God of Defiance

Chapter 3040 Chu Tian’s Judgment

This violent roar and howling wind lasted for nearly ten breaths before slowly calming down.

After they found that the roar and strong wind had completely disappeared, everyone at the scene slowly opened their eyes, and then carefully turned their heads to look around. As a result, when they saw it, their eyes widened instantly, and their shock was beyond words!

At this moment, in everyone's sight, it can be said that there is a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, filled with gloomy energy. Everything they look at is not only scarlet, but also scarlet, giving people a feeling as if they have suddenly come to hell.

strictly speaking!

At this moment, everyone came to a rolling mountain forest. Whether it was on the mountain, in the forest, or on the ground, they could see numerous scarlet bloodstains, as well as some initially weathered stumps and broken arms, exuding bursts of gloom and gloom. The horror keeps coming!

In the void, wisps of faint blood mist floated past from time to time, and then disappeared into the void, as if they had never appeared.

Although there was no strong cold wind blowing in the void, for some reason, everyone at the scene suddenly trembled slightly after turning their heads and looking around, feeling a little chilly on their backs.

"It's so dark and cold, here...where is this place?"

Just when the scene was silent, someone suddenly trembled and asked in a low voice.

As soon as these words came out, everyone else present frowned slightly, with a look of contemplation in their eyes.

The scene in front of me can be said to be very different from the outside. Although there are a lot of scarlet bloodstains and broken arms and limbs outside, it can be said that there is a huge gap compared with here.

At least when they were outside, everyone, as a strong Saint King, did not feel any gloomy and cold meaning, but here, they felt an obvious gloomy and cold feeling.

This can be said to be extraordinary and worrying!

To a certain extent, the gloomy cold that everyone feels at the moment is a silent reminder, reminding them that this place is very unsafe and they must be vigilant and cautious!

"Hmph! Needless to say, what kind of place is this? It's naturally the place where the two emperors finally fought to the death. That's why there are so many strong blood stains remaining, even in the void, and they won't disappear for a long time!"

At this moment, a disdainful snort suddenly came out.

The person who was snoring now was known to Chu Tian. He was his former rival Jin Wuji!

Jin Wuji, as the top genius of the Golden Eyes Tianlong clan, is not only extremely smart, but also outspoken. He often says whatever comes to mind, especially when he hears stupid people and things, he always likes to comment with a disdainful tone. Fan.

This situation just now is a manifestation!

In fact, Jin Wuji’s understanding at this moment is also the understanding of many people at the scene!

This place is very different from the outside. The most likely reason is that this is the final place where the two emperors fought to the death. Otherwise, such intense gloom and terror would not have been possible!

"Haha, this is the place where the Emperor's final battle takes place... I don't think so!"

But at this moment, someone suddenly sneered and raised suspicion.


As soon as these words came out, everyone, including Jin Wuji, was slightly startled for a moment, and then turned their heads sharply to look in the direction of the sound, only to find that the speaker was a man wearing a white robe with a face. The man with the grimace!

It was none other than Chu Tian!

At this time, not only did everyone stare at Chu Tian, ​​with doubts flashing in their eyes, but even Ba Lao also stared at Chu Tian, ​​feeling a little doubtful.

Of course, what he was confused about was not why Chu Tian spoke at this time, but why Chu Tian said so. Isn't this the place where the two emperors finally fought?

If this is not the place where the two emperors will finally fight, then where is this place?

"Hmph! Although your cultivation is good, your judgment just now was not very good!"

Being openly questioned by Chu Tian, ​​Jin Wuji was a little angry. He immediately scowled and snorted, expressing his sarcasm without any politeness.

The reason why he dared to ridicule Chu Tian publicly was not only because he was questioned, but more importantly, he had a lot of confidence in his own judgment.

At this moment, Qu Chengxiong, who was considered the temporary leader, was also staring at Chu Tian, ​​motionless, as if he wanted to see some clues.


As time passed, the threat he felt from Chu Tian became stronger and stronger, but it was always like a puff of smoke, elusive, elusive, and difficult to distinguish between true and false.

"Who is this guy? Why do I always feel a faint threat..."

After a breath, Qu Chengxiong frowned slightly, his eyes flickered, and he whispered in a deep voice, with a hint of doubt in his voice.

What everyone never expected was that Qu Chengxiong's views were not much different from Chu Tian's, that is, this was probably not the place where the two emperors had their final battle.

the reason is simple!

That is...if this place were real, then the tragedy at the scene would be a hundred times more serious, so the greatest possibility is that this is the burial place of those who came later!

The so-called latecomers refer to the group of Saint King masters who entered the place where the Emperor fell three thousand years ago!

The number and strength of the group of Saint King masters who came three thousand years ago far surpassed theirs!

They can come here alive, and those masters of the Holy King who lived for three thousand years can do the same, and maybe even go further!

At this time, Chu Tian put his hands behind his back and looked at everyone. He didn't notice that Qu Chengxiong was staring at him closely. Then he said lightly: "Everyone, you don't think that the bloodstains on the mountain and on the ground are the bloodstains left by the fight between the two emperors, right?" Hearing this, everyone fell into deep thought. "Hehe, those bloodstains and broken limbs are naturally not left by the fight between the two emperors, but by the group of Saint King masters who entered three thousand years ago!" "In other words, the group of Saint King masters at that time, for some reason, began to fall here, and there may even be a few peak Saint Kings!" Just as everyone was thinking, Chu Tian was not in a hurry, spoke lightly, and expressed his judgment. Hiss! Hearing Chu Tian's last sentence, most of the people present changed color instantly, and at the same time took a breath of cold air, and their hearts in their chests began to beat wildly uncontrollably. They may not care about the fall of ordinary Saint King masters, but if the peak Saint King falls, they need to be highly vigilant! In complete contrast to everyone's vigilance, when Chu Tian said the last sentence, he was not at all vigilant, but secretly a little excited.

After spending so much time and energy, he and Ba Lao finally came to the place where Jin Yang Zhenren might have fallen!

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