God of Defiance

Chapter 2742 Goodbye Lan Yuzi

Relatively speaking, a few thousand years is not a long time, but tens of thousands of years is definitely a long time.

At present, in the entire Zhenwu Continent, apart from the old man Wan who has been guarding the Xuanyuan Underground Palace, Chu Tian really doesn't know who else can survive from tens of thousands of years ago to the present.

You know!

Unless they are gifted, even if they are emperors, they can generally only survive for about ten thousand years. If they have the help of ten thousand year elixir, they can basically live for another three to five thousand years, but it is far from tens of thousands of years.

The gray stone may have existed for tens of thousands of years, which is indeed far beyond Chu Tian's expectations!

Chu Tian really can't imagine how many greedy and careless Saint Kings have unfortunately fallen into the hands of the gray stone in the past tens of thousands of years.

The most important thing is!

Why did the gray stone absorb the last trace of unwilling consciousness into its body after destroying the consciousness of these Saint Kings with the help of the invisible storm? Is it to achieve evolution into a spirit, or is it an involuntary behavior?

What exactly is the gray stone? Where did it come from? Does it have some kind of primitive consciousness? Is this primitive consciousness inherent or acquired for some reason?

At this moment!

As the picture keeps changing, one question after another comes to Chu Tian's mind.

These questions are interrelated and affect each other, but there is no definite answer!

In the blink of an eye, dozens of breaths have passed.

The picture in Chu Tian's sight is still constantly changing. Although the process is basically similar, the clothes worn by each figure are getting older and older, and the difference from today is getting bigger and bigger.

Later, the clothes worn by the figures in the sight are completely the real ancient style, antique, restrained, and natural.

"Tsk tsk... In ancient times, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was rich. The Saint Kings at that time were generally much stronger than the Saint Kings of today. If you are not careful, you will be deceived by the gray stone. It seems that being deceived is not a distinction between ancient and modern times!"

After a little observation, Chu Tian couldn't help shaking his head and sighed in a low voice.

Time passes, and the picture changes.

The figure in sight was wearing increasingly old clothes and looked increasingly blurred. Apparently, this was like a person's memory. The older the event, the less clear it would be. Of course, if it was a truly important event, it could still be remembered clearly and would never be forgotten. Although the figure in sight became increasingly blurred, Chu Tian's seriousness in observation increased, because he knew that as the tracing became increasingly distant, the closer it would be to the birth of the gray stone! After seeing so many high-ranking Saint Kings being taken down by the gray stone, Chu Tian gradually had a very bold idea in his mind. That is, the gray stone opposite was most likely not from this world, but from another world. It might be the legendary fairyland, or it might not be. According to his understanding, there were not only the fairyland, but also many small worlds of the next level. Although they were far less advanced than the fairyland, they did exist, and their level was higher than that of the Zhenwu Continent. The reason for this conclusion was mainly because Chu Tian believed that the Zhenwu Continent might not have produced such a mysterious and evil gray stone even in ancient times. As time passed, the blurry figures in Chu Tian's sight became more and more ancient in their clothes, and even gradually reached a point where Chu Tian could not judge.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly the blurry picture became clear, followed by a slight sound of wind, and Chu Tian hurriedly opened his eyes.

I saw that the clear picture at this time no longer showed the previous figures, but an endless vast world. As far as the eyes could see, there were mountains, rivers, dense forests and gullies, all intertwined, extending all the way to the end of the sight. M..

In the sky, there were clouds of various shapes, distributed everywhere, and each cloud was wild and unrestrained.

Although the pictures that appeared at this moment were obviously fake and not real, Chu Tian could still clearly feel the rich spiritual energy in the air through the pictures, flowing slowly with the wind.

"This is the ancient times!"

After feeling the rich spiritual energy, Chu Tian's face suddenly changed, and he blurted out subconsciously.

In fact, the ancient times is a relatively broad definition, generally referring to the period from 200,000 to 10,000 years ago. If it goes back further, it is the ancient times with few records.

In the ancient times, the winds and clouds were surging, the races competed for supremacy, and emperors emerged.

After the emperors proved their way, they basically left their own power and inheritance. This is how the five great families and seven holy places that are famous in Zhongzhou came into being.

More than 10,000 years ago, the world changed drastically, the spiritual energy gradually withered, the cultivation environment became worse, and the ancient times ended. Since then, there has been no new emperor until now, and even quasi-emperors are rare.

Chu Tian stared at the picture that appeared in his sight, observing carefully, for fear of missing the slightest detail, because the scene of the birth of gray stone might appear next.


Suddenly, a huge roar spread out.

In the originally cloudy sky, a large, eye-catching black hole suddenly appeared, and then a fiercely burning golden stream of light rushed out of the hole at high speed and slammed into the ground.

Because the speed of the golden stream of light was so fast, wherever it passed, the boundless void was like weak tofu, and a long crack was easily opened on the spot.

"That is……"

At this time, Chu Tian was staring at the golden stream of light falling from the sky. All the spiritual energy in his body was poured into his eyes, just to see clearly what the golden stream of light was.

Finally he saw clearly that what was wrapped in the golden stream of light was actually a man covered in blood!

Although there was a long distance, he basically recognized the identity of the blood-stained man at a glance. It was none other than the immortal Lan Yuzi!

"Hiss... Lan Yuzi, the gray stone is actually related to him, no wonder!"

After seeing clearly that it was Lan Yuzi, Chu Tian suddenly took a breath of cold air, whispered, and his whole brain began to work at high speed, and pictures from the past appeared in his mind involuntarily.

When he was on the Starry Sky Road, he was lucky enough to see Lan Yuzi and other immortals in the immortal world having a life-and-death battle over a mysterious treasure.

In the end, Lan Yuzi was outnumbered, was seriously injured, and fell from the fairy world.

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