God of Defiance

Chapter 2994 Ba Lao’s anxiety

And just when Chutian and Jitian Saint were staying in the Xiaozanggong Building, seizing the time to concentrate on recuperating, a figure appeared in the huge canopy of a towering ancient tree in the core meteorological zone, with hands behind his back, looking into the distance. There was worry and impatience in his eyes!

This figure is none other than Balao!

Almost four days have passed since entering the core meteorite zone!

Originally, Ba Lao thought that he would enter the core meteorological zone, find a place, and wait patiently for three days at most. Chutian would rush over and join him. Then the master and the disciple would truly merge and enter deeper into the core meteorological zone together. Complete the scheduled tasks!

As a result, he had been waiting for almost four days, and he still hadn't seen a hair on Chu Tian's face!

Because they were too far apart, even if he used the transmission notes prepared in advance, he couldn't contact Chutian at all!

"This boy Chu Tian always does things neatly and neatly. Why did it take so long this time and still not be able to get here? Could there be some accident?"

After staring for a few breaths, Ba Lao frowned tightly and whispered in a deep voice. For some reason, a bad premonition suddenly arose in his heart.

But after just one breath, he shook his head decisively, denying the possibility that something unexpected had happened to Chu Tian!

The reason why he didn't think Chu Tian would have an accident was that, on the one hand, Chu Tian, ​​as the Dacheng Saint King, was powerful enough, and on the other hand, Chu Tian also had the Emperor's Armor!

Once Chu Tian summons the imperial armor and wears it on his body, even the peak holy king will be unable to do anything to Chu Tian!

Therefore, he believed that the possibility of an accident in Chutian was extremely small!

The reason why after waiting for such a long time, Chu Tian still didn't show up was that he strongly suspected that Chu Tian might have been delayed due to something, and he would be there soon!

After thinking for a while, he decided to wait for Chutian for another three days. If Chutian didn't show up within three days, then he would leave alone and act alone!

It's not that he doesn't want to wait any longer, but because the opening of the Land of the Emperor's Fall has a time limit and won't be open all the time, so he can't just wait here for Chu Tian and let time pass by without doing anything. !

Before entering the core meteorite zone, he had already made mental preparations to act alone if Chutian didn't follow him in!

Although he acts alone, the risk is greatly increased and the success rate is greatly reduced, but no matter what, he must act, because if he does not act this time, it is very likely that there will be no chance again, so he must seize it !

After a few breaths, Balao turned around, took a step forward, disappeared, and hid again.

The second floor of Xiaozanggong Building!

Chu Tian and Saint Ji Tian sat opposite each other, both with their eyes closed tightly. One was concentrating on recuperating his injuries, the other was concentrating on detoxifying, and the whole space was quiet.


Not long after, a helpless sigh came from the mouth of Jitian Saint.

While sighing, the Holy Maiden of Jitian shook her head and slowly opened her eyes, with a trace of disappointment flashing in her eyes.

She has refined all the detoxifying pills Chutian gave her. They are indeed effective, but the effect is only so-so and unsatisfactory.

After taking a few antidote pills, the toxins in her body were relieved, and the outbreak time was basically postponed to at least five days.

In other words, from now on, for at least the next twenty days, the toxins in her body will not explode. In this way, her probability of survival will be greatly improved!

After a breath, she narrowed her eyes slightly and stared at Chu Tian, ​​a trace of hesitation appearing on her face covered by the mask.

To be honest, she really didn't want Chu Tian to continue venturing into the Core Fall Zone. It would be a pity if he lost his life!

After all, within the entire Shenlian Sect, Chu Tian has the highest status and the most fame in Central Continent!

Once Chutian falls, the status of Shenlian Sect in Central Continent will instantly drop a lot, followed by internal turmoil, precariousness, or even rapid disintegration and complete disappearance.

And for her, she didn’t want Chu Tian to enter the core fall zone and risk his life!

Because once Chu Tian falls, there is a high probability that she will die too!

Therefore, both publicly and privately, she did not want Chutian to enter the core fall zone!

But at this moment, she knew very well that she could not persuade him, because once she opened her mouth to persuade him, it might anger Chu Tian and make the relationship between the two parties stiff and difficult to recover!

For the next time, Jitian Saint frowned slightly, hesitating whether she should continue to dissuade Chu Tian from entering the core fall zone.

In this repeated hesitation, time continued to pass, and half a day passed in the blink of an eye.


Suddenly, Chu Tian let out a long breath and slowly opened his eyes. He suddenly found that the Holy Maiden of Jitian sitting opposite him seemed to be worried, and he hurriedly asked what was going on.

