God of Defiance

Chapter 3045: Master's Immortal Sword

But no matter what kind of relationship it is, as long as it can produce induction, it is a success for the master and the apprentice!

Because no matter it is mutual repulsion or mutual attraction, as long as it produces induction, the master and the apprentice can use it to determine the general direction of the other group of Heaven and Earth King Fire.

With the general direction, it will be much easier to find the target next!

Although the direction of the corpse of Jin Yang Zhenren is not necessarily consistent with the Heaven and Earth King Fire he once had, the two are definitely highly bound!

It can even be said that as long as the Heaven and Earth King Fire is found, there is a high probability that the corpse of Jin Yang Zhenren can be found!

As time goes on, the purple-black flame in the air vibrates more and more, and the humming sound is getting louder and louder. It is still difficult to tell whether it is excitement or helplessness.

As the vibration and humming become more and more intense, the tension in Ba Lao's heart is also getting stronger and stronger. Both palms can't help but clench tighter, and sweat begins to appear in the palms.

The reason why he feels abnormally nervous is mainly because Chu Tian's attempt this time has reached an unprecedented level of importance!

At this moment!

As the purple-black flame burns more and more vigorously, the fluctuations emitted become stronger and stronger, and the surrounding void trembles violently all of a sudden.

And basically, with the naked eye, you can see circles of gray fluctuations, sweeping rapidly in all directions, looking exactly like the radar in technological civilization.

One breath!

Two breaths!

Three breaths!


In the blink of an eye, more than ten breaths passed.

It is a pity that there is still no obvious change in everything, neither repulsion nor attraction.

"How could this happen? Is it still too far away, or is there an extremely low probability event that neither repulsion nor attraction..."

Seeing that there was no movement, Ba Lao couldn't help but narrow his eyes, frowned, and whispered in a low voice, and the tension in his heart suddenly turned into anxiety.

If the distance is too far and the induction cannot be generated, then it is easy to say.

But if there is an extremely low probability time, the two groups of heaven and earth king fires neither repel nor attract each other, then it is definitely a big trouble!

Neither repulsion nor attraction means that it is impossible to use the heaven and earth king fire that Chu Tian has in the future. The search method can only continue to use the sword of the immortal!

If the Immortal Sword is used, the effect has been proven to be not very good!

"Master, I know you are anxious, but you don't have to be too anxious!"

"Can you recall now what holy rules, skills or secrets Jin Yang Zhenren practiced? Tell me as soon as possible, maybe it will be of some help to me!" M..

At this moment, Chu Tian's clear voice transmission suddenly sounded in Ba Lao's ears.

"Holy rules, skills or secrets..."

After receiving the voice transmission, Ba Lao was stunned, whispered in a deep voice, frowned slightly, and immediately recalled seriously.

Although he is a powerful Saint King with a memory far beyond that of ordinary people, the last time he met Jin Yang Zhenren was three thousand years ago, and the relevant memories have long become a little vague, so he needs to recall temporarily.

In addition!

Jin Yang Zhenren was hailed as the first peak Saint King in Zhongzhou. The various holy rules, skills and secrets he practiced can be said to be very complicated. He also needs to spend some time to recall and sort them out.

Seeing that Ba Lao suddenly fell into deep thought, it seemed that he would think for a long time. Chu Tian couldn't help showing a trace of helplessness and reminded him immediately: "Master, Jin Yang Zhenren is a top master, and his cultivation must be complicated. You don't have to remember everything, just recall it briefly!"

The reason why he had to remind him was mainly because he was worried that Ba Lao would think too long.

He is now maintaining the high-intensity stimulation of the Heaven and Earth King Fire above his head, and every breath requires a lot of his own spiritual energy.

Although his spiritual energy reserves are far beyond ordinary people and can last for a while, if Ba Lao thinks for too long, he can't hold on!

What he needs now is a simple answer as much as possible, not an all-encompassing and extremely detailed answer. Ba Lao somewhat misunderstood his original intention.

"Recall it briefly...Okay, I'll recall it briefly and give you the answer soon!"

After receiving Chu Tian's reminder, Ba Lao was stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted, nodded, frowned and thought.

In just a few breaths, he finished thinking and gave his answer: "The method that Master practices is the "Nine Heavens Shaking Gods Technique", which emphasizes being moderate and peaceful, tempering the mind, and nourishing the blood, qi and flesh!" "As for the holy rules, Master basically practices three holy rules, namely fire, water and life and death. As for the secret techniques, there are too many. For a moment, I don't know where to start!" After hearing Ba Lao's answer, Chu Tian's eyes flashed, and he whispered to himself: "The method is the "Nine Heavens Shaking Gods Technique", and the holy rules are fire, water and life and death. It seems that we have to start with the holy rules to have hope!" The reason why he judged that he needed to start with the holy rules was mainly because he had never heard of the "Nine Heavens Shaking Gods Technique" and naturally had no way to start from this aspect. On the contrary, he was more familiar with the holy rules, especially the fire-attributed holy rules! However, what surprised him was that Jin Yang Zhenren actually practiced three holy rules at the same time, and there were two holy rules with completely opposite attributes, water and fire.

As for the Holy Principle of Life and Death, it is extremely rare. At least in all the years he has traveled in the world, he has never seen anyone practicing the Holy Principle of Life and Death!

The Holy Principles of Water and Fire are both of the real type, visible and tangible with the naked eye, and are relatively easy to practice, but the Holy Principles of Life and Death are of the virtual type, making them more difficult to practice than imagined, and their power is also beyond imagination.

At this moment, Chu Tian finally understood why Jin Yang Zhenren was hailed as the top holy king in Central Continent three thousand years ago. Not only did he rely on the Immortal-Slaying Sword, but he also had the powerful holy principles of his own cultivation!

With the combination of the Immortal Sword and the powerful Holy Principle, coupled with the "Nine Heavens Dang Shen Jue" and countless secret techniques, you can definitely create a top master!

After a breath, Chu Tian shook his head and no longer thought about this problem, but began to think about how he should use the important information he just got!

For a moment, the scene fell silent, with only bursts of humming coming from mid-air, which seemed to be urging Chu Tian to move faster!

Ba Lao was also staring at Chu Tian at this moment, his eyes full of expectation.

In fact, at this moment, he could only rely on Chutian and look forward to Chutian. Apart from that, he basically couldn't do anything!

"Maybe this will be useful...Master, kill the immortal sword!"

After more than ten breaths, Chu Tian suddenly flashed his eyes, murmured, and then shouted lowly, asking for the Immortal Killing Knife from Balao.

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