God of Defiance

Chapter 349 Chief Refiner

"Little friend Tian, ​​as long as you agree to stay, our Ye family will hire you as the chief weapon refiner. All benefits will be doubled, all classics will be fully open to you, and all materials will be used and consumed by you!"

When Ye Peng saw Chu Tian flying up, he immediately became anxious and shouted loudly.

"Oh, are you serious?"

Chu Tian suddenly turned his head and looked at Ye Peng on the ground.

"Of course it's true!"

Ye Peng nodded solemnly.


Chu Tian fell from the sky in an instant and stood opposite Ye Peng.

"Father, how did you..."

Ye Mingzhu stared at his father with doubts on his face.

Why did his father suddenly change his mind, sincerely asked Chu Tian to stay, and personally invited Chu Tian to be the chief weapon refiner?

In the Ye family, the chief weapon refiner is not an ordinary position!

In the past, only masters who were praised by everyone for their skill in refining were qualified to hold this position!

No one in the Ye family has been the chief weapon refiner for many years!

"Master, please think twice. This person has only purified the black iron stone to nearly 90%. It is indeed amazing. However, the specific level of his weapon refining remains to be further observed!"

After Ye Heng heard this, he hurriedly and loudly dissuaded him.

"Master, think twice!"

"The position of chief weapon refiner is too important, how can it be easily filled by an outsider!"

"Even the deceased head of the family thought he was not qualified to be the chief weapon refiner. Although this kid's purification ability is amazing, he is still far from the chief weapon refiner!"

Immediately afterwards, a famous elder spoke one after another, trying to dissuade Ye Peng from withdrawing his appointment.

"Everyone, please shut up. This matter is settled!"

Ye Peng's face suddenly turned as cold as ice, and he shouted angrily.

At this moment, Ye Peng was very worried that Chu Tian would be provoked by the elders present and leave in anger again.

"Okay, I agree to be the chief weapon refiner of your Ye family!"

Chutian looked calm and nodded.

As the saying goes, don't take advantage of the bastard!

Nowadays, some people offer high salaries, and can browse various classics at will, and consume various refining materials at will.

Where can I find such a good thing?

As soon as Chu Tian's words came out, many elders immediately glared at Chu Tian, ​​wishing to eat Chu Tian alive on the spot!

Chu Tian smiled and pretended not to see the anger on everyone's faces.

Soon, Ye Peng called a Ye Mansion housekeeper and took Chu Tian to arrange various specific matters.

"Father, Tian Chu really refined that black iron stone to nearly 90% purity?"

After Chutian left, Ye Mingzhu asked softly.

Ye Peng nodded and said with admiration: "Yes, very close to 90%!"

"But even so, is it too risky for my father to let him serve as the chief weapon refiner?"

Ye Mingzhu was surprised at first, then frowned and asked.

Ye Peng suddenly smiled helplessly and said: "The Ye family may only have half a month left before it completely collapses. I can only take the risk and use it as a living doctor!"

"What, only half a month left!"

When Ye Mingzhu heard this, he was immediately shocked.

For the next seven consecutive days, Chu Tian locked himself in the Ye family's classics pavilion every day and frantically read the various classics collected there.

Since learning to refine weapons, Chu Tian has never systematically read the classics on weapon refining for such a long time.

He felt the benefits were huge.

After seven consecutive days of crazy study, Chu Tian was confident that he could break through and become a peak earth-level weapon refiner within three months!

Chu Tian locked himself in the Classics Pavilion and studied like crazy for seven days. Ye Peng suddenly became as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, spinning around every day!

He invited Chu Tian to be the chief weapon refiner, and his direct purpose was to enable Chu Tian to refine several high-quality weapons as soon as possible, so as to save the Ye family's declining situation!

But Chu Tian was unhurried and did nothing!

Ye Peng already felt some regret in his heart, regretting that he should not have recklessly recruited Chu Tian into the Ye family as the chief weapon refiner!

Therefore, when Ye Peng learned that Chu Tian had left the Dianji Pavilion, he immediately found Chu Tian!

inside the room.

Chu Tian's face was pale, he leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes to rest.

After reading crazily for seven days in a row, his spirit felt a little trance-like.

At this moment, Ye Peng happened to rush in from the outside. When he saw Chu Tian sleeping with his back on the chair, he was immediately furious!

"Hey, Master, you're here. I just wanted to find you!"

Chu Tian suddenly opened his eyes and said with a smile.

"Hmph, what are you doing with me?"

Ye Peng snorted secretly.

This Chu Tian was obviously sleeping, but he actually said he was going to find him. It was simply ridiculous!

Chu Tian rubbed his eyebrows and said calmly: "It's very simple. Save the Ye family that is about to be destroyed!"

"How to save?"

Ye Peng was extremely angry at this moment and was about to explode.

"For the Ye family now, the most important thing is to regain their prestige and credibility!"

"If the Ye family's prestige and credibility cannot be restored, then all salvation will be out of the question!"

"As long as people once again believe that the weapons refined by the Ye family are of high quality, then the Ye family's crisis will naturally be solved!"

Chu Tian stood up, crossed his arms, and said in a deep voice.

After hearing this, Ye Peng suddenly looked thoughtful.

After a few breaths, he looked at Chutian eagerly, wanting to hear how Chutian planned to revive the Ye family's prestige and credibility in a short period of time!

This thing is simple to say, but not easy to do!

After all, establishing prestige and credibility cannot be achieved overnight!

"Haha, I am planning to hold a challenge in the central square of Shuiluo City in three days to challenge all the earth-level weapon refiners in Xiongshan County!"

After a breath, Chu Tian smiled and said.

After hearing this, Ye Peng was immediately startled: "What, you want to challenge all the earth-level weapon refiners in Xiongshan County?"

"Yes, as long as I defeat all the earth-level weapon refiners present in this challenge, then I will truly be the number one weapon refiner in Xiongshan County!"

"If the newly appointed chief weapon refiner of the Ye family becomes the number one weapon refiner in Xiongshan County, will anyone still doubt the strength and credibility of the Ye family?"

Chu Tian smiled and talked freely.


After hearing this, Ye Peng fell into hesitation.

If Tian Chu can really win the title of the first weapon refiner in Xiongshan County, then the Ye family's crisis will naturally be easily resolved.

Just be afraid!

If Tian Chu loses, then the Ye family will become a huge joke!

There is a more important question!

That is, Tian Chu has no reputation in Xiongshan County. Why should those earth-level weapon refiners who have always been pampered accept the challenge of a nobody like Chu Tian!

Soon, Ye Peng expressed his worries and doubts to Chu Tian.

"The Ye family is in a lot of crisis now and can't survive for long. This challenge is the only chance for the Ye family to come back to life!"

"As for attracting those earth-level weapon refiners to participate...doesn't the Ye family have a heaven-level spirit pattern in their collection? They can definitely take it out and reward the final winner. I believe no one can resist the temptation of the heaven-level spirit pattern!"

Chu Tian said solemnly.


After hearing this, Ye Peng's face suddenly turned gloomy.

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