God of Defiance

Chapter 2975 The obsession is too strong!

If something unexpected happened to Chu Tian on the third floor of the square, it would definitely be a major disaster for her!

Because relying solely on herself, there is no way to deal with the toxins in her body.

Only Chu Tiancai has enough means, resources and connections to help her resolve the toxins in her body. There is no doubt about this!

Even if something unexpected happens to Chu Tian, ​​it is very likely that she will not even be able to leave!

"Chu Tian, ​​whether I live or die next depends on you. Don't let anything happen to you. Don't let anything happen to you..."

When she thought of this, the tension in Jitian Saint's heart suddenly increased greatly. Her eyes were fixed on the third floor of the square, and she kept murmuring in her mouth.

At the same time, some positions in the void that were hundreds or even thousands of miles away were starting to have ripples that were almost visible to the naked eye.


Those masters of the Holy King who were secretly hiding in the void and waiting for help, like the Saint of Jitian, began to feel doubts and impatience in their hearts.

Due to their advanced cultivation and clever invisibility, Jitian Saint, as a saint, could not detect anyone hiding nearby.

At the same time, the third floor of the square was shrouded in gray fog!

"Old waste, old thing, old grandson, use all your tricks to kill me, but I guess you can't, because you are too old to be hard, hahahaha!"

"Little bastard, I have lived for so many years and have never been humiliated like today. I will definitely kill you, I will definitely kill you!"

"Hahahaha, you must kill me, what a dream! How can a coward who can't be hardened have the right to say such nonsense!"

"Little bastard, you... you..., I swear, I swear to him, you will be executed, you will be executed!"

Chu Tian and Yao Tingyue were still fighting fiercely and scolding each other in the air.

Perhaps because Chu Tian had the clear upper hand in the scolding battle, which affected Yao Tingyue's mentality, the current fighting situation between the two sides turned out to be indistinguishable, with almost no distinction between high and low.

Realizing that his curse had an effect, Chu Tian felt secretly happy.

If this continues, the opponent's situation is likely to continue to get worse, and then he basically doesn't need to use the Imperial Armor to achieve the final victory!

This is definitely something he likes to hear!

At this time, he basically didn't have much hope in getting any good fortune, because the two sides were fighting to such an extent that Yao Tingyue wanted to kill him, and he would definitely not leave any good fortune for him!

The next development of the situation was indeed as Chutian expected!

Due to his unbalanced mentality, Yao Tingyue's condition became worse and worse. In the crazy fierce battle with Chu Tian, ​​he actually fell into the disadvantage bit by bit. Even as time passed, the speed of falling into the disadvantage became more and more difficult. quick!

"Yao Tingyue, old man, you are a living waste, and you still fantasize about proving yourself and becoming emperor. This is simply laughable!"

"I have never heard of anyone who always hopes to achieve enlightenment and become emperor in the end. This has become a fantasy of yours... no, it is an obsession!"

"It is simply impossible for a person with such a profound obsession to succeed. The more you want to be emperor, the less likely you are to be emperor. I can see this clearly. You are an old man who has lived for thousands of years. , I can’t see clearly, what a failure!”

Chu Tian's heart moved and he struck while the iron was hot. He spoke again, cursing and sarcastically, in order to put more pressure on Yao Tingyue's psychology.

Even if these pressures cannot cause Yao Tingyue to collapse mentally, they can at least confuse the other party and give him a greater upper hand!

"You little bastard, how dare you humiliate me like this and say that I have obsessions!"

"Eh... Obsession, yes, I have indeed fallen deeply into obsession over the past few years. He is actually right. The more you want to be the emperor, the less likely you are to become the emperor!"

Hearing Chu Tian's curses and cynicism, Yao Tingyue first roared angrily, but after a short breath, his eyes suddenly flashed and he whispered in a deep voice, as if he had realized something, and his face couldn't help but look very ugly.

"Hahahaha, how about it, old man, did I tell you right? The more obsessed you are, the less likely you are to be an emperor! Of course, even if you let go of your obsession now, you still can't be an emperor, because you wake up It’s too late!”

Noticing that Yao Tingyue's face suddenly turned ugly, Chu Tian instantly understood that what he had just said hit the opponent's weakness, and immediately laughed and became sarcastic.

He is indeed not worried at all that the other party will suddenly wake up and become an emperor!

If a peak holy king could attain enlightenment and become an emperor simply by hearing a few words, then the number of quasi-emperors and emperors in the entire Central Continent cultivation world would be countless!

Becoming a quasi-emperor or an emperor is a very complicated and difficult matter. It requires the right time, place, people, and full preparation in all aspects. It cannot be solved by hearing a few words and suddenly having a feeling!

"Hahahaha, wake up, old man, you are just too obsessed and have completely fallen into a dead end. As a result, so much time has been wasted. You really deserve it!"

