God of Defiance

Chapter 3034 Nothing Found

These people are basically from the major forces in Zhongzhou. In order to get to where they are today, they have made countless hard efforts. If they are unfortunately stranded in the deepest part of the void and cannot go home, they will not even have time to cry!

"Haha, it seems that you are threatening me?"

After Jin Wuji finished speaking, Qu Chengxiong's face suddenly sank, sneered, and questioned.

Who is he? The previous generation of the holy son of the Qu family, an imperial force in Zhongzhou, has been the focus of attention since he was a child. No matter where he goes, he almost always sees flowers and applause. When has he ever been threatened, and it is from a junior whose cultivation is obviously inferior to his own!

At this moment, deep in his heart, murderous intent has already surged, ready to take action at any time to end the life of those who dare to provoke!

"Humph! I am not provoking you, but what you said before is very problematic. I just raised it in public!"

After a breath, Jin Wuji snorted coldly and spoke lightly. There seemed to be not much submissiveness in his voice.

Seeing that the two people were talking fiercely and a conflict might break out at any time, a low voice suddenly came out: "Haha, you two, what are you arguing about? What's there to argue about? We should unite now and come up with a way to solve the dilemma, instead of confronting each other!" Hearing the voice, everyone turned their heads and looked in the direction of the voice. As a result, they found that the person who spoke was a man with his arms crossed and wearing a white mask! It was no one else, but Chu Tian! After attracting everyone's attention, Chu Tian looked normal. He turned his head and swept across the quarreling two people, and continued to say lightly: "You two, give me a face, stop arguing, and do business!" Hearing this, many people present instantly had the urge to laugh. Chu Tian's cultivation at this moment was only a small saint king. Although it was obviously better than Jin Wuji, there was still a clear gap compared to Qu Chengxiong. What qualifications did he have to say "give me a face"! "Boy, you are impulsive, be careful to be exposed!" At the same time, Ba Lao's reminder also rang in Chu Tian's ears. He knew that Chu Tian's true strength was definitely greater than Jin Wuji and Qu Chengxiong, but at this time, such a high profile might lead to the exposure of his own strength, which was not a good thing!

"Haha, good! I'll give you a face and spare his life first, but if he provokes me again later, I won't be polite anymore!"

Unexpectedly, Qu Chengxiong did not refute, but agreed to Chu Tian's request very happily. In other words, he gave Chu Tian a face.

Seeing that Qu Chengxiong gave Chu Tian a face, Jin Wuji naturally took the opportunity to snort and said nothing more.


Seeing that the two people in conflict had stopped fighting, Chu Tian grinned and nodded, with a hint of pride in his laughter.

In fact, the reason why Qu Chengxiong was willing to accept his suggestion and temporarily put aside the dispute was mainly because he had seen that Qu Chengxiong was actually unwilling to conflict with Jin Wuji.

The reason why Qu Chengxiong made such a harsh remark was that he had no other choice. After all, his cultivation as a great saint king was there. If he did not fight back decisively when being provoked in public, he would certainly be despised and laughed at by others at the scene.

In other words, his advice just now was to give Qu Chengxiong a way out.

"Okay, everyone, please hurry up and think of a solution now. After all, our time is limited!"

After a breath, Chu Tian spoke again, reminding everyone to hurry up and think of a solution.

The tunnel in front of him was indeed unfathomable. He might be able to crack it by relying solely on his own strength, but it would take a very long time.

If everyone's wisdom was gathered, it might be possible to greatly shorten the time and speed up the cracking progress!

After receiving Chu Tian's reminder, everyone at the scene immediately stared at the tunnel without hesitation and began to think and study seriously.

If ordinary people were at the scene, even if they observed carefully, they would only see the constantly flickering gray light at most, but those present were all saint kings from major forces in Zhongzhou. They were well-informed and knowledgeable, and naturally had the ability to see something more in-depth, that is, the law!

Although that's what he said, it's not easy to find the rules behind it.

At this moment, Chu Tian, ​​like everyone else, opened his eyes wide and observed carefully, bit by bit, for fear of missing any details.

He even took advantage of the fact that others were not paying attention and quietly opened his Qi-watching eyes to observe the surroundings, hoping to find some flaws.

At the same time, other people around him also used various skills to enhance their observation ability, hoping to find flaws as soon as possible.

