God of Defiance

Chapter 533: Old Man Huangtu

"Brother Chen, it's you two!"

Seeing the two people coming from the opposite side, Chu Tian's face suddenly showed joy.

At this moment, the people who walked from not far away were none other than Chen Qiaoan and Chen Qiaoru, brother and sister!

The two brothers and sisters walked side by side, each holding a green bow in their hands, and their faces also had a hint of surprise.

Obviously, the two did not expect that they would meet Chu Tian just after entering the Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains!

The three of them walked together, not only the safety was greatly improved, but also the efficiency of killing the enemy would skyrocket!

Soon, the Chen brothers and sisters walked close to Chu Tian and started talking.

After a conversation, Chu Tian learned that the forest in front of him was actually located in a huge valley called Wanlang Valley!

In Wanlang Valley, there are countless demon wolves, and it is said that there are also powerful existences at the level of wolf king!

After listening to the introduction of the brother and sister, Chu Tian couldn't help but secretly sighed. The two people in front of him were indeed from the top five medium-sized forces. They even knew the situation in the royal treasure Qianli Jiangshan Tu in such detail!

"Brother Chu, look at your head!"

Suddenly, Chen Qiaoan said with a smile.

Hearing this, Chu Tian hurriedly looked up, and saw a faint golden light and shadow appearing above his head.

"Could this be the so-called imperial aura mentioned by King Yunhai before?"

Chu Tian asked curiously.

Chen Qiaoan smiled and praised: "Yes, this is the imperial aura. The entire Panlong Empire has only this family, no semicolon!"

After listening, Chu Tian hurriedly looked at the tops of the Chen brothers and sisters, and saw a faint golden light and shadow, but the color was lighter than his!

After a few breaths, the three of them jumped out at the same time.

Chu Tian rushed while closing his eyes and carefully felt the golden light and shadow above his head. He soon opened his eyes again and frowned slightly.

After careful experience just now, he found that the faint golden light above his head did not belong to any of the five elements, nor did it belong to special attributes such as ice, wind, thunder, light and darkness.

"What on earth is this thing that can actually improve the cultivation of warriors?"

Chu Tian thought secretly, a little puzzled.

"Hmph, kid, don't guess, what kind of bullshit imperial energy is actually given such a weird name, this is clearly the power of incense or the power of luck, and it does not have any attributes at all!"

At this moment, Ba Lao's disdainful words suddenly sounded in Chu Tian's mind.


Chu Tian was shocked after hearing this.

The power of incense?

The power of luck?

Chu Tian had never heard of these two concepts that Ba Lao just proposed before. Could it be that incense and luck can be collected and transferred to others?

"Haha, kid, you still have too little knowledge!"

"In my hometown, there is a special but once glorious practice school called Qiyun School, or Incense School!"

Ba Lao laughed coldly.

After hearing this, Chu Tian was shocked.

As he guessed, the power of Qiyun and Incense can also be collected and used for cultivation to improve one's own cultivation. This simply overturned Chu Tian's entire concept!

Qiyun and Incense are completely illusory, invisible and intangible things. Chu Tian racked his brains and couldn't think of how to collect and cultivate them!

"Boy, do you know the true origin of this so-called Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains of the royal Shen family?"

Suddenly, Ba Lao asked meaningfully.

Chu Tian immediately smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He didn't even know where the imperial Qi in the Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains came from, so how could he know the true origin of the Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains!

"Hehe, if I'm not mistaken, this so-called Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains is actually a small fragment of the Ten Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains. Its original owner is the old man Huangtu who was once famous throughout the continent!"

Ba Lao laughed coldly.

"Old Man Huangtu!"

Chu Tian was stunned again when he heard this name.

Ba Lao said that Old Man Huangtu was once famous throughout the continent. He has read quite a few classics, but how come he has never heard of this name!

"Hmph, kid, Old Man Huangtu was a big man ten thousand years ago. At that time, the whole continent, who had not heard of the great name of Old Man Huangtu among the powerful beings above the level of Half Saint!"

Ba Lao snorted coldly.

After hearing this, Chu Tian smiled bitterly.

It turned out that the name of Old Man Huangtu was only circulated among the powerful people above the level of Half Saint ten thousand years ago. No wonder he had never seen the record of Old Man Huangtu in any classics!

Soon, Ba Lao introduced Old Man Huangtu in detail.

It is said that the old man Huangtu was born in poverty and misery. Although he was lucky enough to embark on the path of cultivation, he found that his cultivation talent was extremely poor and his cultivation progress was very slow.

Later, the old man Huangtu pondered and tried constantly, and unexpectedly opened up a new cultivation school, known as the incense school or the luck school!

Because the old man Huangtu himself had poor cultivation qualifications, he simply gave up the hard practice, and then changed his name and surname. He traveled around the continent under the name of the old man Huangtu, using his abilities to specifically help those mortals who had no cultivation, in order to gain their faith and offerings.

From the beginning, almost everyone who knew him sneered at his weird way of cultivation, thinking that it was completely nonsense and would not have any effect.

But as time went by, the cultivation level of the old man Huang Tu, who had extremely poor qualifications, unexpectedly continued to rise. Not only countless mortals on the mainland began to believe in him, but even many middle and lower class warriors began to believe in Huang Tu. elder!

In the end, Old Man Huangtu's cultivation level broke through to the realm of the Holy King in one fell swoop. He became famous throughout the Zhenwu Continent and collected countless beliefs and incense!

It was only then that everyone suddenly realized the true mystery of the name of the old man Huangtu!

The two words "Huang Tu" actually represent the huge ambition hidden deep in the heart of the old man Huang Tu, which is to control all the beliefs and incense in the entire continent and achieve the everlasting hegemony of Huang Tu!

After Old Man Huangtu broke through and became the Holy King, some of the most powerful forces on the mainland were completely panicked!

If Old Man Huangtu continues to grow like this, sooner or later, Old Man Huangtu will break through and become the Great Emperor, unify the entire continent, and achieve true Huangtu hegemony!

Therefore, during Old Man Huangtu's attempt to break through and become the Great Emperor, all the major forces on the continent joined forces and secretly ambush him. Although they suffered heavy losses, they finally succeeded in strangulating Old Man Huangtu!

And Old Man Huangtu’s Weapon Map of Ten Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains was also torn into several fragments in that shocking battle, and wandered into the void without knowing where to go!

"Boy, what a majestic figure Old Man Huang Tu is. Even if this is just a fragment of his weapon, I'm afraid it's not easy. You'd better pay more attention to it, maybe there will be some unexpected gains!"

Ba Lao reminded solemnly.

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