At this moment, Chu Tian did not hesitate and spoke again, making sarcastic remarks about Yao Tingyue, and it was very exaggerated, just to anger the other party as much as possible.

A person, no matter who he is, will often lose his mind once he is angry, and after losing his mind, it will be difficult to fully utilize his own strength.

As long as Yao Tingyue cannot exert all his strength, his advantage will become greater and greater until he finally achieves complete victory!

After killing Yao Tingyue, if there is any benefit, take it. If there is no benefit, take it down. Then he will go outside to settle the Jitian Saint, and then enter the core of the fall, find Balao, and complete the ultimate mission together!

Unexpectedly, after Chu Tian finished taunting him, Yao Tingyue's face only became more ugly, but there was no obvious sign of anger.

"Hahahaha, Yao Tingyue, when I set foot on the road to the starry sky, I once saw with my own eyes the incarnation of a divine thought left behind by the Holy Demon Emperor as an immortal envoy!"

"The Supreme Holy Demon Emperor is worthy of being an emperor of the generation. He is a casual and generous person. He can say a few words in a casual way and make people think deeply. He is much better than you. Compared with him, you are... It’s not even worthy of carrying shoes!”

Immediately afterwards, Chu Tian spoke again, carrying out the Holy Demon Emperor, laughing and mocking.

After hearing this, Yao Tingyue's face instantly became more gloomy, but there was a slight sparkle in the depths of his eyes!

At this moment, the gleam in the depths of Yao Tingyue's eyes showed his true thoughts deep in his heart, not the angry expression on his face.

"Sigh... What a pity. A great overlord like the Holy Demon Emperor, who founded the Holy Demon Sect, how come you founded the city and turned into a shameless coward..."

Chu Tian didn't notice the slightest glimmer of light in the depths of Yao Tingyue's eyes. He still continued to sarcastically attack Yao Tingyue's psychology without stopping.

He has already tasted the sweetness of this method, and naturally he will not stop. He must persist to the end and kill Yao Tingyue completely!

As time passed, this kind of cursing and cynicism did have an effect.

Yao Tingyue was increasingly at a disadvantage, while Chu Tian was at an upper hand. It was becoming more and more obvious, and it even felt like he was starting to overpower his opponent.

But even as he gained the upper hand, Chutian still did not move forward.

Because in his opinion, it is not the time to get close to the opponent yet. He needs to wait until he has completely suppressed the opponent, and then suddenly approach and give the opponent a fatal blow!

Bearing all kinds of cynicism from Chu Tian, ​​Yao Tingyue still remained silent and said nothing. He just waved his hands wildly and fought with Chu Tian in the air.

At the same time, there were more and more gleams in the depths of his eyes. After reaching a certain level, there was suddenly a feeling of emptiness, as if part of his brain power had been appropriated to think about other things.

For a peak Saint King like him, multi-tasking or even multi-tasking is easier than eating and drinking. It can be done easily!

Of course, it is still relatively difficult to allocate part of your brain power for in-depth thinking!

In the following time, the two fought fiercely, and Chu Tian had the upper hand. It became increasingly obvious, and gradually developed towards an overwhelming advantage.

"What's going on? How come it's been so long and Chu Tian still hasn't come out? Could it be that something unexpected happened..."

At the same time, the Saint of Jitian, who was outside, looked at the square from a distance, the worry on her face became stronger and stronger, and she couldn't help but murmur.


After a few breaths, she couldn't bear it any longer, and she dodged and instantly turned into a stream of light, spanning thousands of feet, and stood motionless at the entrance to the first floor of the square.

At this moment, her eyes were fixed on the first floor of the square, with a look of hesitation on her face. She suddenly gritted her teeth and took a step forward, preparing to step onto the first floor of the square.

"not good!"

As a result, just as her right foot was about to step onto the first floor of the square, a terrifying and fatal crisis suddenly hit her face, scaring her so much that she screamed and backed away hurriedly without hesitation.

"Haha, this square is too terrifying. As expected, it is not something that a mere saint like me can set foot on. I'd better just stand here obediently and continue to wait!"

After a breath, her heart was beating wildly and she was breathing heavily. She stood dozens of feet away, staring closely at the ordinary first floor of the square. She couldn't help but shake her head and smile bitterly.

At this moment, she was filled with fear.

If she hadn't felt something was wrong and retreated in time, she would have turned into a cold corpse by now!

The third floor of the square shrouded in fog!

As time passed, the fierce battle between the two sides had completely lost its balance. Chutian had completely gained the upper hand and completely suppressed his opponent!


Just when Chu Tian clenched his long sword and was about to rush out and deliver a fatal blow to his opponent, Yao Tingyue, who was sitting cross-legged in the center, suddenly burst out with countless rays of light.

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