God of Defiance

Chapter 2924 Persevere to the End

Although both of them were screaming loudly at the moment, the people standing a hundred feet away could not hear any sound at all. They could only see five gray thunderballs the size of houses, motionless and standing there quietly. !

As for the two people in the remaining two gray thunder balls, they are still thinking hard and struggling, trying to find methods and strategies that suit them.

At this moment, the two of them have basically made up their minds. Even if they get nothing in the end, they will never allow others to replace themselves and get a chance to try.

Since it had been a long time since anyone had given up, some of the people standing a hundred feet away, waiting, were growing impatient. Without any hesitation, they rushed out and charged towards the gray thunder ball, intending to seize the opportunity!


As a result, these people had just rushed out, and before they had time to get closer, a violent roar suddenly sounded, and countless silver thunder and lightning fell from the sky, hitting these people hard.


Suddenly, there was a muffled groan, and figures one after another flew back in embarrassment. Their feet landed heavily on the ground. After shaking a few times, they barely regained their balance.

"Damn it, they won't come out and we can't get close. Are we just going to watch and wait like this!?"

"Now we are in big trouble. A great fortune is clearly in front of us, but in the end we don't even have a chance to fight for it!"

"We actually had an opportunity to fight for it, but we didn't seize it, but others did, so now we can only watch helplessly and there is no way we can do it!"

After regaining his feet, a famous holy king was so angry that he gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice.

Although they were extremely angry at this time, they were even more regretful about why they had not grabbed a position earlier. As a result, they could only watch helplessly and could do nothing!

They are very clear!

Although we don’t yet know what the creation of the five gray thunder balls is, it is definitely not trivial, because until now, only one person has actively chosen to give up, and the others are all holding on desperately!

For the powerful Saint Kings, whether it is to improve their cultivation or strength, it is often very difficult. In many cases, in addition to hard work, some unexpected blessings are required.

This is why in the world of spiritual practice, many holy kings do not like to practice hard work in seclusion. Instead, they prefer to explore everywhere and look for good fortune. Once they find some kind of good fortune, they may be able to endure hundreds of years of hard work!

Now the great creation is just a hundred feet away, but it turns out that they can see it but cannot touch it. If they even try to touch it, they will be struck by lightning from the sky and become miserable!

The intense frustration and regret caused by this are absolutely unavoidable!

Inside the first gray thunder ball!

The numbness that came from Chu Tian's right hand gradually became stronger. Later, it simply turned into a feeling like countless ants crawling around.

Chu Tian really wanted to open his eyes and scratch his right hand a few times, but his subconscious told him that he must not move at this time and must continue to recite the Holy Mantra of Pure Heart silently. Otherwise, if he stops, all his previous efforts may be wasted!

I don’t know how long it took, but the numbing feeling from my right hand reached its peak and showed no signs of weakening!


For a moment, Chu Tian felt as if his right hand was covered by countless ants, all of them biting hard.

This kind of biting did not bring severe pain, but itching, an unbearable itching that penetrated into the bone marrow. It was so itchy that Chu Tian wanted to immediately swing a knife and cut off his right hand on the spot!

For Chu Tian, ​​the itch was more terrifying than the pain, more unbearable, and even more maddening!

At this moment, a large amount of sweat began to ooze out from his head. His face was ferocious, he gritted his teeth tightly, concentrated all his energy, and silently recited the Holy Mantra of Pure Heart!

At this time, he knew very well that the more he paid attention to his right hand, the stronger the itching sensation coming from his right hand would be. The less he paid attention to it and concentrated on silently reciting the Holy Mantra of Pure Heart, the stronger the itching sensation coming from his right hand would be. It's weakness!

In other words, the intensity of the itch basically depends on where he focuses his attention!

So no matter how strong the itching sensation coming from his right hand was, Chu Tian would force himself to concentrate on reciting the Holy Mantra of Pure Heart silently, using this method of diverting attention to reduce the pressure he was under!

Although Chu Tian always recited the Holy Mantra of Purifying Heart silently and tried not to pay attention to his right hand, the itching sensation in his right hand reached its peak and showed no signs of fading away, making him increasingly stressed!

Gradually, he was not only sweating all over his head, but sweating all over his body. His clothes were soaked bit by bit, making him look like he had been fished out of the water.

Not only that!

Silently reciting the Holy Mantra of Purifying Heart to resist the itching gradually consumed a lot of spiritual energy and physical strength. And as time passed, this consumption became more and more serious, so that Chu Tian's face gradually became pale, and his body Shape of rickets!

Compared to the itch, Chutian found that he would rather endure the pain, because the pain was more familiar to him and easier to deal with. However, he had rarely encountered the itch in the past, so dealing with it was a bit unfamiliar!

At this moment, while he was concentrating on silently reciting the Heart-Calming Mantra, he was also trying his best to adjust his physical body and spirit so that he could better adapt to the strong itching sensation.

With my heart beating wildly, time kept passing by.

At this time, Chutian felt that time was flowing extremely slowly, and every breath that passed by seemed like a long year. But his reason told him that he must not give up midway, otherwise he would definitely regret it later!

Once he regrets it afterwards, there is no chance for him to save it!

So at this moment, no matter what, he must seize the opportunity, persist to the end, and strive to become the final winner, and he must not let himself regret it in the future!

At the same time, Jin Wuji and the tall and thin Holy King, after struggling to survive the severe pain test, finally faced the severe itching test.


It was okay at first, but as the itch gradually reached its peak, the two of them couldn't bear it any longer. They fell to the ground with hideous faces and howled in a low voice.

Fortunately, the gray thunder ball blocked all sounds and images. Otherwise, once everyone at the scene saw it, their jaws would have dropped and they would burst into laughter!

The image of the dignified Holy King has always been upright and respected by everyone. Naturally, no Holy King would want others to see him lying on the ground, wailing in pain!

I don't know how long it took, but just when Chu Tian gradually lost consciousness, his physical strength and spiritual energy were severely depleted, and he was about to completely fail, the itching sensation in his right hand suddenly began to decrease rapidly.

"Not bad, not bad. It's really good for a Holy King to persist for such a long time and complete the transformation of his palm!"

At the same time, a low voice of admiration sounded out of thin air.

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