God of Defiance

Chapter 2905 Bloody Writing

At the same time, Chu Tian and others, who had entered Thunder Valley in advance, were also constantly advancing!

Click! Click! Click!

Among the four people, Chu Tian was walking in the front, followed closely by Wang Yi and the other three. There were constant crackling sounds in the void, densely packed, and one after another silver lightning fell from the sky.

At this moment, the four of them all used the spiritual energy in their bodies to form a shield to tightly protect their bodies. The silver lightning falling from the sky hit the shield, and instantly broke into pieces with a bang. A large number of arcs flew everywhere.

Looking from a distance, the four of them seemed to be facing lightning and moving forward quickly!

Due to the condensed shield, spiritual energy is consumed all the time, and the sound of thunder continues to sound, making it almost difficult to hear each other clearly when the four of them speak to each other, so the four of them simply communicate through spiritual thoughts!

"This Thunder Valley is really not simple. When I first came in, there were not so many thunder and lightning falling from the sky. But when I walked here, the thunder and lightning falling from the sky actually increased a lot. I'm afraid when I walked to the innermost part, the number of thunder and lightning falling from the sky It will be far beyond our imagination!”

Wang Yi moved forward quickly and sighed in a deep voice through the sound transmission.

In fact, she can walk faster, but walking faster consumes more spiritual energy, so she has always controlled her forward speed appropriately, not too fast, but not too slow either.

After hearing Wang Yi's emotion, Chu Tian replied calmly: "Haha, we should feel lucky. Fortunately, we came in many years later. If this place had just appeared, we might not even be qualified to enter!"

Hearing this, Wang Yi and the other three couldn't help but nodded secretly.

What Chu Tian said made sense. When Thunder Valley first appeared, it was when the thunder and lightning fell from the sky and was at its strongest. Even the peak saint king might not dare to come in casually.

After so long, the power of the thunder and lightning falling from the sky has dropped a lot. Only now can they boldly enter the Thunder Valley!

But even so, as it goes deeper and deeper, Thunder Valley may become more and more dangerous.

"Hey... look, what is that?"

Suddenly, Wang Er raised his hand and pointed sharply in a certain direction, and shouted in a deep voice.

Hearing the sound, Chu Tian and the others hurriedly turned their heads and looked in the direction of Wang Er's finger. They saw a stone tablet several people high standing hundreds of feet away, with some vague writing on it.

"Go and see!"

After a breath, Chu Tian shouted low, kicked his right foot, and rushed over first.

Upon seeing this, Wang Yi and the other three hurriedly followed Chu Tian, ​​and soon followed Chu Tian and arrived in front of the stone monument.

After arriving in front of the stone stele, the four people immediately looked up at the stone stele. Although the writing on it was indeed a bit blurry, the four of them could still clearly see the four big characters written on the stele - Cangming Thunder Valley!

The stone tablet looks very rough, and its shape is not very regular. It doesn't look like it was carefully crafted at all. It looks more like I randomly found a big stone, erected it here, and hurriedly wrote four big characters with flying dragons and phoenixes on it!

"This is obviously a very ordinary stone with relatively ordinary material. It is a miracle that it has been able to stand here for so many years without being shattered by lightning!"

Wang Yi raised his hand and touched the rough stone tablet. After feeling it for a while, he frowned and said.

After hearing this, Chu Tian shook his head: "You are right. The material of the stone tablet is indeed very ordinary, but the four big characters written on the stone tablet are not simple. They condense the spirit of the writer. Lingering inside and outside the stone monument, the quality of the stone monument skyrocketed, so it was able to withstand lightning strikes for many years and has survived until now!"

After hearing Chu Tian's reminder, Wang Yi and the others' expressions changed, and their hearts moved. They hurriedly released their spiritual thoughts and tried to explore the inside of the stone tablet.

As a result, the three people's spiritual thoughts just touched the writing on the stone tablet, and their spiritual thoughts were instantly bounced back hard, causing the three of them to groan and take a step back uncontrollably.

"This... the person who wrote the handwriting is actually a peak holy king!"

After regaining his balance, Wang San said in a deep voice with shock.

The reason why he judged that the person who wrote the handwriting was a peak holy king was mainly because when his spiritual mind touched the writing on the stone tablet, he instantly felt a powerful residual pressure, which was the power that only the peak holy king could have. Press!


Due to lightning strikes and time washing, the remaining coercion on the stone tablet writing is already very rare, but the level has not changed.

"Although this stone tablet is made of ordinary material, it was inscribed by the pinnacle saint king himself after all. It can be considered a good treasure. It's better to put it away and take it to the auction. Maybe it can be sold for a good price!"

At this moment, Wang Er spoke with a smile, and at the same time raised his hand to collect the stone tablet.

As a result, he waved his palm several times in succession, and the stone tablet, which was several people tall, seemed to have taken root and remained motionless!

Seeing that the stone tablet showed no intention of moving, Wang Er suddenly felt a little embarrassed and embarrassed. The majestic Holy King could not move a broken stone tablet. He immediately took a deep breath and prepared to use all his strength to put away the stone tablet.

As a result, before he could take action, Chu Tian stopped him: "No need to try. After countless years of thunder and lightning bombardment, this stone tablet has been integrated with the entire Thunder Valley. Unless you can uproot the entire Thunder Valley, otherwise It’s hard to shake a stone!”

"Alas...what a pity!"

Hearing this, Wang Er shook his head, sighed secretly, and stopped trying.

At this moment, Wang San, who walked to the back of the stele, suddenly reminded that there were writings left on the back of the stele!

When Chu Tian heard this, he immediately took a step forward and came to the back of the stone stele. He found that at the bottom of the back of the stele, there was a line of very sloppy blood-colored handwriting!

"My life is about to end. When I enter here, I find that...it is all in vain in the end. Everything is an arrangement of fate. Die well, die well..."

After a breath, Chu Tian stared at the blood-colored handwriting with tiny eyes, and read it in a low voice with great effort.

Although it is difficult to determine the specific year when the blood-colored writing appeared, Chu Tian speculated that it was at least tens of thousands of years ago by observing his own blurriness!

After reading, he hurriedly lowered his head and glanced around, only to find that half a foot away, a broken corpse whose shape could barely be discerned fell to the ground, with his head facing the stone tablet, his right hand stretched out, and his fingertips pointed at the words on the stone tablet. Bloody writing.


If nothing unexpected happens, the broken corpse lying on the ground should be the person who left the bloody writing on the back of the stone tablet!

After Wang Yi saw the broken corpse, he hurriedly stepped forward to check and found that the storage ring worn by the broken corpse, together with the treasures inside, had long been destroyed by lightning!

"Boss, this person clearly ran out of life and died here. Why did he say he died well, died well before he died?"

Suddenly, Wang Yi stood up and asked with a frown.

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