God of Defiance

Chapter 2744 Put away

Kick! Kick! Kick!

In an instant, Chu Tian took three steps back uncontrollably. Then his throat felt sweet, and with a pop, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face suddenly turned pale.

At this moment, his consciousness has completely returned to his original body. His chest is rising and falling, and he is breathing heavily. His eyes are slightly open, staring at the gray stone not far away. There is both shock and fear in his eyes. , but more excitement.

After experiencing the scene just now, he not only knew the true origin of the gray stone, but also figured out why the gray stone would continue to kill the Holy King and absorb the remaining unwilling consciousness.

The gray stone is the remnant of a Jiuxiao Phoenix Luan demon core. Although it is only a small piece, it still possesses amazing spirituality. After it was first contaminated with the blood of the immortal Lan Yuzi, it also contaminated the latter's heart before his death. Full of deep unwillingness and anger.

In the long years that followed, the gray stone relied on its strong spirituality to wander around, constantly creating storms, and by releasing the best wind-attribute spiritual stones, it attracted many greedy holy kings into the storm.

When those greedy holy kings approach and intend to seize him, they take him by surprise and directly use ruthless means to destroy the opponent's consciousness and absorb the remaining unwilling consciousness.

As this process continues repeatedly, more and more unwilling consciousness is absorbed.

The spirituality of the gray stone will also become higher and higher. After enough accumulation, some kind of qualitative change may occur one day in the future, and the spirituality will transform into a true autonomous consciousness.

Once that happens, then the gray stone begins to truly embark on the path of cultivation.

Needless to say, once the gray stone becomes a spirit and embarks on the path of cultivation, it is very likely that he will become the top wind attribute warrior in the Zhenwu Continent in history!

the reason is simple!

According to the record in that classic book, Jiuxiao Fengluan is an extremely powerful true spirit with wind attributes. He is proficient in various wind attribute magical powers and his speed is beyond imagination!

The gray stone is a small remnant of Jiuxiao Fengluan's demonic core. Once it develops intelligence and becomes a spirit, it will inevitably inherit many of its parent Jiuxiao Fengluan's wind attributes.

It's just that Chu Tian is not very optimistic about the future development prospects of the gray stone in the spiritual world of Central Continent after it is cultivated into a spirit, because the gray stone became initially conscious because it was stained with the blood of the immortal Lan Yuzi, which was full of unwillingness and resentment.

Later, in the long years, he successively absorbed the unwillingness of many powerful Saint Kings before they died!

Under such circumstances, once Gray Stone becomes refined in the future, it is conceivable that he will inevitably become a warrior with a bad temper, arrogant behavior, brutal methods, and a strong desire for revenge!

Such a warrior, no matter how talented he is, would probably have a hard time surviving in the Central Continent practice world, because no one or force would like such a warrior!

The key is!

Not only will they not like him, they may even find an opportunity to take action and kill him decisively, because he is very likely to threaten everyone in Central Continent!

After thinking through all the ins and outs, Chu Tian's eyes flashed and without hesitation, he raised his right hand, spread his fingers, and with a snap, he quickly grabbed the gray stone not far away for the third time.


Suddenly, a roar came out.

The invisible terrifying storm broke out again and rushed towards Chu Tian. In just the blink of an eye, Chu Tian's consciousness was completely submerged!

Chu Tian, ​​on the other hand, did not panic, silently reciting the Holy Mantra of Purifying Heart to keep the spiritual platform clear, and at the same time, without stopping, he spread his fingers and continued to grab the gray stone with lightning.

In the following time, the gray stone continued to erupt, releasing an invisible storm, trying to destroy Chu Tian's consciousness, but it never succeeded.

Chu Tian, ​​on the other hand, stood upright in the face of the storm, his outstretched palms constantly grabbing the gray stones, and there seemed to be almost no obvious change in his speed.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Tian's outstretched palm reached the gray stone, and just as he was about to grab the gray stone, the latter suddenly burst into light, releasing an unprecedented terrifying storm for the last time.


In an instant, Chu Tian groaned and endured the terrible pain. Without hesitation, he stretched out his palm and grabbed the gray stone. He then pulled it back and forcefully put the gray stone into the third room of the Xiaozang Gong Building. layer.

After putting away the gray stone, Chu Tian suddenly felt severe pain all over his body and exploded madly. Then he vomited blood with a loud cry, dyeing his chest and robe into a large area of ​​eye-catching scarlet.

After vomiting blood, Chu Tian ignored his own injuries and quickly turned his head to look around. He found that after the gray stone disappeared, the surrounding storm still existed, but the speed began to slow down significantly.

And this slowdown continues to expand from the center to all directions.


As the source of the storm, the gray stone was taken away by Chu Tian, ​​and the entire super tornado lost its core source of power.

Just due to inertia, the super tornado will continue to rotate, but the speed will slow down little by little. After a period of time, it will completely collapse and eventually disappear into nothing.

After a breath, Chu Tian's eyes flashed, and without hesitation, he turned around and took a step forward, vibrating his wings, and instantly turned into a colorful stream of light, bursting out.

Beyond the storm!

"It's been so long and you still haven't come out. Could something have happened?"

Xing Xiaoyao was alone, standing in the air more than ten miles away from the storm, staring ahead, frowning slightly, murmuring, and showing some unconcealable worry on his face.

Although she believed that Chu Tian's strength was enough to save her life, Chu Tian's time in this time was really too long.

After such a long time, Chu Tian still hadn't come out. It really made people start to worry about Chu Tian's personal safety.

Xing Xiaoyao wanted to rush into the storm to check the situation, but dealing with such a terrifying storm was not her strong point. If she was not careful, she might lose her life.

For a moment, she frowned and thought secretly about what she should do next.

"Hehe, that guy is arrogant and rushed into the storm alone. He didn't come out for such a long time. Most of him is dead. Let me see what you do next!"

At the same time, the burly middle-aged man who was collecting spirit stones turned his head and saw Xing Xiaoyao frowning and worried, and he sneered.

If both of them were there, he would be afraid.

But if only one of them was there, he would naturally not be so afraid!

At this moment, he had subconsciously regarded Xing Xiaoyao as his own meal. It wouldn't be long before he would have to put it in his mouth and savor it carefully.

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