God of Defiance

Chapter 3051 Master and apprentice take action

The Immortal Killing Sword suddenly stopped. What it meant was very clear to Ba Lao. Basically, it meant that the Immortal Killing Sword had found corpses or fragments!

Whether they find corpses or fragments, it is a major breakthrough for both master and disciple!

"Come on, let's go over and take a look!"

After a breath, Ba Lao shouted excitedly and without hesitation, he dodged and rushed out quickly.

Seeing this, Chu Tian smiled slightly, hurriedly took a step forward without saying a word, and followed him. He quickly surpassed Balao, rushed ahead, and directly led the way.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of breaths passed.

Under the leadership of Chu Tian, ​​the two people quickly arrived hundreds of miles away. A white light could be vaguely seen in their sight, stationary in the void, flickering slightly, it was the Immortal Killing Sword!

The surroundings of the Immortal Killing Sword were filled with mist and nothing, and no obvious objects could be seen at all.

"Hey... there is nothing where the Immortal Sword stopped!?"

After rushing to the scene, Chutian looked around, frowned slightly, and whispered in a deep voice, with a hint of doubt evident in his voice.

Ba Lao frowned at this moment and kept turning his head to look around, trying to figure out what was going on and why there was nothing around the place where the Immortal Killing Sword stopped. Could it be that something went wrong! ?

After Chu Tian looked around, he seemed to suddenly think of something. Without saying a word, he sat cross-legged in the void, took a deep breath, made seals with both hands, and struck out seal seals one after another at the Immortal Killing Sword suspended a few feet away!

"This is……"

When Ba Lao saw this, he was slightly startled, frowned, his eyes flashed, and he began to think.

After a few breaths, he seemed to understand something. He nodded thoughtfully and said nothing. He just stared at it, wanting to see what would happen next!

As the Seal Technique continued to penetrate, the immortal sword wrapped in flames trembled more and more violently, and kept making buzzing sounds. It sounded like it was struggling against something, but it was very difficult!

At the same time, layers of ripples continued to appear in the surrounding void, spreading in all directions, but in the process of spreading, some vague lines could be seen slowly emerging.

"There is indeed a mystery!"

After seeing these blurry lines, Balao's eyes suddenly flashed and he whispered to himself, his eyes full of expectation.

Obviously, the reason why the Immortal Killing Sword stopped in such a place with nothing was definitely not because there was something wrong, but because there was some kind of formation or restriction in the surrounding void, hiding something!

It’s just that it’s definitely not an easy thing to reveal what’s hidden!

As expected, before long, Chu Tian's movements showed signs of difficulty, and drops of sweat began to roll down his forehead, slowly rolling down his cheeks.

"Chutian, are you okay? If you really can't, just take a rest before continuing!"

After noticing Chu Tian's strenuous movements, Ba Lao immediately frowned and asked with concern.

As Chu Tian's master, he was of course very aware of Chu Tian's tyrannical strength, but he had traveled for such a long time and consumed a lot of energy, so he was worried that Chu Tian might consume too much.

What's more, in such a crisis-ridden place, one should be cautious and always preserve one's strength to prevent some kind of accident!

"Haha, thank you for your concern, Master, but do you think we still have time to waste it slowly!?"

After receiving Balao's concern, Chu Tian smiled slightly, expressed his gratitude, and raised his own rhetorical question.

Hearing this, Ba Lao suddenly laughed dryly, shook his head, and stopped trying to persuade Chu Tian.

After spending so many years with Chu Tian, ​​he knew Chu Tian's character very well. As long as it was something Chu Tian was determined to do, he would definitely do it at any cost. No one could persuade him!

It was obvious that Chu Tian was determined to reveal what was hidden at this moment, no matter what the cost!

At the same time, what Chu Tian said makes sense!

They really don't have much time to waste now. They must seize the time and find the intended target. Otherwise, it is very likely that all their previous efforts will be wasted and their work will be in vain.

In the blink of an eye, another dozen breaths passed.

Chu Tian was panting and sweating profusely, and in the void around the Immortal Killing Sword, electric light flashed and lines appeared, densely packed and intertwined with each other. It looked like a large network that was constantly emerging and spreading in all directions. .

After noticing that Chu Tian was becoming more and more strenuous, Ba Lao opened his mouth and wanted to continue to persuade Chu Tian to rest. But when he thought of Chu Tian's firm attitude not long ago, he could only sigh secretly, shook his head, and closed it again. mouth.

He fully believed that Chu Tian could handle the hidden formation restrictions, but he was worried that Chu Tian would consume too much, which might affect his own strength and performance, making him unable to cope with possible emergencies.

