God of Defiance

Chapter 3026 Completely Awakening!

Hearing the roar, Chu Tian's heart skipped a beat, and he turned around quickly to look. His expression suddenly changed, as if he had seen something incredible.

At this moment, not only his expression changed drastically, but also that of everyone else present. At the same time, they subconsciously gave up the attack and retreated hastily!

The reason why they retreated in a hurry at this moment was mainly because unexpected and huge changes had taken place in the distance!

Under the crazy attacks of everyone, the five huge fingers stretched out from the ground not only did not collapse, but became brighter and brighter, with a large number of debris falling down from them!

As the debris continued to fall, the five huge fingers became more and more real. It looked like a palm that had been buried for many years and now suddenly came to light!

The roaring sound just now was the sound made by the debris on the five huge fingers falling to the extreme, and then suddenly shaking, so that the fingers returned to their normal appearance.


After the five huge fingers were completely restored to their original shape, the nearby ground immediately began to shake violently, and bursts of rumbling noises were heard. It seemed that the palm buried in the ground was trying to be resurrected!

Chu Tian stood in the distance, motionless, his eyes fixed on the five huge fingers that seemed to be constantly resurrecting, his brain running at high speed, thinking about what would happen next!

First of all, he didn't think there was a complete emperor's body buried underground!

Because if there is a complete emperor's corpse, even after many years, it still has a powerful majesty, and they may not be able to get close at all.

Next, many people have visited the place where the Emperor fell in the past, but no one has ever heard of anyone finding the complete Emperor's body!

Secondly, he didn't think that the five fingers that suddenly returned to their original state and shook violently would pose any real threat to everyone at the scene.

Because in the middle of the five fingers, there is a bright and sharp beam of light!

That sharp beam of light was definitely not inserted there casually, but had a purpose. To put it simply, it was to suppress the palm buried in the ground!

In his opinion, as long as there is that bright and sharp beam of light, there is basically no big danger!

Of course, just because there are no big dangers, doesn’t mean there are no small dangers!

After all, a simple burst of breath not long ago had shocked everyone at the scene, but due to the existence of the bright light beam, he still didn't think there would be any fatal danger next!

"Chu Tian, ​​why are you still standing there, why don't you retreat quickly!"

At this moment, Balao's anxious reminder rang in his ears.

Upon hearing the reminder, Chu Tian curled his lips, smiled bitterly, and stepped back a little helplessly, but he was still at least several hundred feet away from where Balao was at the moment!

Balao, who had been hiding far away, felt anxious when he saw this scene. Without hesitation, he rushed forward, grabbed Chu Tian's arm, and dragged him further back!


After being dragged far away by Balao in one breath, Chu Tian immediately smiled bitterly and sighed secretly, shaking his head.

Obviously, he was relatively optimistic about the situation, while Balao was very serious about the situation, believing that an extremely dangerous major event would happen next.

The other people at the scene turned their heads and glanced at where the master and apprentice were, and then immediately turned their heads again and looked at the core area in the distance!

At this moment, for them, the core area is the real key. How the master and disciple react is not important at all!


In the following time, bursts of roaring sounds were heard from a distance one after another.

The five huge fingers protruding from the ground were shining brighter and brighter, while the entire ground was shaking more and more fiercely. Visible cracks appeared, twisting and turning, extending in all directions!

This scene, seen from a distance, looks like a huge spider web taking shape!

"Could that hand under the ground really come out from underneath?"

After Chu Tian observed for a few breaths, he frowned slightly and whispered in a deep voice, with a hint of doubt in his voice.

The main reason why he was confused at this time was because the beam of light inserted between the five fingers seemed to be dead and remained motionless.

Originally, he expected that the beam of light would indicate something, or prevent the palm from resurrecting, but after such a long time, there was still no movement.

If this continues, then it won't be long before the palm that has been suppressed underground for many years may be resurrected!

Once the palm is resurrected, the situation will deteriorate instantly, and everyone at the scene may encounter an unprecedented fatal crisis!

Thinking of this, his heart couldn't help but jump, and he subconsciously continued to retreat some distance.

At the same time, everyone else at the scene subconsciously kept moving backwards, obviously like Chu Tian, ​​they realized that the danger was coming!

In the blink of an eye, a few breaths passed.

The light of the five fingers has almost reached the extreme, and the shaking of the ground has also reached the extreme simultaneously, and it seems that the huge palm is about to break out of the ground!


But at this moment, a loud buzzing sound suddenly came out.

The bright beam of light, which had been motionless for a long time, suddenly flashed crazily along with a buzzing sound, making it look like it suddenly woke up from a deep sleep.

At the same time, the palm buried in the ground completely came to life, and the five fingers began to slowly exert force, clenching toward the center little by little!

Although the movements of the five fingers at the moment seem a bit unfamiliar and slow, they are definitely being clenched, getting faster and faster, and becoming more and more proficient!

Not long after, just when the five fingers were about to completely grasp the light beam, there was a sudden clang, and the light beam inserted into the ground also completely woke up and shook violently!


In an instant, there was a roar, and an unprecedented terrifying explosive force burst out from the light pillar, severely hitting the five fingers that were quickly clenched!


Suddenly, an unwilling roar sounded out of thin air, as if traveling through an endless river of time, and suddenly reached the ears of everyone present.


Immediately, many people at the scene felt a sudden pain in their brains, groaned, and then their whole bodies fell out of the air uncontrollably and fell heavily to the ground in a state of embarrassment.

Only a handful of powerful holy kings can still stand firmly in mid-air without falling down in embarrassment.

Originally, Chu Tian had the ability to stand firmly, but after seeing so many people falling in embarrassment at the scene, he immediately pretended to be injured, groaned softly, and fell from the air.

"Um... Ouch!"

When Ba Lao, who was struggling hard, saw this scene, he immediately did not hesitate, grunted in an exaggerated manner, and deliberately fell from the air.

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