy force and refusing to let go.

Under the violent bombardment of thunder and lightning, white bones were exposed in many places on his body. Even the white bones were exposed to the lightning bombardment and slowly turned black.

Wisps of black smoke rose slowly, accompanied by a strong burning smell.

At this time, Xing Xiaoyao felt that the last rope was extremely hard, time passed extremely slowly, and the severe pain radiating from all parts of his body was extremely strong, almost drowning him completely.

"Senior, don't be impulsive. Keep the green hills and don't worry about running out of firewood. Although the corpse is important, it is definitely not as important as your own life. You should give up if you should!"

After seeing the rapid deterioration of Xing Xiaoyao's condition, Song Qihuai immediately raised his voice and warned loudly.

His loud reminder at this moment was without any calculation. He simply saw that Xing Xiaoyao's injuries suddenly worsened seriously. He couldn't bear it and took the initiative to remind him.

It was really hard for him to imagine the close relationship between Xing Xiaoyao and this huge corpse. Even though he was in danger, he would bite off the last rope and take away the corpse at any cost!

But in his opinion, this kind of behavior is really not very wise, even a little stupid!

Generally speaking, in the world of cultivation, the higher the cultivation level of a warrior, the more indifferent and shrewd he is, and he is good at calculating. However, when it comes to Xing Xiaoyao, this kind of indifference and shrewdness are not reflected.

Seeing that Xing Xiaoyao ignored him completely, still clinging to the rope and exerting force crazily, Song Qihuai immediately reminded him loudly without hesitation.


No matter how he reminded him, Xing Xiaoyao refused to listen and kept biting the rope, looking like he was in some kind of demonic state.

"Xing Xiaoyao, listen to me. There are many ways to solve the rope. It doesn't have to be this desperate way. If your father is still alive, he will definitely not want to see the current situation and let go immediately!"

At this moment, Chu Tian's loud reminder came out.

It's a pity that Xing Xiaoyao didn't respond to Chu Tian's loud reminder, nor did he have any intention of letting go.

"Crazy, crazy, really crazy, that starry sky beast is absolutely crazy!"

"His grandma clearly knew that she was about to die, but she refused to let go. Is this because her brain is filled with water?"

"It's not that her brain is flooded, but that she is confused, has lost her intuition, and can no longer hear the various sounds from the outside world!"

After seeing Xing Xiaoyao biting the rope from a distance, many warriors in the small square immediately changed their expressions and started talking loudly.

Zheng Yi sat in the crowd, looking into the distance, feeling very conflicted.

On the one hand, he wanted Xing Xiaoyao to bite off the last rope and unlock the secrets in the corpse. On the other hand, he didn't want Xing Xiaoyao to bite off the rope, because the corpse might be taken away by Xing Xiaoyao!

This kind of psychology is very contradictory and complicated.


Suddenly, a muffled sound came from the end of the long bridge.

With Xing Xiaoyao's unremitting efforts, the last rope was finally bitten off!

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