God of Defiance

Chapter 528 Sixth Grade Super Genius

Although King Yunhai's voice was not very loud, it was transmitted to the ears of everyone present extremely clearly.

"What a profound cultivation!"

Chu Tian looked at the King of Yunhai in the void and was secretly frightened.

Although he was far away, Chu Tian could tell with just a pair of naked eyes that King Yunhai's cultivation level definitely surpassed Chen Qiaoan's father, Chen Jie!

Otherwise, the other party would not be able to spread his voice throughout the audience so easily!

Chutian's eyes quickly scanned the special high platform in the distance. In addition to paying special attention to Chen Qiaoan's father, Chen Jie, he also noticed several unfathomable figures.


Soon, the clear voice of King Yunhai came out again.

Everyone standing in the square hurriedly pricked up their ears and listened attentively.

According to King Yunhai, this Panlong Festival has three major links, namely the test link, the trial link and the duel link!

"With the martial soul level of the participants, only participants who are second-rate genius or above are eligible to stay and enter the second stage!"

King Yunhai's calm voice came clearly.

"Martial spirit level, second-rate or above genius?"

When Chu Tian heard this, he frowned slightly.

Obviously, the first test session is to judge a person's cultivation talent based on his martial soul level. Although this method is not necessarily accurate, there is actually no better way!

The reason why Chu Tian frowned slightly was because there were tens of thousands of people gathered in the entire square at the moment. With so many people, if they lined up one by one for the test, it would probably take at least a few days!


Suddenly, King Yunhai roared in mid-air and raised his arms suddenly!


The moment the roar fell, the ground of the entire Golden Stone Square suddenly shook, and then wisps of faint golden light rushed out from the ground, merged into the void, and quickly disappeared.

Chu Tian hurriedly turned his head and scanned the surrounding void.

Although the entire void around him looked the same as before, Chu Tian clearly felt a faint strange aura lingering in the air.

"Okay, the test formation has been activated. Now everyone sits down cross-legged and releases your martial spirits. The test formation will automatically determine the level of your respective martial souls!"

Suddenly, King Yunhai's voice sounded again.

Soon, tens of thousands of people in the square sat down cross-legged, made fists with their hands, and released their martial souls one after another.

Although for a bloodline warrior, his martial soul is his biggest secret and cannot be revealed to others easily, but in the current situation, in order to pass the test smoothly, they don't have to care so much.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The moment the martial spirit was released, a series of humming sounds suddenly resounded continuously.

And at the same time that the sound of Weng Ming continued to sound, the faint and strange aura lingering in the void of the entire square was instantly absorbed by the martial spirit, forming streaks of golden light rising into the sky.

The colors of these golden rays are slightly different, some are darker, some are bluer, and some are greener.

As for the height of the golden light, there is a huge difference. Some reach several feet high, while others are only a pitiful one foot high!

Chu Tian possesses dual martial souls, one is the Lingyuan martial soul, and the other is the divine mind martial soul.

At this moment, just to be on the safe side, Chu Tian just released his Lingyuan Martial Spirit - the fire bird with four mysterious golden traces between its eyebrows!

The moment the firebird appeared, a roar came from the nearby void, and then a golden light shot into the sky, rising to a height of nearly five feet before stopping.

"Could it be that my Firebird martial spirit belongs to the peak of the fourth rank?"

After Chu Tian raised his head and glanced at it, he muttered to himself.

He quickly scanned the surroundings and found that the golden light emerging from Chen Qiaoan's head reached five feet, and the height of the golden light above Chen Qiaoru's head was similar to that of Chu Tian, ​​both close to five feet.

"They are indeed a pair of genius brothers and sisters!"

Chu Tian secretly praised, and his eyes continued to move.

Suddenly, he noticed that Qu Xiaoer, who was sitting ten feet away, still had his eyes closed tightly, with a look of hesitation on his face, and was not in a hurry to release his martial spirit.

After seeing this scene, Chu Tian sighed secretly.

Obviously, the accident that happened when he first contacted the Zhongzhou Qu family caused quite a psychological shadow on Qu Xiaoer, so Qu Xiaoer was not in a hurry to release his martial spirit.

However, Chu Tian believed that after Qu Xiaoer hesitated for a few moments, he would eventually release his martial spirit.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Tian's eyes continued to move.

He saw that the golden light above Dan Fengyun's head reached three feet, but Fu Xiangyang was sitting with his head bowed because he was concentrating on training and did not have a martial spirit, his brows were furrowed, and he was helpless.

Chu Tian's eyes continued to move, scanning the familiar faces one after another.

However, after scanning around, he did not see Chen Bingzhang, Chen Bingmu, Nie Feng and others.

Chu Tian grinned. These people must be present at this moment, but they may be sitting further away, beyond his sight range.

"The golden light above your head represents your respective martial soul levels. Warriors under four feet tall, please evacuate quickly. You have failed the test!"

At this moment, a majestic voice came out.

"Hey...it's less than four feet, but I'm three feet nine!"

"His grandma belongs to me, and I am too tall. Who can I ask to reason with?"

"I really didn't expect that I am a top genius in our country, but at the Panlong Festival, I couldn't even pass the test!"

"It's too strict. In the Panlong Empire, only the fourth-grade martial souls are considered second-rate geniuses and are eligible to participate in the next trial!"

After the majestic voice sounded, long and short sighs immediately came out one after another.

Countless people had deep frustration and helplessness on their faces. After slowly standing up, they reluctantly left Jinshi Square.

And as people kept getting up and leaving, the originally crowded Jinshi Square suddenly became empty.

Chu Tian quickly turned his head, scanned the entire square, and found that there were only about ten thousand people left in the entire square.

In other words, this Panlong event, just for the test session, eliminated at least 80% of the participants in one fell swoop!

This is evident from the astonishing elimination rate of the Panlong Festival.

"Very good, there are about 10,000 people left in the square now, most of them are second-rate geniuses of the fourth-grade martial arts, nearly a hundred peak fourth-grade and sub-first-rate geniuses, several first-rate geniuses of the fifth-grade martial soul, and one... …a sixth-grade super genius!”

The majestic voice of King Yun Hai spread throughout the entire audience.

"What, a sixth-grade super genius!"

The moment they heard the words "sixth-grade super genius", almost everyone stood up suddenly and looked around in surprise.

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