Chu Tian was not a fool. He also noticed that Balao was hesitant to speak, but he did not speak, but continued to concentrate on his own affairs.

A considerable part of the big net hidden in the surrounding void has already appeared. As long as the remaining parts appear, it will be possible to break through them all and reveal the real scene.

The real scene might be bloody, dangerous, or nothing at all, but no matter what, he had to see the real scene!

Only by seeing the real scene could he figure out the real reason why the Immortal Sword suddenly stopped in this place, and then confirm the next action plan.

One breath!

Two breaths!

Three breaths!

In the blink of an eye, another few breaths passed.

The Immortal Killing Sword wrapped in flames continued to vibrate, emitting layers of ripples, sweeping around, washing away at extremely high speeds, washing out more parts of the big net, and spreading in all directions.

The entire large net showed a gray color, giving people the impression that it was lifeless and difficult to turn over. It seemed that it was trying to cover up something and avoid being known!

"What is covered under the big net? Who set up this big net? Why did they set up this big net here? In order to hide something..."

Chutian's eyes flickered, staring at the ever-expanding net, muttering to himself in a low voice, with a look of deep thinking on his face.

Although he was constantly trying to activate the entire big net at this moment, the vigilance in his heart still did not decrease at all. On the contrary, as the big net continued to extend, the vigilance in his heart continued to rise.

With his continuous efforts, a quarter of an hour later, the entire network was finally fully revealed, covering hundreds of miles, nearly a thousand miles!

"Break it on me!"

Suddenly, Chu Tian roared, stretched out his right hand, grabbed the Immortal Killing Sword, raised it high above his head, aimed at the fully revealed gray net, and slashed out without hesitation!


The sword slashed down, making a roaring sound. The light of the sword soared hundreds of feet, wrapped in blazing purple-black flames, and fell from the sky. In just half a blink of an eye, it hit the big gray net that appeared.

"Boy, wait!"

And at the moment when the sword light came down, Ba Lao's expression changed drastically and he shouted, wanting to remind him, but unfortunately he was still a step too slow and did not have any stopping effect.


In an instant, there was a loud noise, like thunder in the daytime, that spread out and swept across the fields.

The moment the sword light falling from the sky struck the big net, the entire net immediately began to tremble violently. From the position where it was struck, it swept in all directions at extremely high speeds, causing the surrounding void to tremble slightly.

In the void below the big net, rays of light appeared, weeping down from the willows, falling to the ground, and slowly disappearing.

Ba Lao looked nervous, staring at the rays of light that fell to the ground but quickly disappeared. His eyes flashed, as if he wanted to see through something.

Chu Tian was also staring at it at this moment, his brain was running at high speed, thinking about what he should do next! M..

In the blink of an eye, three breaths passed.

The gray net that was originally shaking violently returned to its original appearance bit by bit at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even seemed to disappear again.

"Damn it! It seems that we have to take repeated actions to destroy this network. Otherwise, all our efforts will be wasted and all our efforts will be in vain!"

After seeing that the gray net was recovering quickly, Chu Tian's eyes suddenly flashed, and he snorted coldly. Without saying a word, he raised the long knife in his hand again, aimed at the gray net, and slashed out!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the next moment, bright sword lights fell from the sky and struck hard on the gray net, making loud and shocking noises that spread along the void and spread throughout the fields.

With every loud noise, the big gray net trembled crazily. At a glance, it looked like turbulent waves, rising and falling, flying up and down.

The rays of light hanging down from the big gray net were like large rains of light, falling continuously onto the ground and slowly disappearing.

Although the rays of light fell on the ground and continued to disappear, Chutian could see that there seemed to be something on all sides that was melting with just his naked eyes.

What exactly is this layer? Chu Tian judged that it should be a layer of restrictions similar to a blindfold. Only when this layer of restrictions is broken can the real scene of the scene be seen.

If you want to break the ban on the blind method, you must continuously attack the gray network and eventually completely destroy the latter, because the ban on the blind method also relies on the existence of the gray network.

Once the gray network collapses, the blinding ban will naturally collapse as well!

"I see, I understand...Boy, let's take action together to destroy this big net!"

After thinking about the whole matter in a short time, Ba Lao immediately shouted loudly. Without hesitation, he clenched his fists, aimed at the big gray net, and struck out hard!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In an instant, the shadow of the fist was like raindrops, falling hard on the big gray net, and the muffled sound was heard immediately. It sounded like drums beating in the void, which made people's hearts beat.

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