After half a day of emergency recovery, although his injuries have not fully recovered, he has basically recovered to more than 80%. He has no problems participating in the fierce battle!

"Uh...it's okay, I'm fine! It seems that you are recovering well. Are you going to enter the most dangerous core fall zone next?"

After receiving the inquiry, Jitian Saint was slightly startled, then quickly shook her head and asked.

Obviously, she still didn't dare to speak casually at this time, and persuaded Chu Tian not to enter the core fall zone to avoid causing unnecessary damage to the relationship between the two.

Chu Tian nodded and replied calmly: "Yes! I will leave the small hidden power building later, enter the core meteorite area, find my master, and then complete the scheduled tasks together!"

The things in the outer and inner areas have basically been completed, and he has also gained a lot. Naturally, there is no need to continue wasting time and stay in the inner area.

Perhaps he vaguely felt the worry of the Saint Ji Tian. After he finished speaking, he immediately continued: "Although the core meteorite area is dangerous, there is no need to worry about my life, because I have always been blessed with a long life. Wherever I go, no grass will grow!"

Hearing this, the Saint Ji Tian laughed out loud in a rare chuckle.

I have to admit that the actual situation is indeed as Chu Tian described just now. I am blessed with a long life. Wherever I go, no grass will grow!

Just like exploring the three-story square not long ago, so many saint kings climbed the square at the same time, and in the end, only Chu Tian survived and gained benefits, and the others were all finished!

Similar situations have happened many times before in the impression of Saint Ji Tian. Every time, she was blessed with good fortune and no grass grew wherever she passed!

At this moment, somehow, she was no longer worried about Chu Tian. Instead, she felt that Chu Tian might end up in the same situation again after entering the core meteorite area! ..

After the two chatted for a few words, Chu Tian stood up, turned around and took a step, and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

"Chu Tian, ​​I hope everything goes well after you enter the core meteorite area, and you can finally return to Zhongzhou alive with me!"

After watching Chu Tian disappear, Saint Ji Tian stared at the empty front, her eyes flashed, and whispered softly.

At the same time, Chu Tian raised his hand and put away the small hidden power building. After turning his head and looking around, he jumped up and instantly soared into the sky, turning into a blurred light, and flew to the core meteorite area at a high speed.

Although he had not seen Ba Lao yet, he could already imagine that Ba Lao must be very anxious at this moment, because the other party had been waiting for too long!

The reason why he made the other party wait for so long was definitely not his original intention, but he really had no choice and was completely forced by the situation!

But after seeing Ba Lao next, the first thing he needed to do was to sincerely apologize to the other party and try to eliminate the other party's raging anger caused by waiting for too long!

Although he wanted to see Ba ​​Lao as soon as possible, as he gradually approached the core meteorite area, the risk factor continued to increase, so he flew while releasing his divine thoughts to warn the surroundings.

It was precisely because of this warning that his flying speed was affected and he could not reach the highest level.

However, he was not going to continue to increase his speed. Although saving time was important, safety was more important!

What's more, according to his estimation, it was not far from entering the core meteorite area. At the current speed, he would enter the core meteorite area in one or two hours at most.

At this moment, the number of Saint Kings rushing to the core meteorite area was not very large.

The reason why there were not many was that on the one hand, those who dared to enter the core meteorite area were at least minor Saint Kings, and on the other hand, the Saint Kings who wanted to enter had already entered and basically would not wait until now!

Chu Tian was delayed by other things in front of him, otherwise, he would have entered the core meteorite area long ago, joined Ba Lao, and started looking for the target!

But it's better this way!

Since few people enter the core meteorite area at this moment, Chu Tian's safety is greatly improved, which can be regarded as a blessing in disguise!

Chu Tian continued to fly, time passed, and more than an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

As he flew, Chu Tian found that the concentration of spiritual energy in the void was increasing slowly, and with it, there was also the tense and anxious depressing atmosphere.

This depressing atmosphere cannot be seen by the eyes or touched by the palm. It can be said to be invisible and intangible, but it is real, and the higher the cultivation level, the deeper the feeling.

As a great saint king, Chu Tian's feelings are naturally deeper than those of ordinary warriors!

Although the depressing atmosphere shrouded in the surrounding void is getting thicker and thicker, Chu Tian still has no fear at all. Without hesitation, he continues to jump and rush, constantly flying towards the core meteorite area.


The increasingly dense and dangerous atmosphere in the void not only did not make him feel worried, but it stimulated his fighting spirit, and his blood was boiling!

A mediocre and boring life was not what he wanted. A hot and passionate battle was what he longed for, and he would probably encounter it next!

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