God of Defiance

Chapter 3018 Thirty people!

While flying towards the six peaks, one large and five small, the master and disciple soon noticed some vague figures sitting cross-legged in the void around the six peaks, motionless, and seemed to be resting and recovering.

While the master and disciple noticed the many blurry figures in the distance, the figures sitting cross-legged in the distance also sensed the arrival of the master and disciple. After turning their heads and taking another look, they closed their eyes again.

The reason why those figures were not particularly surprised by the arrival of the master and apprentice was mainly because many people had already rushed to the scene in the past hour.

Compared with other people who rushed to the scene, there was nothing special about the master and the apprentice, so naturally they did not attract much interest.

Especially Chu Tian!

In order to protect himself, or create a surprise for his opponent at a critical moment, he deliberately suppressed his cultivation to the peak of Xiaocheng Saint King!

Now that he and his master Balao are both at the level of the Little Saint King, they cannot attract too much attention from others!

After just a few breaths, the master and apprentice hurried to the scene, randomly selected a position, stood in the air, and then turned to look around.

"Hmm...it's interesting!"

After Chu Tian turned his head and looked around, his eyes suddenly flashed, and a meaningful smile appeared on the face covered by the mask.

After just turning around and looking around, he discovered at least three acquaintances, namely Xuanyuan Ke and his daughter, and his old rival Jin Wuji!

The reason why he could recognize Jin Wuji at a glance was mainly because he was very arrogant. Although he was wearing a mask on his face, his image and voice had not changed at all. As long as he recognized him, he could basically tell it at a glance!

As for Xuanyuan Ke and his daughter, although their appearance and voices have changed, the changes are not very big. Chu Tian can recognize them even after a little observation!

Chu Tian quickly recognized the three of them, but the three of them did not recognize Chu Tian on the spot. On the one hand, it was because Chu Tian took the initiative to lower his cultivation level, and on the other hand, because Chu Tian secretly adjusted his aura again. There is a big difference from before!

This method of adjusting one's own aura is not very clever. Many powerful Saint Kings know it. As long as they observe it carefully for a period of time, they can still be recognized.

The main reason why Chu Tian did better is that in addition to his true self, he also has two major clones, and he also has the rare mastery of the four holy principles of sword and fire combat!

With so many methods, a little use will make it difficult for others to identify him after he changes his aura, unless the opponent's cultivation level far exceeds his, or he has some powerful secret technique that can see through reality!


If an extremely fierce battle breaks out later, he may still reveal his true aura, leading to the leakage of his true identity.

But that’s okay, he has nothing to fear from Jin Wuji anyway!

If the other party wants to seek revenge from him, he will then let the other party know what regret means!

After turning his head and looking around just now, he counted the number of Saint Kings present. There were twenty-six people in total. Most of them were Little Saint Kings, and a very few were First Saint Kings and Great Saint Kings!

As for the peak holy king, there is none!

"Although there are only two peak saint kings coming in this time, with their strength, as long as they enter the deepest part, they should not be able to see these six peaks!"

After a breath, Chu Tian frowned slightly and whispered in a deep voice, with a trace of doubt evident in his voice.

The doubts in his heart at this moment were not completely unreasonable, but had some basis.

Among so many warriors who came in, who was most interested in the legendary creation, it was naturally the two peak saint kings!

The reason why the two of them are most interested in creation is mainly because once they obtain it, they may soar into the sky and break through to a higher quasi-emperor realm!

Once one's cultivation reaches the quasi-emperor level, his strength is far superior to everyone else. As long as he spends some time, he can kill everyone else!

What a huge temptation this is!

And when a Dacheng Saint King obtains good fortune and breaks through to the peak Saint King, his cultivation level will at most be greatly improved, but it will still not be able to form a real dimension-reducing blow to other Saint Kings!

After thinking about it, Chu Tian couldn't figure out why the two peak saint kings didn't rush to the scene.

In the end, he could only blame it on the fact that the two peak saint kings may have been attracted by other major creations after entering the deepest place, so they were unable to rush to the scene!

In fact, this is definitely a good thing for him and everyone present, as there are two less powerful competitors!

The originally scheduled hour has arrived, but no one at the scene said anything. Apparently they wanted to wait a little longer, hoping that more Holy Kings could arrive at the scene and participate in the next action!

The more people participate, the risk everyone faces will plummet!

Although people continued to rush to the scene, the speed dropped significantly compared to before. After a full quarter of an hour, the total number of people only reached thirty!

After the number of people reached thirty, we waited for a while, but no one arrived again!

"Everyone, an hour has passed. We have been waiting for so long and no one has arrived. Don't waste time. It's time to take action!"

At this moment, Qu Chengxiong crossed his arms across his chest, turned his head and looked around, and said in a deep voice with an unquestionable tone.

"That's right! We have already wasted too much time. We can't waste it any more. It's time to take action!"

"Too many people coming is not a good thing. After all, the more people come, the fiercer the competition. Don't you wish you had more competitors!"

"Hurry up and start taking action. If the two peak saint kings arrive, it will be of great benefit and it will probably not be our turn!"

After Qu Chengxiong finished speaking, many people at the scene immediately spoke up to express their support.

Thirty holy kings are present at this moment, but due to the lack of a leader, in order to start taking action, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the majority of people.

After hearing the support from these people, Chu Tian couldn't help but nodded secretly.

After waiting for such a long time, it is indeed time to take action. After all, if the two peak holy kings really come, we will be in big trouble!

"Okay, since you all have no objections, let me take the lead when I come and direct the next actions. Now, the thirty of us need to be divided into five groups of six people each. Each group is responsible for a small mountain. There is no problem. If so, take action immediately!”

At this moment, Qu Chengxiong turned around, looked around, and spoke loudly again.

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