God of Defiance

Chapter 3172: Try to collect

"Haha, that's right, it's indeed a bit confusing!"

Hearing this, Chu Tian couldn't help but smile bitterly and nodded in approval.

In fact, with his and Ba Lao's current abilities, it is basically difficult to comprehend the colorful light appearing in the void. Moreover, they are busy rushing to the towering mountains at this time and have no time to slowly comprehend it.

"Chu Tian, ​​it's such a pity to just look at so many colorful rays of light, scattered all over the void, unable to comprehend them. Is there any way you can collect them, take them back, and then spend time, Gradually comprehend?"

Suddenly, Ba Lao seemed to have thought of something, and immediately reminded him in a deep voice.

The main reason why he made this suggestion at this moment was because, like the Immortal of the Artifact Spirit, he felt very regretful that he could not comprehend so many colorful rays of light.

"Well...what can we do? Basically there is nothing we can do. Let's continue to concentrate on our journey and don't think too much!"

After receiving Balao's suggestion, Chu Tian immediately thought about it and directly rejected the other party's suggestion.

What a joke!

There are so many colorful awns like this in the void that it is very difficult to collect them, and even if they are collected, it is also very difficult to comprehend them!

In the end, I may have tried for a long time and got nothing!

If you have that spare time, you might as well hurry up and get into the towering mountains in the distance as soon as possible!

Although the suggestion that Mr. Ba just made was indeed out of good intentions, after thinking about it for a moment, he still felt that it was unreliable, or that it was purely whimsical!

"Hey...boy, you haven't even tried it yet, how do you know it won't work? Try it first and then say, maybe it will work. You know, this kind of thing only exists here, and you can't find it outside!"

Surprisingly, Ba Lao did not give up, but spoke again to persuade Chu Tian to give it a try.

When Chu Tian heard this, he felt helpless. He could only nod his head and replied calmly: "Okay, I'll give it a try, but Master, don't have too much hope!"

After he finished speaking, he immediately stopped, sat cross-legged, turned his head and looked around, pondered for a moment, closed his eyes, and with a movement in his heart, a large amount of invisible spiritual thoughts surged out from the center of his eyebrows, quickly occupying the surrounding ten feet. space.

Immediately afterwards, he tried to use invisible spiritual thoughts to bring many colorful lights in the ten-foot space around him to his eyes.

Unfortunately, he tried several times in a row, and the many colorful lights in the void around him were always trembling slightly, but they had no intention of getting close to him.

No matter how hard he increased the intensity of his spiritual drag, there was still no obvious effect.

After trying several times without any obvious results, he decisively chose to give up. He opened his eyes, raised his right hand, aimed at the colorful light closest to him, and grabbed it fiercely!

Obviously, he wanted to use this simplest and most primitive method, which might work.

It was a pity that after his right hand touched the colored light, it passed through it at once, as if the latter did not exist at all.

"Haha, it's still useless!"

After discovering that his palm had passed through it, Chu Tian couldn't help but smile bitterly and retracted his palm decisively.

In fact, before trying it, he already had a premonition that it would not work, and subsequent attempts only verified his conjecture.


Seeing Chu Tian's continuous attempts failed, Ba Lao couldn't help but sigh and shook his head, feeling that he seemed to have made a completely wrong suggestion.

After a breath, he was about to speak and persuade Chu Tian to give up as soon as possible, but found that Chu Tian closed his eyes again and began to think deeply. He also immediately smiled bitterly and closed his mouth.

Since Chu Tian is willing to continue thinking and trying, let Chu Tian continue thinking and trying. He just needs to stand aside and wait quietly!

"Alas... Qingxuan, why are you doing this? You know clearly that it is difficult to collect these colorful awns at the scene, but you still proposed to let this boy Chu Tian collect them. Isn't this a waste of our time!"

At this moment, the Immortal Weapon Spirit sighed and criticized Balao.

After hearing this, Ba Lao was not angry, but just grinned: "You are right, it is indeed a waste of time, but I really don't want Chu Tian to waste this opportunity. After all, you can't find such a thing outside. "

While speaking, he raised his right hand and pointed at the colorful lights floating in the surrounding void.

Since he and Chu Tian met in the Wuyan Kingdom in the Northern Territory decades ago, he has witnessed Chu Tian's growth and development and almost every detail along the way.

In his opinion!

The reason why Chutian was able to grow rapidly from a small body-refining warrior in the Northern Territory to the current big boss in Central Continent in just a few decades, in addition to his amazing talent and hard work in cultivation, the most important factor is not to let go of anything. Good luck everywhere.

The colorful rays of light floating in the void in front of you are obviously good fortune, and they are amazing good fortune that cannot be found outside. How can you let it go so easily!

Once you let it go, you will definitely regret it in the future!

Instead of regretting it in the future, it is better to try your best now. If it really doesn’t work, forget it. At least you won’t regret it in the future!

For the next time, Ba Lao stood beside him with the Immortal Killing Sword in hand, motionless, staring at Chu Tian who was sitting cross-legged, waiting patiently, secretly hoping that Chu Tian could think of a way to collect it.

It's just that this kind of thinking time should not last too long. After all, they still need to rush to the towering mountains in the distance. In other words, they can't delay the business!

In the blink of an eye, more than ten breaths passed.

Chu Tian was still sitting cross-legged, eyes closed, motionless, lost in thought.

Under normal circumstances, he might choose to give up and continue on his way, but somehow, at this moment, he suddenly felt that he should be able to collect those colorful lights floating in the void, he just needed to find the right method.

He doesn't know what the correct method is, and he still needs to continue thinking!

Of course, this kind of thinking will not last too long, after all, we have to continue on our way!

In fact, he has secretly set a time, which is quarter of an hour!

If within a quarter of an hour, you still can't find a good way to collect those colorful lights in the void, then give up decisively and continue on your way.

If you find a suitable method within a quarter of an hour, then concentrate on collecting it!

Time continued to pass silently, and not long after, almost a quarter of an hour was consumed.

"Try it!"

Just when Ba Lao was getting a little impatient and was about to issue a reminder, Chu Tian suddenly opened his eyes, whispered, made a hand gesture, and smacked the sky.

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