God of Defiance

Chapter 2839 Purple Head

After a breath, he turned his hand over, took out a small white bottle, poured out a priceless elixir, specially used to heal the soul, carefully stuffed it into Concubine Pei Leng's mouth, and then helped the latter swallow it.

After doing all this, he did not rush to put away Concubine Pei Leng and leave in a hurry. Instead, he carefully placed her aside, then turned his head and looked around with a wary expression.

The reason why he was not in a hurry to take Concubine Pei Leng away at this moment was mainly because the latter had just begun to recover from the deep seizure and needed to observe her closely for a period of time to confirm that there was nothing abnormal before she could leave with peace of mind.

The reason why he turned his head and looked around cautiously was mainly because he was worried that the mysterious woman who disappeared not long ago would suddenly appear and cause revenge.

Although strictly speaking, he was not afraid of retaliation at all, but after all, Concubine Pei Leng was lying next to her, resting and recovering, so it was better to be careful!

After sitting cross-legged and meditating for a few breaths, Chu Tian seemed to suddenly think of something. He immediately made a hand seal, and the light shone all over his body. Then Chu Tian, ​​wearing a red robe, stood up and stood ten feet away!

It’s none other than Chu Zhengdao, the destiny clone!

"This cave is not small. Chu Zhengdao, please go deeper into the cave and inspect it carefully to see if you can find the mysterious woman. If you encounter her, kill her immediately!"

After a breath, Chu Tian stared at Chu Zhengdao, who was standing ten feet away, and said with a hint of coldness.


After receiving the instruction, Chu Zhengdao nodded, then turned around, took one step forward, and rushed into the depths of the cave.

After seeing this scene, Chu Tian couldn't help but nodded secretly, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

The mysterious woman from before was only in a state of soul. Once she left Concubine Pei Leng's body, her strength would be greatly reduced. Sending a Chu Zhengdao was enough to eliminate the opponent! .


If Chu Zhengdao cannot eliminate the opponent, or is not even the opponent's opponent, then his true self will immediately go out and rush to the scene of the accident in the shortest possible time to kill the opponent!

to be honest!

At the beginning, he was still somewhat interested in the mysterious woman's true identity, but after a battle in the sea of ​​consciousness, he completely lost interest in the mysterious woman's true identity.

Even now, he is less interested in killing the mysterious woman!

Because although Concubine Pei Leng's body was taken away, her life was safe for the time being. He hoped that he could take Concubine Pei Leng out of here as soon as possible and return to Shenlian Sect safely.

In the entire Qu family, there is almost only one person, Little Emperor Creation, who is relatively friendly to him, while the others basically have a hostile attitude towards him.

And the Little Emperor Good Fortune has fallen into a deep sleep again. For a period of time, he can't say a word, so naturally there is nothing he can do to help him!

If he doesn't leave the dangerous place of the Qu family as soon as possible, who knows whether Qu Cangming and Qu Chengxiong's gang will suddenly fall out with him and frantically look for trouble with him.

After Chu Zhengdao left, like a vigorous cheetah, he kept sprinting deeper into the cave, stopping from time to time to release his spiritual thoughts and explore the surroundings.

This underground cave is very long and narrow, and because it is close to the lake, the environment is extremely humid. Coupled with the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the air, ordinary people will feel comfortable all over and salivate after just taking a breath.

It feels like drinking sweet and delicious honey, making you tipsy and intoxicated!

Chu Zhengdao had no intention of absorbing the rich spiritual energy in the air, but continued to sprint towards the depths of the cave. Not long after, he reached the deepest part of the cave and stopped immediately.

This is a huge square with an irregular shape. There are gravels all over the square, as well as a large number of decayed bones and the rotten skin of some kind of monster.

In the middle of the square, there is a pool, three feet in diameter, green, bottomless, and motionless.

Chu Zhengdao walked up to the rotten bones and the rotten skin of the monster beast and kicked them a few times. As a result, he easily kicked them all to pieces and scattered them all over the ground.

It is clear!

These things have existed for so long that Chu Zhengdao shattered them with just a touch.

After a breath, Chu Zhengdao came to the side of the pool. When he lowered his head to look at the pool, he quickly released his spiritual thoughts and invaded the pool, trying to investigate. As a result, his spiritual thoughts only entered the water a few feet deep, and then continued deeper.

Obviously, the water in the pool is the same as the lake outside. It is filled with all kinds of spiritual energy from heaven and earth. As a result, the energy is too dense. It is difficult for spiritual thoughts to penetrate too deeply and can only be touched briefly.


After discovering that his spiritual thoughts could not penetrate too deep, Chu Zhengdao could only shake his head, sighed, withdrew his spiritual thoughts, and stopped trying to go deeper.

Anyway, the mysterious woman who disappeared earlier would have a hard time surviving in the pool due to her soul state, because the various energies in the water are too complex and may harm her soul.

After withdrawing his spiritual thoughts, he crossed his arms and walked back and forth in the square, carefully checking various details. After checking, he found no important clues.

"Haha, it seems that I hit that mysterious woman so hard that the other party was frightened and did not dare to show up at all. It is also possible that the other party has died. After all, my last impact was too strong. !”

After finding no important clues, Chu Zhengdao shook his head, smiled helplessly, whispered, then took a step forward, turned into an afterimage, and hurried back along the original path.

And just a few breaths after Chu Zhengdao left the end of the cave, the turquoise pool in the middle of the square suddenly rippled slightly, and then two bloody eyes slowly appeared, flickering continuously, making people shudder.

His blood-red eyes silently stared at Chu Zhengdao who was leaving in a hurry. After squinting slightly, he slowly sank into the water and disappeared, as if he had never appeared before.

But Chu Zhengdao, who had already walked away, had no idea what happened!

It didn't take long for Chu Zhengdao to return to the starting area of ​​the cave. After a brief report to Chu Tian, ​​he took a step forward and reintegrated into his body.

"There are actually no traces. Could it be that the mysterious woman left here through other means, or was she injured too seriously and died on the spot?"

After listening to Chu Zhengdao's report, Chu Tian sat cross-legged, frowned slightly, looked thoughtful, and murmured.

After a breath, he chuckled, shook his head, and stopped thinking about the problem. He was ready to leave anyway, and what happened to the mysterious woman was no longer important.

Immediately afterwards, he looked down at Concubine Pei Leng, who was lying next to him, and found that after the latter swallowed the pill, her breathing became obviously smoother, and her mental fluctuations gradually returned to normal. He immediately decided to wait another quarter of an hour before leaving together.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of breaths passed.

Chu Tian had his back to the pool, his eyes closed, his face calm, and his mind was wandering. Behind him, a purple head the size of a house, with scarlet eyes open, slowly lifted up from the pool silently.

If you release your spiritual thoughts at this moment, you will find that after the spiritual thoughts touch the purple head, they will pass directly through and nothing will be sensed at all!

After a breath, the purple head opened its mouth, revealing two rows of extremely sharp teeth, aimed at Chu Tian who was sitting cross-legged, and bit down hard!

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