They don't need to find too many flaws, just one or two, because as long as there is any flaw, then with the strong strength of this group of people, they can try to use the flaws and solve the dilemma!

In the following time, a group of people were silent, concentrating on finding flaws.

In a blink of an eye, an hour passed, and such a group of bigwigs who were calling the wind and rain outside were still frowning and gained nothing.

But everyone still didn't give up, and they were still seizing the time and studying carefully, hoping to find a breakthrough.

But it was a pity that after another half an hour, everyone still had no obvious gains.

Since there was no gain for such a long time, some people simply stopped, shook their heads, and sighed, with disappointment in their voices.

They are not fools, and they all understand that after studying for such a long time, they have not found a flaw. It is almost impossible to find a flaw in a short time.

But the problem now is that they are trapped here. Even if they want to leave and return to the outside, it is very difficult. In other words, they can't walk or go back, which is very embarrassing!

"Everyone, don't be discouraged. It's still early. As long as we work hard, we will definitely find a flaw!"

Finding some people sighing and stopping, Qu Chengxiong immediately spoke in a deep voice and openly encouraged them.

It is a pity that his encouragement fell on everyone's ears, but it did not have any desired effect. The scene was still silent, and no excitement could be felt.

Seeing that everyone was taciturn and didn't speak much, Qu Chengxiong couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

In fact, he did not expect that it would be so difficult to find flaws. He was also a little frustrated deep down, but it was impossible to show it publicly, otherwise, his status as an invisible leader would be automatically lost!

"Everyone, you...do you think it's possible that this tunnel doesn't have any flaws at all?"

Just when everyone was looking sad and wondering what to do, suddenly a low voice came out.


Hearing the voice, the others who were meditating immediately turned their heads and looked over, only to find that the speaker was none other than Chu Tian!

"Hmph! How can there be no flaws? There are no perfect things in this world. As long as you study carefully, you can always find flaws!"

As soon as Chu Tian finished speaking, Qu Chengxiong immediately snorted and retorted.

At this time, it is impossible for him not to refute, because if he does not refute, then everyone will believe it is true and give up the search. Secondly, he does not agree with Chu Tian's point of view at all.

Strictly speaking, there is no truly perfect thing in this world!

No matter how perfect things are, there are still some shortcomings after all!

"That's right! There is no truly perfect thing in the world. Whether it's skills, weapons or formations, there are still shortcomings!"

"Although this tunnel is very mysterious and profound, it is definitely not perfect. There must still be some flaws, but we haven't found them yet!"

After Qu Chengxiong finished speaking, someone immediately spoke loudly to express their agreement.

At this moment, they had to agree, because if what Chu Tian said was true, it meant that they were completely trapped here and could never leave.

This was too terrifying for them, so they subconsciously wanted to refute Chu Tian, ​​otherwise their confidence would collapse instantly!

Even Mr. Ba gave Chu Tian a look, telling Chu Tian to be careful and not talk nonsense to avoid getting into trouble.

After all, everyone was trying hard to find loopholes, but unfortunately nothing was found, and they felt a little depressed. As a result, what Chu Tian said was very likely to stimulate or even anger everyone, and thus cause unnecessary trouble for himself.

"Sigh...I'm not saying that the tunnel is perfect, but I'm trying to say whether we went in the wrong direction. Otherwise, why did we spend so much time and still get nothing!"

At this moment, Chu Tian sighed and expressed his true thoughts.

It's a pity that after he said it, almost no one here paid any attention to him. They were still concentrating on observing everywhere, trying to find flaws.

"Boy, focus on your business and find flaws. Stop thinking nonsense!"

At the same time, Balao's voice reminder sounded in Chutian's ears again.

When Chu Tian heard this, he smiled bitterly, shook his head, and stopped talking.

In his opinion, people including Balo, Qu Chengxiong and others are stuck in a fixed way of thinking, and they always seem to feel that they must find a flaw in order to solve the dilemma.

At the beginning, he thought so too.

But after searching for so long and still finding nothing, he changed his mind and began to feel that maybe the direction was wrong from the beginning. He should not continue to waste time looking for flaws, but should start from other aspects!

As for where to start, he already had a very bold idea deep in his heart.

That is this mysterious tunnel with no end in sight. It is not a tunnel at all, but an extremely special teleportation array. I just don’t know how to open it!

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