God of Defiance

Chapter 3097 Nothing Found!

In the following time, the master and the apprentice took the Immortal Slaying Sword and flew all the way without hesitation. Not long after, they found the third suitable place, stopped immediately, released the spirit fairy, and tried to sense it.

"Alas... I don't feel anything, let's keep going!"

Less than ten breaths later, a helpless sigh came from the mouth of the spirit fairy.

Hearing this, Ba Lao immediately took the Immortal Slaying Sword again without hesitation and accelerated, and Chu Tian followed closely behind, not leaving a step.

Next, the fourth, fifth, sixth... The master and the apprentice arrived at completely different places one after another, released the spirit fairy, and tried to sense it.

The result was not very ideal. Basically, every time after a little sensing, the spirit fairy shook his head and sighed helplessly, indicating that he did not sense anything.

Occasionally, when the spirit fairy sensed something, some unusual expressions might appear on his face, which made Chu Tian and Ba Lao's hearts jump and clenched their fists, hoping to gain something.

But it was a pity that soon after this only change of expression, the spirit fairy shook her head and sighed as before, indicating that she had not gained anything and needed to continue searching.

The master and the apprentice looked at each other and instantly saw the deep disappointment in each other's eyes. Then they could only do as they were told and continued to fly with the Immortal Slaying Sword.

In this way, the master and the apprentice flew all the way, stopping at one place after another, and then got up again, hurriedly left, and rushed to the next place to try to sense.

Unknowingly, the master and the apprentice had landed in nine different places and tried nine times, but unfortunately they still had no gains.

Although they had sensed nine times in a row without any major gains, the master and the apprentice had unknowingly entered the deepest part of the mysterious space. They could clearly sense the murderous aura in the surrounding void, which was chilling.

"Master, we have sensed nine times, but we still have no gains. There is only one left. We need to be more cautious. How should we choose the location?"

During the flight, Chu Tian turned his head and looked around. He found that the murderous aura in the void was obviously strengthened. His heart skipped a beat. He turned his head and looked at Ba Lao who was traveling with him, and asked in a deep voice.

So far, he has sensed nine times, but there has been no gain. At this time, Chu Tian can basically be sure that the last tenth time, if nothing unexpected happens, will probably not have any gains.

But in the deepest part of his heart, Chu Tian is still constantly reflecting. He sensed nine times in a row, but there was no gain. Is there something wrong with the location he chose before?

If there is really a problem with the selected location, then the last remaining sensing needs to be very cautious in choosing the location, and it can no longer be as casual as before.

"You suspect that there is a problem with the location we chose before... If there is really a problem, then it is not impossible that we can't sense it. I don't know much about this. Let me ask Xiaoxian!"

After a breath, Ba Lao frowned slightly and replied in a low voice.

In fact, the selection of the first nine sensing locations cannot be said to be without consulting the spirit fairy.

The master and apprentice chose the sensing locations before, and they could definitely be said to be very careful, and every time they paid attention to whether the spirit fairy objected. As long as the latter did not object, they would start sensing.

In other words, the first nine sensing locations were basically approved by the spirit fairy.

"Xiaoxian, what kind of location do you think we need to choose for the last sensing to have some gains?"

Finding that the spirit fairy did not appear, Ba Lao immediately spoke again and asked again.

After receiving the second inquiry, the spirit fairy did not rush to answer, but hid in the sword of beheading immortals and fell into deep thought.

The first nine times were all fruitless, and there was only the last time left, so he needed to be very cautious. Once he made a wrong choice, the master and apprentice would probably blame him for the failure.

He was just a spirit of the instrument that had just awakened, with limited strength, and could not bear the anger of the master and apprentice at all.

The most troublesome thing was that the nine consecutive sensing failures made him somewhat lack of confidence, especially in judging whether the sensing location was appropriate, which was seriously lacking in confidence.

Due to this serious lack of confidence, he did not dare to provide advice to Chu Tian and Ba Lao at this moment, otherwise, if there was still no gain in the last time, the responsibility would be on his head!

"Well... well... the last place... well..."

But the situation forced him to speak, so he could only stammer and hesitate, unable to say a complete sentence.

Hearing that Qi Ling Xiaoxian was hesitant and could not say anything, the two smart masters and apprentices looked at each other and instantly understood that Qi Ling Xiaoxian was also unsure at the moment and did not know how to answer.


After looking at each other, Ba Lao sighed secretly, his disappointment was beyond words, and he did not know what to do for a while.

In fact, at this time, he could basically judge that no matter what place he chose for the last induction, he would probably not get any gain, so it was the same whether he tried or not.

But if he did not try the last time, he was somewhat unwilling in his heart, after all, some kind of miracle might happen!

Chu Tian was also frowning at this moment, thinking seriously about the choice of the last trial location. Suddenly his face changed and he asked hurriedly: "Xiaoxian, since you don't know which location to choose, is there any way to greatly enhance your sensing ability, besides blood essence!"

The reason why he excluded blood essence was mainly because he really didn't want to consume his precious blood essence.

"Well... there are ways to greatly enhance your own sensing ability, and it doesn't require the consumption of blood essence, but it requires a large amount of top-grade spirit stones, and it is quite troublesome to set up!"

After a little thought, the spirit fairy gave his answer.

Chu Tian was ecstatic when he heard it, and hurriedly asked how many top-grade spirit stones were needed.

Although top-grade spirit stones are precious in the cultivation world, they are only for ordinary saints. For him, top-grade spirit stones are nothing at all, just consume them casually!

Ba Lao was also ecstatic at this moment, staring at the Immortal Slashing Sword with his eyes, motionless.

"I didn't think of this aspect at first, but Chu Tian, ​​your inquiry just now reminded me that I do know a peculiar formation that can greatly enhance the sensing ability, but it requires at least 1.5 million top-grade spirit stones. Of course, there may be nothing in the end. Are you willing to spend this blood?"

After a breath, the clear voice of the spirit fairy came from the Immortal Slashing Sword.

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