God of Defiance

Chapter 3169 Towering Mountains

Just as the various groups of people were rushing to the final core area, Chu Tian was not in a hurry. He maintained his existing speed and continued to move towards his target area.

Although he wanted to speed up and reach his destination as soon as possible, the increasing number of cracks in the void made it impossible for him to speed up.

The most important thing is!

The spirit fairy in front had clearly reminded him that the target area was highly dangerous, so he was naturally more cautious in his actions, worried about taking a wrong step and not turning back!

While flying, Chu Tian turned his head and paid attention to the various changes in the surrounding void.

"Interesting, really interesting!"

After observing for a few breaths, he suddenly grinned, nodded, and spoke lightly.

The reason why he said it was interesting at this moment was not because the number of various cracks in the surrounding void increased, but because he could vaguely feel the increasing sense of crisis in the surrounding void with his consciousness.

This feeling is difficult to describe accurately in words, or it can only be understood, not expressed in words!

What was strange was that as the sense of crisis increased, a trace of excitement and expectation gradually rose in his heart, expecting that the crisis he sensed could come as soon as possible!

He guessed that the reason why the sense of crisis and excitement coexisted at the same time was mainly because the time spent on the journey ahead was too long and difficult.

After spending so much time and energy, the next step was to enter the final target area and try to find the remains of Jin Yang Zhenren!

Back then, Jin Yang Zhenren was recognized as the No. 1 peak Saint King in Zhongzhou. In addition to mastering the quasi-emperor weapon, the Immortal Slashing Sword, there must be other treasures!

The Immortal Slashing Sword has been found and fully restored. If the remains of Jin Yang Zhenren are found next, then maybe other treasures that Jin Yang Zhenren had back then can be found!

Other treasures include not only weapons and elixirs, but also secret techniques!

The fundamental purpose of wanting other treasures left by Jin Yang Zhenren was not for himself, but for the entire Shenlian Sect.

Three thousand years ago, Jin Yang Zhenren and Ba Qingxuan, the master and disciple, jointly entered the place where the emperor fell. As a result, one died and the other disappeared, causing the Shenlian Sect to lose its Saint King and begin to decline.

A thousand years ago, the Shenlian Sect declined to an unprecedented extreme. Under internal and external troubles, it was directly split into three small sects, lingering until later Ba Lao returned strongly and re-established the Shenlian Sect!

What a pity!

Because the Shenlian Sect has declined too much in the past three thousand years, many of the skills and secrets have either been lost or stolen, resulting in the fact that after the reconstruction of the Shenlian Sect, the strength recovery is still staggering and slow.

If some of the skills and secrets can be recovered from Jin Yang Zhenren's storage ring, it will be of great help to the Shenlian Sect's subsequent strength recovery beyond imagination!

If it continues to develop like this, maybe one day in the future, the Shenlian Sect may return to the position of the first king sect in Zhongzhou!

As for going one step further, the Shenlian Sect has become the new holy land of Zhongzhou, which is not something that can be influenced by any secret technique!

No matter how powerful the secret technique is, it is impossible to create a great emperor!

Any emperor in the history of Zhongzhou has walked out of his own path and way, and there are not many successful experiences of predecessors to refer to. Even if there are references, it is not very useful.

The reason why it is useless is very simple, that is, once you refer to the experience of predecessors, you will be restricted to a certain extent, and then you will not be able to break through to the emperor level!

Chu Tian flew forward while paying attention to the surroundings vigilantly, holding the Tianxiao King Sword in his right hand, ready to take action at any time to eliminate any danger.

At this moment!

There are obvious and hidden cracks in the sky, and even dark holes of different sizes have begun to appear one after another, distributed in various parts of the sky, trembling slightly, and lasting for a long time.

Chu Tian looked up at the dark holes in the sky. Although they were far apart, he could still clearly feel the invisible suction coming from the dark holes.

"It's really getting dangerous when we get close to the target area!"

After feeling the invisible suction for a while, Chu Tian couldn't help but feel solemn. He nodded and murmured in a low voice.

At this time, even if you think about it with your toes, you can guess that the holes in the sky must have been left by the two emperors fighting back then!

The most important reason why they can't heal for so many years is that the influence left by the fierce battle between the two emperors can never be dissipated.

In general, the spiritual patterns or spiritual traces left by the battle of the Holy Kings will disappear in a thousand years at most, and it is difficult to find them. But if it is replaced by an emperor, then the duration may exceed ten thousand years or even longer!

These dark holes in the sky must be connected to the turbulent void. Once sucked into it, unless you have the ability to defy the heavens or the opportunity to defy the heavens, you will most likely not be able to return to Zhongzhou!

A long time ago, he was very unfortunate and was sucked into the turbulent void. Later, he spent a huge price to return to the Zhongzhou cultivation world.

That experience, now recalling it, still makes people's scalp numb. Chu Tian doesn't want to experience it again!

Fortunately, the many dark holes at this moment were all visible to the naked eye, and they were distributed high in the sky, far away from the ground. He basically didn't need to spend too much time and energy to avoid them.

But not all dark holes exist high in the sky. It's hard to say yet. Maybe there are some dark holes near the ground that are invisible to the naked eye, so he still can't take it lightly.

In the blink of an eye, another hundred breaths passed.

As he continued to fly, more and more cracks and holes came into Chu Tian's sight, making his heart beat wildly and his scalp numb.

Fortunately, Chu Tian was brave, resourceful, strong, and cautious, and basically did not touch these cracks and holes, and protected his own safety very well.

Not long after, he saw huge mountain peaks from a distance, towering and shrouded in clouds and mist, exuding a terrifying and majestic momentum!

Even from a long distance, Chu Tian could clearly feel the extraordinary features of the peaks in his sight as well as the subtle dangers that flickered in and out just by looking at them.

"If I guess correctly, those towering peaks in the distance are probably where the remains of Jin Yang are located!"

After a few breaths, Chutian narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the mountains in the distance. He nodded and spoke lightly.

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